People in Britain are interested in a wide range ofmusic, including classical music(古典音乐), rock andpop misic, Jazz , folk and Light Mucic. In the early1960s a new pop culture—beat(披头士), emergedin Britain’s Liverpool. It was started by a group of young people called Beatles.
1. Many international sports were introduced by theBritish who take their leisure time very seriously.There is widespread participation in sport inBritain.
2. Football (or "soccer" as it is colloquially called), themost popular sport in England as well as in Europe,has its traditional home in England where it wasdeveloped in the 19th century.
3. The game "Rugby" was invented at Rugby School in Warwich shire in the early 19th century.
4. Cricket, the most typically English of sports, has been in existence since the 16th century. Onan international level, 5-day Cornhill Test Matches.
5. Although tennis has been played for centuries, the modern game originated in England inlate 19th. The main tournament is the annual Wimbledon fortnight, one of the 4 tennis "GrandSlam" tournaments.
6. There is a considerable following and participation of athletics in Britain. For example,the London Marathon, which takes place every spring.
7. The home of golf is Scotland where the game has been played since the 17th century andnaturally the oldest golf club in the world is there: The Honourable Company of EdinburghGolfers. The most important national event is the Open Championship with the Walker Cup foramateurs and the Ryder Cup for professionals.
在你对英国的了解中,你对于这个国家的宗教团体是怎么认为的呢?下面是读文网小编带来英语国家概况:英国的主要宗教团体详情, 希望对大家有帮助。
The education system in Britain
1. primary education 初等教育,小学教育
Primary education is compulsory(义务教育) in Britain.It begins at five in Great Britain and four in NorthernIreland. All children have to attend primary schooland they finish their primary education at the age of11. In addition to the many state primaryschools(公立小学) which do not ask their pupils to payfees, there are also some fee-paying independentprimary schools (收费的私立小学). The most famous fee-paying primary schools are thepreparatory schools which admit children from seven-plus to 11,12 or 13 years old.
初等教育在英国是义务教育,大不列颠是从5岁开始,北爱尔兰是4岁。所有的孩子必须参加初等教育,并在11岁完成。除了许多国家公立小学不向学生收费外,也有一些收费的私立小学。预备学校学生的年龄通常为7岁以上到11 12 13岁。
2. secondary education 中等教育,中学教育
Secondary education in Britain is also compulsory. All the children must receive secondaryeducation after finishing their primary education at the age of eleven. The secondary schoolage-range(中学生的年龄段) is from 11-18. About 90 per cent of the state secondary schoolpopulation in Great Britain attend comprehensive schools.Secondary schools includecomprehensive schools (综合中学), secondary modern schools (现代中学) and grammarschools(文法学校). They are state schools(公立学校)。
3. higher education 高等教育,大学教育
There are some 90 universities,including the Open University. Most famous ones are Oxford andCambridge. There is also the Open University which is “open” to all to become students, mainlyadult students.
These banks provide a wide range of highly specialized banking services. According to the Banking Act 1979. "Recognized Banks" must satisfy the Bank of England of their high reputation and of their integrity, management and financial prudence. The wide range of services include: i. the acceptance of sight and time deposits); ii. loan and overdraft facilities; iii. foreign currency exchange and documentary credits and collections~; iv. financial advice for corporations and individuals; v. investment management and arrangements for the purchase and sale of securities.
As for Licensed Deposits institutions, they only provide a limited range of services. The prime services are still based on the acceptance of deposits from the public although they are not required to satisfy the rules laid down for Recognized Banks. To obtain a license, the institution must satisfy the Bank of England's requirement that all directors, controllers or managers of the institution must be an appropriate and proper person to hold that position and to conduce banking business in a proper manner.
在英格兰,写进法律的永久性公众假期一共是8天,而这8天中就有3天都是bank holiday。在这几天里,全英国的银行都休假,而其他很多与银行业相关的产业也随之关门大吉!
记得那是刚到英国不久的某一天,我要去超市补充口粮。走到Town Centre,居然发现偌大一个超市关门大吉。我定神一想,确定当日是正常工作日、并且是上班时间,那这关门又是个什么说法?
后来朋友告诉我,这一天是Bank Holiday,银行假期,正正经经的公众假期,和圣诞节、复活节等等其他假日一样是被写进法律条文的。而且最荒谬,银行假期一年还不止一天。在英格兰,写进法律的永久性公众假期一共是8天,而这8天中就有3天都是bank holiday。在这几天里,全国的银行都休假,而其他很多与银行业相关的产业也随之关门大吉,其中,就包括超市。
长这么大,听说过教师节、护士节,从来不觉得银行业有多么崇高、竟然要国家为他们单独设立假日,那么这个Bank Holiday是怎么来的呢?
Origins of bank holidays
Prior to 1834, the Bank of England observed about 33 saints' days and religious festivals as holidays, but in 1834, this was reduced to just four: 1 May, 1 November, Good Friday, and Christmas Day.
In 1871, Sir John Lubbock introduced the Bank Holidays Act, it introduced the concept of holidays with pay and designated four holidays in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and five in Scotland. The move was such a popular one and there were even suggestions that August Bank Holiday should be called St Lubbock's day!
In the United Kingdom and Ireland a bank holiday is a public holiday, when banks and many other businesses are closed for the day.
Bank holidays are often assumed to be so called because they are days upon which banks are shut, but days that banks are shut aren't always bank holidays. For example: Good Friday and Christmas Day are not bank holidays, they are common law' holidays. The dates for bank holidays are set out in statute or are proclaimed by royal decree. In England and Wales a bank holiday tends automatically to be a public holiday, so the day is generally observed as a holiday.
也就是说,以前一到Bank Holiday全国所有的行业都休假。不过现在,也有很多行业,比如公共交通系统、博物馆、动物园等等照旧开放。其实说穿了,Bank Holiday就是国家想出来的名目,让全国人民都偷闲偷闲。再想想我国近年也多出了很多公众假期——端午、中秋——比用“银行”的名义放假实在好听多了,这就是文明古国的好处哇!
In the United Kingdom, financial institutions are categorized into two ma]or groups: the Recognized Banks and the Licensed Deposit Institutions. The criteria for each category are determined by the Bank of England~——the Central Bank. The Bank of England will consider the size of the institution, its management and also the number of participants who effectively direct the business, before decisions are made on the status of the financial institutions who apply for bank licenses in the United Kingdom.
Let us look at the Recognized Banks.
These banks provide a wide range of highly specialized banking services. According to the Banking Act 1979. "Recognized Banks" must satisfy the Bank of England of their high reputation and of their integrity, management and financial prudence. The wide range of services include: i. the acceptance of sight and time deposits); ii. loan and overdraft facilities; iii. foreign currency exchange and documentary credits and collections~; iv. financial advice for corporations and individuals; v. investment management and arrangements for the purchase and sale of securities.
As for Licensed Deposits institutions, they only provide a limited range of services. The prime services are still based on the acceptance of deposits from the public although they are not required to satisfy the rules laid down for Recognized Banks. To obtain a license, the institution must satisfy the Bank of England's requirement that all directors, controllers or managers of the institution must be an appropriate and proper person to hold that position and to conduce banking business in a proper manner.
Let us now look at the major types of financial intermediaries~ in the United Kingdom.
To begin with, we shall examine the role of the Clearing Banks. These are the dominating financial intermediaries in retail banking business~ in the United Kingdom. They handle the clearing functions of banks, and are responsible for most of the country' s cash distribution and money transfer functions, which include cheque payment services and also electronic fund transfers, etc.; The retail branch network of these banks is extensive with over 10,000 branches all over the country.
Another type of financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom are discount houses. Discount houses provide a primary channel through which the Bank of England operates in the discount market to implement its monetary policy. Because of their easy access to the money market, discount houses act as market-maker in bills since they are the major underwriters of the weekly issuers of the Treasury bills of the Bank of England. Therefore, discount houses not only provide short-term funds for the government, they provide a channel for banks to adjust their portfolio holdings, i.e., their liquidity positions.
The third type of financial intermediaries in the UK are the merchant banks~ and acceptance houses. Originally developed to handle businesses connection with trade, these merchant banks later expanded into foreign trade, foreign exchange and also bullion dealers. Many of the merchant banks are also acceptance houses. Indeed, their functions have now expanded considerably into major overseas operations, specializing in company financial advice, takeovers and mergers, underwritings which include the provision of additional capital through share floatation.
Finally, we should look at foreign banks in England. As a major international financial centre, London has acted as a magnet to over 450 foreign banks, which have set up representative offices, branches, or subsidiary companies. Business focus on these foreign banks cover foreign currency dealings, international finance deals to foreign companies and governments, trade finance services to business.
1.The Recognized Banks 认可银行,在英国特指可以全面经营银行业务的银行。认可银行要受到很严格的要求,凡达不到认可标准的机构均不得使用银行名称或字样,包括不得使用“投资银行”等字样。
2.The Licensed Deposit Banks 持牌存款银行,在英国特指一些业务范围受到一定限制,规模较小的银行机构。
3.The Bank of England 英格兰银行,英国的中央银行,创立于1694年,公认为全世界中央银行的鼻祖。
4.Sight and time deposits 活期和定期存款(参见Section 3)。
5.overdraft 透支,指银行客户在一定条件下和一定范围内可以超过自己帐户存款的余额用款,实为银行对客户的一种信贷便利。
6.collections 托收,指债权人委托银行向债务人收款的一种结算方式(参见Section 6)。
7.financial intermediaries 金融中介(机构),指作为放款者与借款者中间人的金融机构。金融中介的作用在于促进信贷活动,有利于评估借款者的信誉,以减少放款风险,降低资金成本。金融中介可分为存款性和非存款性两类。
8.the Clearing Banks 清算银行,在英国是零售银行的主要组成部分,包括伦敦清算银行、苏格兰清算银行和北爱尔兰银行。清算,是指银行间为结清债权债务关系而进行的一系列活动。
9.retail banking business 零售银行业务(与批发银行业务相对应),主要指对单独的客户的业务,如存款、放款、结算等。
10.discount houses 贴现商号,是英国金融制度中的独特事物。贴现行在英格兰银行与清算银行之间处于中心地位,主要通过贴现与再贴现传导英格兰的货币政策及英格兰银行对银行的管制。
11.discount market 贴现市场,在英国由贴现行作为市场主体,是英格兰银行实施货币政策的主要场所之一。
12.Discount houses provide a primary channel through which the Bank of England operates in the discount market to implement its monetary policy 贴现行为英格兰银行提供了一个在贴现市场上进行操作,实施货币政策的渠道。
13.market—maker 市场制造者,指一家金融机构或一个经纪人就一种货币或证券进行又买又卖的交易活动,保证其它交易者时刻都能找到交易对手。l羞南8
14.Merchant banks 商人银行,指经营部分银行业务的金融机构,主要办理承兑和经营一般业务,对国夕L的工程项目提供长期信贷和发放国外贷款。在60年代以后,还办理外汇交易,为客户保管证券,替一些基金会从事投资等。商人银行大部分存在于伦敦及一些英联邦国家。
15.cceptance houses 票据承兑银行,指专门从事承兑汇票业务或在其他人的票据上背 书业务的一种金融机构。
16.underwriting (证券)承销,指承销商从发行公司或政府实体买下新发行的债券,再 把这些债券直接或通过交易商售给公众,即实际承担了发行风险。这一过程中,承销商赚的 支付给发行者的价格和公众发售价格之间的价差,即承销价差。
英国是世界上金融业最发达的国家之一。伦敦是英国的金融中心,也是世界上主要的国 际金融中心之一。伦敦的金融地位形成于英镑作为主要的国际储备货币的年代,而在二战后 随着英国经济地位的下降受到了削弱,但从本世纪七十年代以来随着美元危机和欧洲货币市 场的兴起,伦敦的金融中心地位又重新得到了恢复。
英格兰银行受政府财政部控制,为政府机构。英格兰银行在发表自身的观点上有一定的 独立性,是金融界中具有权威的代言人。英格兰银行除了依照银行法执行对银行业的监管之 外,还承担·了对金融市场的管理职能。英格兰银行在鼓励行业自律,尤其是在保险和证券业务中发挥了重要的作用。此外,英格兰银行还承担了管理英国的债务和外汇储备职能、管理和发行纸币及铸币的职能及政府的银行的职能,同时对政府的经济和货币政策提供顾问。
1.零售银行(Retail Banks)。在英国,清算银行是零售银行业务和货币传送活动的主要机构。这些银行属于英国最大的银行之列,同时也是英国最主要的国际性银行。
英国的清算银行主要分布于英格兰和威尔士,这些银行主要包括巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank)、国民西敏寺银行(National Westminster Bank)、米德兰银行(Midland Bank)、劳埃德银行(Lloyds Bank)、苏格兰皇家银行集团(Royal Bank of Scotland Group)、TSB集团等。另外,Girobank是由邮政局建立的提供一般性活期存款及货币运送服务的银行,也属于零售银行。
2.承兑行(Accepting Houses)。这些机构是属于承兑业协会的具有悠久历史的商人银行。其传统的业务是进行贸易融资,提供较大比例的承兑工具。现阶段虽然受到了银行业的激烈竞争,但其发行的票据仍可以在英格兰银行进行贴现。现在承兑行的业务已经扩大到企业融资、投资管理、贷款及银团业务领域。
3.商人银行(Merchant Banks)。商人银行的业务起源于十八世纪的欧洲商业活动。最初的业务是为商人的票据进行承兑,而后逐渐从原来的贸易融资服务发展到为政府和企业提供长期的资金以及其它专业性的服务和咨询。在英国,从事这类业务的金融机构称为商人银行,它具有向企业和政府提供专业性的服务和咨询的职能,而很少运用自身资本,类似于美国的投资银行。但是英国的商人银行具有一定的吸收存款的职能,可以归类为存款机构。
4.贴现行(Discount Houses)。贴现行构成了伦敦贴现市场协会。它由一些指定的银行的货币交易部门组成,从事高度专业化的银行业务,其主要业务包括:承销英格兰银行每周财政部票据的出售;进行英镑短期金融工具的交易,如政府票据、银行票据、商业票据、英镑存款证以及短期政府债券等;向英格兰银行进行追索(因英格兰银行为弥补短期资金的不足可以从贴现行购买票据或进行直接贷款)。
花旗银行 Citibank 美国
大和银行 Daiwa Bank 日本
富士银行 Fuji Bank 日本
阿比国民银行 Abbey National 英国
巴克莱银行 Barclays Bank PLC. 英国
巴黎国民银行 Banque Nationale de Paris 法国
巴西银行 Banco Do Brasil 巴西
大通曼哈顿银行 Chase Manhattan Bank 美国
德累斯顿银行 Dresdner Bank 德国
德意志银行 Deutsche Bank 德国
第一劝业银行 Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank 日本
第一洲际银行 First Interstate Bancorp 美国
东海银行 Tokai Bank 日本
东京银行 Bank of Tokyo 日本
都灵圣保罗银行 Istituto Bancario SanPaolo Di Torino 意大利
多伦多自治领银行 Toronto-Dominion Bank 加拿大
国民劳动银行 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 意大利
国民西敏寺银行 National Westminster Bank PLC. 英国
荷兰农业合作社中央银行 Cooperatieve Centrale Raifferssen-Boerenleenbank 荷兰
荷兰通用银行 Algemene Bank Nederland 荷兰
汉华实业银行 Manufacturers Hanover Corp. 美国
汇丰银行 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. 香港
加拿大帝国商业银行 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 加拿大
加拿大皇家银行 Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大
劳埃德银行 Lloyds Bank PLC. 英国
里昂信贷银行 Credit Lyonnais 法国
伦巴省储蓄银行 Cassa Di Risparmio Delle Provincie Lombarde 意大利
梅隆国民银行 Mellon National Corp. 美国
美洲银行(全称"美洲银行国民信托储蓄会") Bank America Corp( "Bank of America National Trust and Savings Associations") 美国
米兰银行 Midland Bank 英国
纽约银行家信托公司 Bankers Trust New York Corp. 美国
农业信贷国民银行 de Caisse Nationale Credit Agricole 法国
日本兴业银行 Industrial Bank of Japan 日本
瑞士联合银行 Union Bank of Switzerland 瑞士
瑞士信贷银行 Credit Suisse 瑞士
瑞士银行公司 Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士
三和银行 Sanwa Bank 日本
三井银行 Mitsui Bank 日本
三菱银行 Mitsubishi Bank 日本
太平洋安全银行 Security Pacific Corp 美国
西德意志地方银行 Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale 德国
西太平洋银行公司 Westpac Banking Corp. 澳大利亚
西亚那银行 Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena 意大利
意大利商业银行 Banca Commerciale Italiana 意大利
意大利信贷银行 Credito Italiano 意大利
芝加哥第一国民银行 First Chicago Corp. 美国
中国银行 Bank of China 中国
住友信托银行 Sumitomo Trust & Banking 日本
英国是世界上金融业最发达的国家之一。伦敦是英国的金融中心,也是世界上主要的国 际金融中心之一。接下来小编为大家整理英国的银行体系介绍,希望对你有帮助哦!
In the United Kingdom, financial institutions are categorized into two ma]or groups: the Recognized Banks and the Licensed Deposit Institutions. The criteria for each category are determined by the Bank of England~——the Central Bank. The Bank of England will consider the size of the institution, its management and also the number of participants who effectively direct the business, before decisions are made on the status of the financial institutions who apply for bank licenses in the United Kingdom.
Let us look at the Recognized Banks.
These banks provide a wide range of highly specialized banking services. According to the Banking Act 1979. "Recognized Banks" must satisfy the Bank of England of their high reputation and of their integrity, management and financial prudence. The wide range of services include: i. the acceptance of sight and time deposits); ii. loan and overdraft facilities; iii. foreign currency exchange and documentary credits and collections~; iv. financial advice for corporations and individuals; v. investment management and arrangements for the purchase and sale of securities.
As for Licensed Deposits institutions, they only provide a limited range of services. The prime services are still based on the acceptance of deposits from the public although they are not required to satisfy the rules laid down for Recognized Banks. To obtain a license, the institution must satisfy the Bank of England's requirement that all directors, controllers or managers of the institution must be an appropriate and proper person to hold that position and to conduce banking business in a proper manner.
Let us now look at the major types of financial intermediaries~ in the United Kingdom.
To begin with, we shall examine the role of the Clearing Banks. These are the dominating financial intermediaries in retail banking business~ in the United Kingdom. They handle the clearing functions of banks, and are responsible for most of the country' s cash distribution and money transfer functions, which include cheque payment services and also electronic fund transfers, etc.; The retail branch network of these banks is extensive with over 10,000 branches all over the country.
Another type of financial intermediaries in the United Kingdom are discount houses. Discount houses provide a primary channel through which the Bank of England operates in the discount market to implement its monetary policy. Because of their easy access to the money market, discount houses act as market-maker in bills since they are the major underwriters of the weekly issuers of the Treasury bills of the Bank of England. Therefore, discount houses not only provide short-term funds for the government, they provide a channel for banks to adjust their portfolio holdings, i.e., their liquidity positions.
The third type of financial intermediaries in the UK are the merchant banks~ and acceptance houses. Originally developed to handle businesses connection with trade, these merchant banks later expanded into foreign trade, foreign exchange and also bullion dealers. Many of the merchant banks are also acceptance houses. Indeed, their functions have now expanded considerably into major overseas operations, specializing in company financial advice, takeovers and mergers, underwritings which include the provision of additional capital through share floatation.
Finally, we should look at foreign banks in England. As a major international financial centre, London has acted as a magnet to over 450 foreign banks, which have set up representative offices, branches, or subsidiary companies. Business focus on these foreign banks cover foreign currency dealings, international finance deals to foreign companies and governments, trade finance services to business.
英国是世界上金融业最发达的国家之一。伦敦是英国的金融中心,也是世界上主要的国 际金融中心之一。伦敦的金融地位形成于英镑作为主要的国际储备货币的年代,而在二战后 随着英国经济地位的下降受到了削弱,但从本世纪七十年代以来随着美元危机和欧洲货币市 场的兴起,伦敦的金融中心地位又重新得到了恢复。
英格兰银行受政府财政部控制,为政府机构。英格兰银行在发表自身的观点上有一定的 独立性,是金融界中具有权威的代言人。英格兰银行除了依照银行法执行对银行业的监管之 外,还承担·了对金融市场的管理职能。英格兰银行在鼓励行业自律,尤其是在保险和证券业务中发挥了重要的作用。此外,英格兰银行还承担了管理英国的债务和外汇储备职能、管理和发行纸币及铸币的职能及政府的银行的职能,同时对政府的经济和货币政策提供顾问。
1.零售银行(Retail Banks)。在英国,清算银行是零售银行业务和货币传送活动的主要机构。这些银行属于英国最大的银行之列,同时也是英国最主要的国际性银行。
英国的清算银行主要分布于英格兰和威尔士,这些银行主要包括巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank)、国民西敏寺银行(National Westminster Bank)、米德兰银行(Midland Bank)、劳埃德银行(Lloyds Bank)、苏格兰皇家银行集团(Royal Bank of Scotland Group)、TSB集团等。另外,Girobank是由邮政局建立的提供一般性活期存款及货币运送服务的银行,也属于零售银行。
2.承兑行(Accepting Houses)。这些机构是属于承兑业协会的具有悠久历史的商人银行。其传统的业务是进行贸易融资,提供较大比例的承兑工具。现阶段虽然受到了银行业的激烈竞争,但其发行的票据仍可以在英格兰银行进行贴现。现在承兑行的业务已经扩大到企业融资、投资管理、贷款及银团业务领域。
3.商人银行(Merchant Banks)。商人银行的业务起源于十八世纪的欧洲商业活动。最初的业务是为商人的票据进行承兑,而后逐渐从原来的贸易融资服务发展到为政府和企业提供长期的资金以及其它专业性的服务和咨询。在英国,从事这类业务的金融机构称为商人银行,它具有向企业和政府提供专业性的服务和咨询的职能,而很少运用自身资本,类似于美国的投资银行。但是英国的商人银行具有一定的吸收存款的职能,可以归类为存款机构。
4.贴现行(Discount Houses)。贴现行构成了伦敦贴现市场协会。它由一些指定的银行的货币交易部门组成,从事高度专业化的银行业务,其主要业务包括:承销英格兰银行每周财政部票据的出售;进行英镑短期金融工具的交易,如政府票据、银行票据、商业票据、英镑存款证以及短期政府债券等;向英格兰银行进行追索(因英格兰银行为弥补短期资金的不足可以从贴现行购买票据或进行直接贷款)。
A current account (also called a cheque account) is a convenient and safe method of handling money. Your salary can go straight into your account, and these days more and more people are paid by direct credit instead of in cash. Direct credit means that your employer, or anyone else who wishes to pay you money, can pay the money straight out of their account into yours. Cheques, postal orders and money orders (including International Money Orders) can be paid direct to your account also.
You can pay your bills by cheque in shops, hotels, airports, restaurants and other places (but not in taxes, for example). You can pay regular bills by direct debit from your account. These regular bills include insurance premiums, rent, rates and hire purchase installments. These regular bills must be for sums of money where the amount remains the same every month during a certain period.
You can tell your bank, for example, to pay Monarch Insurance Co. £10 per month on the 21st of every month from now until further notice. The bank will pay this automatically, by banker's order (also called standing order) or direct debit. You don't have to post the cheque to Monarch Insurance Co.; you don't have to travel to their office.
With a current account you have the advantage of a cheque book service, which means that you don't have the risk of carrying large amounts of cash with you. You also know where your money goes and where it comes from, because you get a regular statement from your bank, showing debit and credit entries (or payments and receipts respectively), and the balance. Nowadays banks in the UK do not return your cheque with each statement, so it is advisable to keep a record of transactions on the counterfoil or stub.
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英国教育体系总体来说分为三个阶段: 义务教育(Compulsory Education),延续教育(Further Education)和高等教育(Higher Education)。
一、义务教育 (Compulsory Education)
英国的学生从四岁开始接受义务教育,享受全免费的国家福利,学校甚至还提供免费的午餐,所有的家长必须把自己的孩子送到学校读书。小学教育一般持续到11岁,然后进入中学。英国的中学不分初中高中,从中一(Form 1)到中五(Form 5)共五年的时间。
二、延续教育(Further Education)
延续教育是英国教育体系中最有特色也最精彩的部分,它是继小学(Primary)中学(Secondary)教育之后的“第三级教育”(Tertiary)。为进入高等教育或者就业打下基础。也是中国的高中学生留学英国的关键阶段。一般来说接受延续教育的学生介于16和18岁之间。它分为两种体系:学业路线(Academic Route)和职业路线(Vocational Route)。学业路线着重于培养学术研究方面的人才,职业路线则结合社会各层面的职业需要,培养在各种行业中具有专门技能和知识的人才。这两种体系在英国受到同等的重视。
三、高等教育(Higher Education)
本科(Bachelor Degree)
研究生(Master Degree)
博士生(Doctorial Degree)
高级国家文凭(HND-Higher National Diploma)。
european union(EU)
on the brink of:濒临,处于... ...
It’s why we delivered a fair, legal and decisive referendum in Scotland.
And why I made the pledge to renegotiate Britain’s position in the European Union and hold a referendum on our membership, and have carried those things out.