



Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, was not very handsome, and he knew.

One day, Lincoln was walking in the street when he was stopped by an ugly man. The man had apistol in his hand. He aimed at Lincoln's nose. Lincoln was very surprised, but he pretended to be calm. He asked the man, "What do you want, sir?"

"I have promised myself," said the man, "If I find a man who is uglier than I, I'll kill him."

Lincoln looked at the man's face carefully and said eagerly. "Please take aim at me, sir. If I was uglier than you, I would not want to live."






John had waited for months to get a divorce and now he was free from his domineering wife.

"Free at last!" he screamed, throwing his divorce papers into the air. "Now, I can eat when I want to, watch television when I want to."

Two months later John was found being escorted to jail by a police officer.

A shocked friend, on seeing poor John hand-cuffed, asked, "John, why are you under arrest? I thought your troubles were over when you divorced your wife."

"I couldn't pay my alimony," related John sadly.

"Why couldn't you pay your alimony?"

"My ex-wife has custody of the money and my business."









Sam was near the end of his long life. His children stood by the bed, and they were waiting to hear his last words.

Finally, he said, "My children, your mother and I have been married for more than 50 years-and she can cook wonderfully. Even now I smell bread baking. Sarah, be good and go and get me a piece."

In a few minutes Sarah was back in the room. "Sarah," her father asked. "Where's the bread I asked you to get?" Mama says you can't have any, it's for the funeral tomorrow."



几分钟后,萨拉回到屋里,“萨拉,” 父亲问,“我让你拿的面包呢?”“妈妈说不能吃,这是为明天的葬礼准备的。”



