财政部 the Ministry of Finance
平衡预算 balanced budget
继承税 inheritance tax
货币主义者 monetariest
增值税 VAT (value added tax)
收入 revenue
宏观经济的 macroeconomic
通货膨胀 inflation
破产 insolvency
有偿还债务能力的 solvent
合同 contract
汇率 exchange rate
经济好转 turnabout
复苏 recovery
成本推进型 cost push
货币供应 money supply
生产率 productivity
劳动力 labor force
实际工资 real wages
成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation
需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation
双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation
极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation
长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation
治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation
最终目标 ultimate goal
坏的影响 adverse effect
担保 ensure
贴现 discount
萧条的 sluggish
认购 subscribe to
支票帐户 checking account
货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control
借据 IOUs(I owe you)
本票 promissory notes
货币总监 controller of the currency
拖收系统 collection system
支票清算或结算 check clearing
资金划拨 transfer of funds
可以相信的证明 credentials
改革 fashion
被缠住 entangled
货币联盟 Monetary Union
再购协议 repo
精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading
欧元 euro
紧缩信贷 tighten credit creation
私营部门 private sector
财政管理机构 fiscal authorities
宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy
税法 tax bill
财政 public finance
总需求 aggregate demand
货币化 monetization
赤字 deficit
经济不景气 recession
入院Admission to Hospotial
退院Discharge from Hospital
病例Clinical History
健康诊断General Check-up
便通Bowel Movement
脉搏Pulse, Pulsation
脉搏数Pulse Rate
血型Blood Type
血压Blood Pressure
全身麻醉General Anesthesia
静脉麻醉Intravenous Anesthesia
脊椎麻醉Spinal Anesthesia
局部麻醉Local Anesthesia
副作用Side Effect
红外线Ultra Red-Ray
潜伏期Incubation Period
结核反映Tuberculin Reaction
摄氏Celsius, Centigrade
冰袋Ice Bag
药品Medicine (Drug)
胶带Adhesive Tape
药丸Tablet, Pill
舌下锭Sublingual Tablet
眼药Eye Medicine
止咳药Cough Medicine
止疼药Pain Killer
—— A healthy diet and lifestyle can go a long way in preventing insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease in overweight people. Some tips:
_Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, enough to raise your heart rate but not leave you short of breath, five times a week. Exercising muscles makes them more receptive to insulin and helps them burn more glucose.
每周五次运动量适中的、每次至少30分钟的锻炼。这些锻炼只要能够提高心率,不至于造成气短就够了。 锻炼肌肉可以使胰岛素更容易吸收,同时还可以消耗更多的葡萄糖。
_Have several small meals each day, rather than a few large ones, to avoid ups and downs in blood sugar.
_Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, particularly oats, beans and legumes; the fiber slows digestion, limiting spikes and drops in blood insulin and sugar levels.
_Eat fewer processed meats and other animal products, butter and other saturated fats, and trans fats, which are in many processed foods; they can limit the ability of insulin to regulate blood sugar. Use healthy cooking oils, such as canola, sunflower or olive oil.
_Limit consumption of sugary drinks, desserts and other sweets. Keep healthy snacks handy.
_Avoid high-sodium prepared foods, which can push up blood pressure.
_Drink milk or eat dairy products; the proteins and enzymes in them slow conversion of glucose to blood sugar, which can reduce risk of insulin resistance developing.
_Get six to eight hours sleep a night, as inadequate rest can disrupt blood sugar levels and raise insulin resistance.
_Try meditation, deep breathing or other relaxation methods. One study showed they can reduce high blood sugar levels.
Agency salary and social insurance welfare payment businessAgency salary and social insurance welfare business is a business whereby any subordinate institution of ICBC conducts batch inwards transfer through the advanced computer networked system, automatically transfers relevant funds into a savings account designated by a depositor, and pay his/her salary on behalf of the corporate/institutional unit or pay his/her social insurance welfares on behalf of the social insurance authorities.
respiration 呼吸
windpipe 气管
lung 肺
heart 心脏
diaphragm 隔膜
exhale 呼出
inhale 呼入
internal organs 内脏
gullet 食管
stomach 胃
liver 肝脏
large intestine 大肠
blind gut 盲肠
vermiform appendix 阑尾
rectum 直肠
anus 肛门
bite 咬
chew 咀嚼
knead 揉捏
swallow 咽下
digest 消化
absord 吸收
discharge 排泄
excrement 粪便
kidney 肾脏
bladder 膀胱
penis 阴茎
testicles 睾丸
scroticles 阴囊
gall bladder 胆囊
pancreas 胰腺
spleen 脾
duodenum 12指肠
small intestine 小肠
module 组件,模块
monitor 监视器,监督程序,管程
nanosecond 毫微秒
network 网络,网
numeric, numerical 数字的,数值的
octet 八位位组,八位字节
operator 操作员
optical character reader 光符阅读机
optical scanner 光扫描器
output 输出
overflow 溢出,上溢
panel 平板
parameter 参数,参量
perforator 穿孔机
peripheral equipment 外围设备,外部设备
personal computer 个人计算机
printed circuit 印制电路
printer 打印机
printout 打印输出
to process 处理
processing unit 处理部件
program 程序
to program 程序编制
programmer 程序设计员
programming 程序设计,程序编制
pulse 脉冲
punch 穿孔
to punch 穿孔
punched card, punch card 穿孔卡片
punched tape, punch tape 穿孔纸带
punch hole 孔,穿孔
random access 随机存取
to read 读
reader 阅读程序
reading 阅读
real time 实时
record, register 记录
redundancy 冗余
routine 例行程序
selector 选择器,选择符
sentinel 标记
sequence 序列,顺序
sequential 顺序的
serial 串行的。连续的
shift 移位,移数
signal 信号
simulation 模拟
simulator 模拟器,模拟程序
software 软件,软设备
sort 分类,排序
sorter 分类人员,分类机,分类程序,排序程序
storage 存储器
to store 存储
subroutine, subprogram 子程序
switch 开关
symbol 符号
symbolic language 符号语言
system 系统
tabulator 制表机
teleprinter 电传打字机
terminal 终端
terminal unit 终端设备
timer 时钟,精密计时器
time sharing 分时
timing 定时
track 磁道
transducer 传感器,翻译机
translator 翻译程序,翻译器
to update 更新
Winchester disk drive 温彻斯特磁盘机,硬盘机
working storage 工作存储器
knee cap 护膝
knee joint 膝关节
knee joint fixator 膝关节固定器,关节加压固定器
knee retractor 膝拉钩
knee splint 膝关节夹
knee support 膝支持器
knife 刀,刮刀
knife blade 手术刀片
knife-formed perforator 刀形穿孔器
knife handle 手术刀柄
knife holder 持刀架
knife machine 磨刀机
knife needle 刀状针
knife sharpener 磨刀机
knob ①结,隆凸 ②按钮,旋钮,调节器
knot 结,波节
knot tier 排结器
knowledge 知识,理解
knuckle ①指节,关节 ②万能接头
knuckle pads 指拐垫,指节垫
Kodachrome 柯达彩色胶片,柯达克罗姆彩色反转片
Kodak 柯达照像机(商品名),小型照像机
Konimeter 尘埃计算器
koniology 尘埃镜
konimeter 尘埃计算器
Kr(krypton) 氪
kratometer 棱镜矫视器
kromskop 原色摄影装置(病理标本)
lryogenin 冷却剂
kryometer 低温计
kryoscope 冰点测定计
kryotome 低温切片机
kryptonlasercoagulator 氪激光凝固器
kuprmite 防氨面罩
kymatology 脉波学
kymo- 波,波动
kymocyclograph 运动描记器
kymogram 记波(纹)图,记录图
kymograph 描波器,波形自记器,转筒记录器
kymographic tracing 记波(纹)法
kymographion 记波(纹)器
kymography 记波(纹)法,记波摄影
kymoscope 血流观察器
kyphotone 驼背矫正器,驼背带
kyrtometer 曲面测量计,曲度计
La (lanthanum) 镧
lab. (laboratory) 实验室
label 标签,瓶签,记录单
labeler 贴标签机
labelled atom 标记原子
labelled compound 标记化合物
labelling 贴标签,标记
labia 唇
labial arch appliance 唇弓矫正器
labial wire 唇弓丝
labidometer 胎头测量钳
lability 易变性,不稳定性
labimeter 胎头测量钳
labio- 唇
labiograph 唇动描记器
labiotenaculum 固唇器
labitome 有刃钳
labor 分娩,生产
laboratorian 检验师,化验员
laboratory (abbr. Lab.) 实验室,化验室
laboratory brush 实验室刷
laboratory cart 实验室小推车
laboratory centrifuge 实验室离心机
laboratory equlpment 实验室设备
laboratory glassware dryer 实验室玻璃器皿干燥箱
laboratory microscope 实验室显微镜
laboratory phase contrast microscope 实验室相差显微镜
laboratory pliers 技工钳
laboratory refrigerator 实验室用冷藏器
laboratory report 化验报告,化验证明书
laboratory sample divider 实验室分样器
laboratory specimen container 化验室标本容器
laboratory sleam sterilizer 实验室用蒸汽消毒器
laboratory table 实验台
laboratory technician 化验员
laboratory timer 实验室用定时钟
labor room 待产室
labour 分娩,生产
L-ACG (left atria-cardiogram) 左心房搏动图
lachrymal canal dilator 泪管扩张器
lachrymal catheter 泪导管
lachrymal needle 泪囊针头
lachrymal probe 泪囊探针
lachrymal sac irrigator 泪囊冲洗器
lachrymal sac retractor 泪囊牵开器
lachrymal sound 泪管探子
lachrymal style 泪管通针,泪管探子
lachrymal syringe needle 泪管冲洗针
lacrimal 泪的
lacrimal syringe 泪囊注射器
lacrimotome 泪管刀
lacto- 乳,乳汁
lactobutyrometer 乳脂计
lactocrit 乳脂计
lactodensimeter 乳比重计
lactometer 乳比重计
lactoprene 乳胶,人造橡胶
lactoscope 乳酪计
ladder 梯子,梯架,阶梯
ladder splint 梯形夹
ladle 杓子,铲
lag ①滞后,延迟 ②外壳
lambert 朗伯(亮度单位)
lamina 薄片,板,层
lamina chisel 板凿
laminagram 体层照片,断层照片
laminagraph 体层照像机,断层照像机
laminagraphy 体层照像术,断层照像术
laminar 层式的,板状的
lamina spreader 板摊开器
laminated insulator 胶质绝缘纸
laminectomy retractor 椎板切除牵开器,推板拉钩
laminectomy rongeur 椎板切除咬骨钳
laminogram 体层照片,断层照片
laminograph 体层照像机,断层照像机
laminotomy knife 椎板切开刀
lamp 灯泡,灯
lamp bulb 灯泡
lamp cap 灯头,管帽
lamp-house 灯罩
lamp jack 灯座,管座
lamp lens 灯玻璃
lamp screen 灯罩
lance 尖刀,柳叶刀
lance-pointed needle 矛头针
lance-shaped knife 枪状刀
lancet ①刺血针 ②柳叶刀,小刀
lancet for venesection 静脉切开刀,刺络刀
land 陆地,地面
landmark 界标
language ①代码 ②语言,术语
language translation machine 语言翻译机
lantern ①信号灯,幻灯 ②罩,外壳
lantern slide 幻灯片
lanthanum(abbr.La) 镧
laparo- 腹,胁腹
laparoscope 腹腔镜
laparoscope for doublepuncture 双穿刺用腹腔镜
laparoscopy 腹腔镜检查
laparotome 剖腹刀
laparotorny knife 剖腹刀
laparotomy needle 剖腹针
large capacity refrigerated centrifuge 大容量冷冻离心机
large cervical retractor 大颈椎牵开器
large channel therapeutilc duodeno-fiberscope 大通道治疗用纤维十二指肠镜
large comparison microscope 比较显微镜
large fluorescence research microscope 大型荧光研究显微镜
large freezing microtome 大型冷冻切片机
large high frequency electrotome 大型高频电刀
large intestine 大肠
large rotary microtome 大型旋转式切片机
large scale 大规模的,大型的
large scale integrated circuit 大规模集成电路
large sledge microtome 大型滑动切片
large type diagnostic X-ray machine 大型诊断X 光机
laryngeal 喉的
laryngeal applicator 喉卷棉子
laryngeal applicator forceps 喉涂药钳
laryngeal biopsy forceps 喉部活检钳
laryngeal brush 喉刷
laryngeal cotton applicator 喉头卷棉子
laryngeal curet 喉刮匙
laryngeal dilating catheter 喉扩张导管
laryngeal dilator 喉扩张器
laryngeal forceps 喉钳
laryngeal foreign body forceps 喉头异物钳
laryngeal insufflator 喉头吹入器(器儿用)
laryngeal knife 喉头刀
laryngeal lancet 喉柳叶刀
laryngeal mirror 间接喉镜,喉镜
laryngeal polypus forceps 喉部息肉钳
laryngeal polypus snare 喉息肉圈套器
laryngeal polypus scissors 喉息肉剪
laryngeal probe 喉探针
laryngeal scissors 喉剪
laryngeal sound 喉探子
laryngeal speculum 喉窥镜
laryngeal spray 喉头喷雾器
laryngectomy tube 喉切除管
laryngendoscope 喉镜,检喉镜
laryngo- 喉
laryngogram 喉X 射线(照)片
laryngograph 喉动态描记器
laryngometer 喉测量器
laryngometry 喉测量法
laryngophantom 喉模型
laryngopharyngeal mirror 咽喉镜
laryngopharyngeoscope 咽喉镜
laryngophone 喉头微音器,喉头送话器
laryngoroentgenography 喉X 射线照像术
laryngoscope 喉镜
laryngoscope for infant 新生儿喉镜
laryngoscopy 喉镜检查
laryngostat 喉部镭疗支持器,喉施镭器
laryngostrob 喉动态镜
laryngostroboscope 喉动态镜,喉发音窥镜
laryngotome 喉刀
laryngotracheobronchoscopy 喉气管支气管镜检查
laryngotracheoscopy 喉气管镜检查
larynx 喉
larynx duster 喉头喷粉器
larynx ice bag 喉头冰囊
larynx nebulizer 喉头喷雾器
larynx polypus forceps 喉息肉钳
lasanum 产科椅
laser ①激光,莱塞 ②激光器
laser beam 激光束
laser cautery 激光烙器
laser interferometric visual acuity tester 激光干涉视力仪
laser light amplificationby stimulated emission of radiation 受激辐射光放大,又叫激光或莱塞
laser light 激光
laser microprobe ①激光(显)微探子 ②激光显微刀(显微手术用)
laser nephelometer 激光浊度汁
laser operating apparatus 激光手术器
laser oscillator 激光振荡器
alser photocoagulator 激光凝固器
laser scalpel 激光手术刀
laser slit lamp 激光裂隙灯
laser spectrum analyser 激光光谱仪
laser surgery equipment 激光外科设备
laser therapy aparatus 激光治疗机
laser transmitter 激光发射机
laser treatmentor 激光治疗器
laser forceps 睫毛镊
latent image 潜像,隐像
lateral 侧面的,横的
lateral jaw radiograph 侧位颌骨X 射线照片
lateral ligature 侧扎法
lateral telescope 侧视镜
latex ampoule 乳胶安瓿
altex glove 乳胶手套
latex tubing 乳胶管
lathe 车床
launcher 发射器,起动装置
laundry cart 洗衣车
laundry press 烫衣机
laundry room 洗涤室,洗衣房
laveur 灌洗器
law 定律,法则,规律
lawrencium(abbr.Lw) 铹
layer ①层,涂层 ②敷设机
layergraph 断层机
layer planigraph 断层平面摄影机
layer radiography apparatus 断层摄影仪
layette 新生儿衣被
laying 敷设,布置,安装
layout ①设计,配置 ②线路图
Lb. (libra) 磅(重量单位)
LC (liquid chromatography) 液相色谱法
L/C (letter of credit) 信用证
LD (lethal dose) 致死剂量
LD50 (medial lethal dose) 半致死剂量
lead ①铅 ②导线,引入线,导程
lead apron 铅围裙
lead battery 铅蓄电池
lead bearing glass 含铅玻璃
lead castle 铅制容器(盛放射性物质)
lead container 铅容器
lead diaphragm 铅阑
leader ①引线 ②导管
lead glass 铅玻璃
leadglass goggles 铅玻璃护目镜
lead-in ①引入线,输入端 ②引入,输入
leading-out ①引出线,引线 ②输出
lead intensifying screen 铅增感屏
lead introducer 电极导管引入器
lead letter 铅字母(X 光片用)
lead line 铅线,蓝线
lead male 导线插柱
lead plate 铅板
lead protective glove 防护铅手套
lead protective shield 铅保护罩
lead rubber 铅橡皮
lead rubber apron 铅橡皮围裙
lead screen 铅屏
lead selector 导联选择器
lead shield 铅遮板,铅屏
lead wire 引线
lead word number 铅字码
leaf 叶,张,门扇
leaflet ①小叶 ②传单,印刷品
leakage tester 测漏水器(内窥镜)
leakance 漏电,漏泄
leak detector 渗漏检测器
leakproof 防漏的,密封的
leak tester 漏泄测试器
leaky grid detector 栅漏检波器
learn 学习,知道,获悉
leash 皮条,皮带
leather 皮革,皮革制品
leather jacket 皮背心
leather splint 皮革夹
lechodochium 产室
lecture 专题讲座,讲课
lecture scope 教学镜,示教镜
LED (light emitting diode) 发光二极管
left 左,左面的
left atria-cardiogram (abbr. L-ACG) 左心房搏动图
left atrium 左心房
left axis deviation 轴左偏(心电图)
left heart 左心
left eye 左眼
left ventricular pump suction tube 左心室腔吸管
left ventricular vent canula 左心室有孔套管
leg 腿(尤指小腿)
legend 图例,代号,说明书
legging 绑腿,护腿
leg hiolder 下肢支持器
legislation 立法,法规
leg splint 下肢夹板
leg support 下肢支持器
-lemma 膜
length 长度,长,距离,范围
length gauge 长度计
length of life test 寿命试验
lens ①透镜,镜头 ②晶状体
lens aberration 透镜象差
lens barrel 镜筒
lens cleaner 镜头清洁器
lens hood 镜头遮光罩
lens hook 晶状体钩
lens loop 晶状体圈套器
lens measure ①检镜片计 ②焦度计,对光计
lens paper 擦镜纸
Quantimet 定量电视显微镜
quantimeter X 射线放射量计(测量由球管产生的X 射线量)
quantitative 定量的,数量的
quantitative autoradiography 定量放射自显影术,定量自体放射照像 术
quantitative cytophotomety 定量细胞光度学
quantitative determination 定量测定
quantitative filter paper 定量滤纸
quantitative fluorometer 定量荧光计
quantitative microscope 定量显微镜
quantitive 定量的,数量的
quantity 数量,参量
quantity claim 数量索赔
quantity of electricity 电量
quantity of heat 热量
quantivalence 化合价,原子价
quantizer ①数字转换器 ②量化器 ③编码器
quantometer ①光量计 ②光谱分析计 ③辐射强度测量器
quantorecorder ①光量计 ②辐射强度测定计
1uantum ①量子 ②定量
quantum biology 量子生物学
quantum constant 量子常数
quantum mechanics 量子力学
quantum number 量子数
quanrantine ①检疫期 ②检疫所
quanrt (abbr. qt.) 夸脱(四分之一加仑)
quarter ①季度 ②一刻钟 ③四分之一
quartz 石英,水晶(即二氧化硅)
quartz crystal 石英晶体
1uartz filter 石英滤波器
quartz glass 石英玻璃
quartz lamp 石英灯
quartz oscillator 石英振荡器
quartz prism 石英棱镜
quartz thermometer 石英温度计
quartz transducer 石英换能器,石英传感器
quasi- 半,似,拟,准
quasiconductor 半导体
quasi-insulator 准绝缘体
quasi-monochromatic 准单色的
quasi-static 似稳的,准静态的
quench circuit 猝灭电路
quenchometer 冷却速度试验器
quernstone 磨石
query 询问,质问
quest 探索,寻找
question 问题,探究
quick 快的,迅速的
quick access memory 快速存取存储器
quick freeze chamber 快速冷冻室
quicklime 生石灰,氧化钙
quick-loading cassette 快速换片暗盒
quick-silver 汞,水银
quinhydrone electrode (醌)氢醌电极
quotation 估价单,报价单
quotation date 报价日期
quote 开价,报价,开估价单
qutient 商数,系数
Q wave Q 波(心电图)
R (①Reaumur temperature scale ②registered trademark ③Ro- entgen) ①列氏温度计 ②注册
商标 ③伦琴(X 线量单位)
Ra (radium) 镭
Rabbet ①插孔,塞孔 ②槽,凹部
rabbet cage 兔笼
rabbit-ear antenna (电视)兔耳形天线(室内用)
R-ACG (right-apexcardiongram) 右心尖搏动图
rachi- 脊柱
rachial 脊柱的
rachialbuminimeter 脑脊液白蛋白定量器,脊髓液蛋白计
rachigraph 脊柱描记器
rachio- 脊柱
rachiometer 脊柱弯度计
rachiotome 脊椎刀,椎骨刀
rachitome 脊椎刀,椎骨刀
rack 支架,格栅
rack mounting 支架安装
rad 拉德(辐射吸收剂量单位)
radar 雷达
radar therapy apparatus 射频治疗机
RADI (radiographic inspection) X 射线检查
radiability X 射线透过性
radiable X 射线可透的
radiac 放射性检测仪器,剂量探测仪
radiacmeter ①剂量计 ②核辐射测定器
radiagraph 活动焰切机
radial grating 射线光栅
radian 弧度
radiant 放射的,辐射的
radiant energy 辐射能
radiant flux 辐射通量
radiant heat lamp 辐射热灯
radiant matter 辐射质
radiant warmer 辐射加温器
radiate ①辐射状 ②辐射,发光
radiathermy 短波透热法
radiation ①辐射,放射 ②放射疗法
radiation counter 放射线计算器
radiation distribution computer 放射线分布指示计算机
radiation dose 辐身射剂量
radiation equipment 放射线设备
radiation heating apparatus 辐射热仪
radiation monitor 放射检测器
radiation protecting equipment X 射线防护设备
radiation survey meter 辐射测试仪
radiation therapy 放射疗法,辐射疗法
radiation trap 辐射捕集器,辐射护墙
radiator ①放射器,辐射器 ②散热器
radical ①根,基 ②基本的
radio ①无线电设备 ②射电的,射频的
radio- ①放射,辐射 ②无线电
radioactive 放射性的
radioactive carbon 放射性碳
radioactive cobalt 放射性钴
radioactive constant 放射性常数
radioactive contaminant 放射性污染物
radioactive decay 放射性衰变
radioactive disintegration 放射性元素蜕变
radioactive element 放射性元素
radioactive emanation 放射性射气
radioactive indicator 放射性示踪剂
radioactive isotope 放射性同位素
radioactive isotope renography 放射性同位素肾造影术
radioactive marker 放射性标记物
radioactive sample 放射性样品
radioactive source 放射源
radioactive tracer 放射性同位素示踪剂
radioactivity 放射性,辐射性
radioactor 镭疗器
radioautogram ①自动射线摄影 ②放射性同位素示踪图 ③无线电传真
radioautograph 放射自显影术
radioautography 放射自显影术
radiobroadcasting 无线电广播,用无线电传送
radiocalcium 放射性钙,射钙
radiocarbon 放射性炭,射炭
radiocardiogram 放射心电图
radiocardiography 放射心电描记法
radiochemistry 放射化学
radiochlorine 放射性氯,射氯
radiochromatogram camera 放射色谱图摄影机
radiochrometer ①X 射线透度计 ②放射色谱计
radiocinematograph X 射线电影装置,X 射线活动摄影机
radiocinematography X 射线活动照像术
radiocirculography 放射血循环描记术
radiocobalt 放射性钴,射钴
radiode 镭插入器,镭锭仪(装镭锭用于治疗的仪器)
radiodiagnosis 放射诊断,X 射线诊断
radiodiaphane 镭透照镜(进行镭透照检查的仪器)
radio ECG transmission 无线电遥控心电图传送
radioelectrocardiogram(abbr. RECG) 放射心电图
radioelectrocardiograph (abbr. RECG) 放射心电图机
radioelectrocardiography 放射心电图描记法
radioelectroencephalogram(abbr. REEG) 放射脑电图
radioelectroencephalograph (abbr. REEG) 放射脑电图描记器
radioelectromyogram (abbr. REMG) 放射肌电图
radioelectromyograph (abbr. REMG) 放射肌电图描记器
radioelectrophysiologram 放射电生理描记图
radioelectrophysiolograph 放射电生理描记器
radioelectrophysiolography 放射电生理描记术
radio element 放射性元素
radioencephalogram (abbr. REG) 放射脑电图
radioencephalograph 放射脑电图机
radioencephalography 放射脑电图描记法
fadio-frequency 射频,无线电频率
radio-frequency accelerator 高频加速器
radio-frequency pacemaker 射频起搏器(心)
radiogen 放射物质
radiogram X 射线照片
radiograph X 射线照片
radiographer 放射照像技术员
radiographic 放射照像的
radiographic contrast X 射线照像对比
radiographic equipment X 射线照像装置
radiographic negative X 射线底片
radiographic sensitivity 抗射线感光度
radiographic stereometry 立体X 射线片测定法
radiograph microfilm reducer 35 毫米显微胶片摄影缩微器
radiography X 射线照像术
radiography cone X 射线摄影孔
radiography of fistula 瘘管造影术
radiography of lacrimal duct 泪道造影术
radiography of parotids 腮腺造影术
radiography unit X 射线机
radio-immunity 放射免疫
radioimmunoassay (abbr. RIA) 放射免疫测定(法)
radioimmunoassay centrifuge 放射免疫测定离心机
radioimmunoassay system 放射免疫分析仪
radioimmunoelectrophoresis 放射免疫电泳(法)
radioiodine 放射性碘,射碘(常用I)
radioisotope (abbr. RI) 放射性同位素
radioisotope diagnostic unit 放射性同位素诊断仪
radioisotope dynamic functiontesting unit 放射性同位素动态功能测 定仪
radioisotope generator 放射性同位素发生器
radioisotope renogram apparatus 肾放射图仪
radioisotope renogram examination apparatus 放射性同位素肾图仪
radioisotope renograph 放射性同位素肾图检查仪
radioisotope renography 放射性同位素肾图检查
radioisotope scanning (放射性)同位素扫描
radioisotope teletherapy unit 放射性同位素深部治疗机
radioknife 高频手术刀(10MHZ 以上)
kradiokymography X 射线动态摄影术,X 射线记波照像术
radiolead 放射性铅,射铅
radiolocator 无线电定位器
radiologic(al) 放射性的,放射学的
radiological apparatus X 射线机
radiologist 放射科医师
radiology 放射学
radiolucency 射线透射性,X 射线可透性
radiolus 探子
radiometer ①辐射仪 ②放射量测定仪
radiometry 放射性测量
radiomicrometer 测微辐射计,辐射微量计
radiomovies 电视电影,电视影片
radionuclide 放射性核素
radionuclide brain imager 放射性核素脑部摄像机
radionuclide image intensifier 放射性核素影像增强器
radionuclide imaging 放射性核素造影术
radiopadcity X 射线不透性
radioparency X 射线可透性,射线可透性
radioparent X 射线可透的,射线可透的
radioparent sternal blade X 射线可透胸骨刀
radiophosphorus 放射性磷,射磷
radiophotography X 射线照像术
radiophotoscanning 放射照像扫描术
radioprotector 辐射防护装置
radioplmonography 放射肺换气率测定法
radiosclerometer X 射线透度计,X 射线硬度计
radioscope ①X 射线透视屏 ②放射探测仪 ③放射镜
radioscopy 放射检查,X 射线透视检查,荧光屏检查
radio set ①收音机 ②无线电台
radiostereoscope X 射线实体透视镜
radiostereoscopy X 射线实体透视检查,X 射线脏器检查法
radiosterilization 辐射消毒,放射性消毒
radiosurgery 放射外科学,镭外科学(以镭锭进行外科治疗)
radiotelemetry 无线电遥测术
radiotelescope 电望远镜,无线电望远镜
radiotelevisor 电视接收机
radiotherapeutics 放射疗法
radiotherapy 放射疗法
radiotherapy equipment 放射治疗设备
radiotherapy linear accelerator 放疗用直线加速器
radiotherapy simulator 放射治疗模拟定位机
radiothyroxine 放射性甲状腺素
radiotomy 断层X 射线照像术,体层X 射线照像术
radiotracer 放射性示踪元素
radiotransmitter 无线电发报机
radiotransparent X 射线可透的,透X 射线的
radiovision 电视
radio wave 无线电波
radium (abbr. Ra) 镭
radium applicator 施镭器
radium cannon 镭管
cadium container 镭容器
radium emanation 镭射气
radium needle 镭针
nadiumotherapy 镭疗法
radium-plaque adaptometer 镭板适应计
radium recovery service 镭换置设施
radium tube 镭管
radius ①桡骨 ②半径
radiuscope 眼晶状体半径测量仪
radius splint 桡骨夹板
radon (abbr. Rn) 氡,镭射气
radon container 氡容器
rafting 合金,熔合物
towel 毛巾
toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间
water closet, W.C. 厕所;抽水马桶
toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸
bath towel 浴巾
bathrobe 浴衣
towel rail, towel rack 毛巾架
sponge 海绵
waste-paper basket 废纸篓
thermometer 温度计
balcony 阳台
sash window 上下开关窗
shutters 百叶窗
transom, transom window 气窗
curtain 窗帘
lace curtain 挑花窗帘
windowsill 窗台
air-conditioned 有空调设备的
radiator 暖气片
central heating 暖气
ashtray 烟灰碟
smoking set 烟具
electric fan 电扇
chandelier, pendant lamp 吊灯
fluorescent lamp 日光灯
desk lamp 台灯
bedside lamp 床头灯
floor lamp 落地灯
wall lamp 壁灯
lampshade 灯罩
bulb holder 灯头
bulb 灯泡
screw-type bulb 罗口灯泡
bayonet-type bulb 卡口灯泡
frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡
opal bulb, opaque bulb 乳白灯泡
switch 开关
socket 插座
plug 插头
telephone 电话
electric iron 电熨斗
peg, hook 衣钩
clothes-hanger 衣架
财务报表分析 Analysis of financial statements
比较财务报表 Comparative financial statements
趋势百分比 Trend percentage
比率 Ratios
普通股每股收益 Earnings per share of common stock
股利收益率 Dividend yield ratio
价益比 Price-earnings ratio
普通股每股帐面价值 Book value per share of common stock
资本报酬率 Return on investment
总资产报酬率 Return on total asset
债券收益率 Yield rate on bonds
已获利息倍数 Number of times interest earned
债券比率 Debt ratio
优先股收益率 Yield rate on preferred stock
营运资本 Working Capital
周转 Turnover
存货周转率 Inventory turnover
应收帐款周转率 Accounts receivable turnover
流动比率 Current ratio
速动比率 Quick ratio
酸性试验比率 Acid test ratio
A:Good morning ,welcome to Bank of the USA. How may I help you today?
B:Hi,I need to transfer some money to another account. It’s urgent.
A:Okay, have you made a wire transfer at our bank before?
B:No. I’ve never made a transfer before.
A:It’s alright, I will take you through the procedure. Are you transferring funds to acompany or an individual account?
B:A company account. I need to pay a bill.
A:Okay, I’ll need the name of the company and their bank routing number as well as theirbank’s address and phone number.
B:I have all the information in this folder.
A:Well. You’ve come prepared. I have all the necessary materials so we can go ahead andmake the transfer right now. It’s a simple transaction, and we can process it today.
B:Oh, that’s such a relief. I didn’t want the payment to be overdue. Thank you so much.
A:It’s my pleasure.
A:May I help you?
B:I'd like to cash this check, please.
A:Do you have an account with us?
B:Yeah. Here's my identification card.
A:Do you want large or small bills?
B:Actually, I want to buy some traveler's checks.
A:What denomination?
B:Twenties would be fine.
A:Do you want the whole amount in traveler's check?
B:Yes, please.
A:Good morning, may I help you?
B:Hello, I want to remit one thousand Yuan to Magnolia Company.
A:Please fill out this form, please.
B:OK. Do I put on Magnolia Company for the receiver?
A:Yes. You must put on its name and full address.
B:OK, I see. Here you are. Is that OK now?
A:Let me check. Yes. Your one thousand remittance, please.
B:Here you are. What is the rate?
A:This rate is one percent. That will be 10 Yuan.
B:OK, when will this remittance arrive?
A:Generally it will arrive within a week.
B:That's good. Is there anything else?
A:No. That's all. You have to take good care of this copy of this transfer order.
B:Thanks, I will.
无形资产 Intangible assets
专利权 Patents
商标权 Trademarks, Trade names
著作权 Copyrights
特许权或专营权 Franchises
商誉 Goodwill
开办费 Organization cost
租赁权 Leasehold
摊销 Amortization
长期负债 Long-term Liabilities
应付公司债券 Bonds payable
有担保品的公司债券 Secured Bonds
抵押公司债券 Mortgage Bonds
保证公司债券 Guaranteed Bonds
信用公司债券 Debenture Bonds
一次还本公司债券 Term Bonds
分期还本公司债券 Serial Bonds
可转换公司债券 Convertible Bonds
可赎回公司债券 Callable Bonds
可要求公司债券 Redeemable Bonds
记名公司债券 Registered Bonds
无记名公司债券 Coupon Bonds
普通公司债券 Ordinary Bonds
收益公司债券 Income Bonds
名义利率,票面利率 Nominal rate
实际利率 Actual rate
有效利率 Effective rate
溢价 Premium
折价 Discount
面值 Par value
直线法 Straight-line method
实际利率法 Effective interest method
到期直接偿付 Repayment at maturity
提前偿付 Repayment at advance
偿债基金 Sinking fund
长期应付票据 Long-term notes payable
抵押借款 Mortgage loan
1、 be head and shoulders above 好许多
In calculus, Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates.
2、be in the dark 蒙在鼓里
A: Do you have any idea what his notice is about?
B: I’m as in the dark as you are.
3、be stuck 卡住了
I can’t get this window open. It’s stuck.
4、 break new ground 有了新的突破
His architecturaldesign broke new ground in the field.
5、benefit concert 慈善音乐会
We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert、 but we don’t have
much money for advertising.
6、 busy signal
I’ve been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busysignal.
7、between you and me 你我之间、保密
8、call for
Tom just called for you.
The forecast calls for heavy rain again tonight. Aren’t you glad we’ll be getting away from this for a week?
It’s probably in the new part of town. We’ll have to call for directions.
9、 call it a day 就此结束
A: I’m really glad our club decides to raise money for the children’s hospital, and most of the people we’ve phoned seemed happy to contribute.
B: Yeah、 I agree. Now we’ve gone through all the numbers on our list now, so I guess we can call it a day.
10、cash the check 兑现支票
Have your sister cashed her paycheck?
11、clear off 收拾、整理
It’s about time we clear off the desk.
12、come down (雨、雪)下起来
The heavy rain is coming down, now.
13、 come in first in the race 比赛第一名
Not only did Jill come in first in the race but she also had her best running time of the season.
14、come what may 不管怎样
We’ll pick you up tomorrow at eight, come what may.
15、cost somebody an arm and a leg
A: Did you see the diamondring Bill gave to Linda?
B: I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and a leg.
16、 cut it out 闭嘴
I told you to cut it out.
17、be cut out for 生来时做……的
Dr. Hamilton doesn’t feel Larry is cut out for the medical profession.
18、department chair 系主任
I didn’t write that memoto the department chair.
19、dirt cheap 非常便宜
A: You’ve already furnished your apartment?
B: I’ve found some used furniture that was dirt cheap.
20、 do with 用…..凑合. do without 没有……也行
You can do with your girlfriend.
You can do without your girlfriend
21、 dog tired 特别累、同义:run down. worn out. out of steam
I’m dog tired these days. I’m working on seven articles.
22、 down jacket 羽绒服
23、drive somebody up the wall 让某人发疯;同义:drive somebody out of one’s mind
The sound of all that raffic is driving me out of my mind.
24、 fall back on 依赖
A: Were you able to understand that French novel without any help from theteacher?
B: I did pretty well、 but I had to fall back on my dictionary occasionally
modernization 现代化
luxury 奢侈品
pedestrian 行人
pavement 人行道
dilemma 进退两难
violator 违规者
bottleneck 交通堵塞地区
headache 令人头痛的事
head-way 进展
1. Absolutely! 绝对正确。
2. Almost! 差不多了。
3. Amazing! 太神了!
4. Anytime! 随时吩咐。
5. Awful! 好可怕。
6. Behave! 放尊重点。
7. Bingo! 中了。
8. Boring 真无聊 .
9. Bravo! 太棒了。
10. Bullshit! = Horseshit! 胡说 .
11. C'Mon! 拜托。
12. Certainly! 当然。
13. Check, Please! 买单。
14. Cheers! 干杯!
15. Congratulations! 恭喜啊!
16. Damn! 该死!
17. Deal! 一言为定。
18. Definitely! 当然。
19. Disgusting! 好恶心。
20. Drat ! 讨厌。
21. Easy ! 别急。
22. Exactly! 完全正确。
23. Fantastic! 妙极了!
24. Fifty fifty ! 对半分。
25. Fresh! 帅!
26. Gorgeous! 美极了!
27. Help! 救命啊!
28. Hey! 嘿!
29. Hopefully! 我希望!
30. Horrible! 好可怕!
31. Hush ! 快 !
32. Imagine! 想想看。
33. Impressive! 永生难忘!
34. Incredible! 不可思议!
35. Jesus! 天啊 !
36. Liar! 你撒谎。
37. Listen! 听着。
38. Lousy! 差劲。
39. Marvelous ! 棒极了!
40. Messy! 乱七八糟。
41. Never! 绝不!
42. Nonsense! 胡说!
43. Objection! 我抗议!
44. Oops! 哎呀!
45. Outrageous! 得了。
46.Probably! 可能。
47.Rats! 差劲!
48.Really? 真的吗?
49.Soso. 马马虎虎。
50.Someday. 改天吧。
51.Still. 仍然。
52.Stingy. 小气鬼。
53.Superb! 棒极了!
54.Terrible! 好可怕!
55.Terrific! 好极了!
56.Ugh! 恶!
57.Uh …… Uh …… 不……
58.Wait ! 等等。
59.Wow ! 哇!
60.Yum …… 嗯…… ( 好吃 !)
61.About when? 大约何时?
62.After you . 您先。
63.Allow me . 让我来。
64.Any clues? 有线索吗 ?
65.Any discount? 打折吗 ?
66.Anything new? 近来如何 ?
67.Anything wrong? 怎么了 ?
68.Are you? 你是吗 ?
69.Back off! 滚开 !
70.Be good . 乖乖喔 !
71. Beautiful day. 好天气!
72. Beautiful job! 绝妙佳作!
73.Believe me! 相信我。
74. Better not! 最好不要!
75. Bless me! 天啊!
76. Bless you! 祝福你 !
77. Bottoms up! 干杯 ! 见底 !
78.Buck up! 快点 !
79. Call me will 叫我 will .
80.Can'T complain. 好得没话说。
81.Certainly not! 才不咧 !
82.Chill out ! 别怕 !
83.Clumsy me! 笨死了 !
84.Control yourself! 克制一下。
85.Could be. 可能是吧!
86.Dead tired! 累死了 !
87.Drop dead! 去死吧 !
88.Dump her! 甩了她 !
89.Fancy that. 真想不到。
90.For shame! 不要脸 !
91.Forgive me! 宽恕我 !
92.Get moving! 动身吧 !
93.Get set. 预备。
94.Good job! 做得好!
95.Good timing. 分秒不差。
96.Got that? 明白吗 ?
97.Guess what? 猜猜看 ?
98.Hands off! 不许碰 !
99.Hard times! 真倒霉!
100.Have mercy! 求求你!
cock tail鸡尾酒coffee咖啡
liquor(烈)酒mineral water矿泉水
soda/ tonic苏打水whisky威士忌
strong drink酒的总称