



five thousand years of glorious civilization, the chinese, the four major inventions in the world bright with china. descendants are all proud of our nation, proud.

we are proud, because china has a long history and splendid culture. five thousand years of glorious history of the chinese nation, settling the essence of eastern and western civilizations, revealing the dawn of human science, the history of civilization in the world with the enduring charm. four great inventions change the face of humanity as a whole, "book of songs" to create a realistic world literature precedent, the romantic poetry of qu yuan to bring the extraordinary imagination of mankind, the prose of qin and han, tang, song, yuan, ming and qing fiction, confucius and mencius doctrine as well as "the art of war", etc., all demonstrate the ancestors of the chinese nation rich emotion and wisdom.

we are proud that vast land of china. nature millions of years, sculpture, constitute a colorful picture, pentium nurtured generations of descendants of the yellow river, the yangtze river each new year surging surging waves of wisdom, standing proudly on top of everest in the world peak of the chinese nation the symbol of unyielding character, and many countlerivers and lakes, mountains, okawa, cultural landscape, this is not the pride of all chinese people and proud?

however, history does not glow bright sun every day, china had been brilliant, has a catastrophe ordeal. but also created the chinese nation, we are proud of the great indomitable character, casting a strong backbone of china. over the past 50 years, numerous miracles again in this wonderful land of birth. rapid economic development, science and technology fruits. bombs and one satellite has heaven, a seat like a rainbow bridge acrothe yangtze river. three gorges project, the qinghai-tibet railway, hong kong and macao's return, china's accession to wto; test new varieties of hybrid rice succeof the world's agricultural science and technology research to fill gaps in the field, all these all reflect the great vitality and cohesion of china, fully demonstrating its great and brilliant achievements, should we not be proud of these achievements, and proud of it? decades of good governance, top to bottom search of several years, our country has stood in the east, self-reliance among the nations in the world!

we are the most dynamic young people, like the morning eight or nine o'clock the sun, the hope of the chinese nation. the world is our 21st century is our century! let us work hard seeking knowledge, devote themselves to study culture, to master skills, work together to create our nation a more brilliant tomorrow!


people in this world can be divided into two categories: those always working and those always ma-ki-ng comments. the working ones never have time to idle away. some may run a hotel, or do some business; some may open a factory or set up a school; others may be absorbed in scientific research, or devoted to military affairs or political issues. right or wrong, successful or failed, they are always fully committed to their careers. facing all kinds of risks(not because they neglect them, but mainly because they have the courage), and shouldering the responsibilities, they march forward, bravely and cautiously. they are risking their luck and their lives as well. they have neither time nor energy to comment on others. while attentively planning the future, they devote themselves wholly in hard work, leaving the embroidered stories and malicious gossips flying in the air. the commenting ones, however, usually work less, and even if they want to work sometimes, they simply are not capable enough. they are no better than anyone, but show admiration to nobody either. they blame either the heaven, or the earth, but never themselves. they dare not to take any risks, but they are also afraid of any hard work. they are gossip-mongers, ma-ki-ng stories and spreading rumors, ma-ki-ng you feel annoyed and upset. it''s not because that you have hurt them, or disturbed them, or hindered them, but because you are working. if only you are working, he is there commenting. everything is hard at the beginning. you have just started a new cause, needing encouragement and support, yet he is there pouring a jar of cold water or blowing a gust of chilly wind, ma-ki-ng you worried or perplexed. but once you have succeeded, he is there again sharing your succewithout feeling a little ashamed of the discouragement he had given you.

many people don''t like using their mind but enjoy echoing the views of others. they often take it for granted that the working ones are wrong while the commenting ones are definitely right. however in all fairness, how can it be true? not working itself is already wrong, and it is a blunder to hurt the hard working people.

from ancient time to the present, many great men have been commented on endlessly. take the cases of confucius, emperor qinshihuang, emprewu zetian, gengis khan, dr. sun yet-sun, chairman mao, deng xiaoping, etc.. both positive and negative criticism have been made about them. they not only enjoyed compliments but also suffered slanders from all over the world.


when commenting on what''s right and what''s wrong, the commenting ones themselves don''t really know what is wrong and what is right. they are simply demanding perfection. when criticizing the others'' inability, they themselves are actually unable to do anything, but simply pretending that they know better. this can well be compared with the actors and spectators. a new program is always followed by large amounts of criticism from the spectators. but if a spectator is given a chance to perform, a disaster will surely happen. diners are always commenting on the skills of the chefs while readers are always criticizing the writers. another case in point is the forty-chapter sequel of a dream of the red mansions , which were written by gao e who did a nearly perfect job. neverthelethere are always such people who claim to be the experts on the novel, criticizing the latter forty chapters as a wretched sequel to a fine work. what if we ask them to write the sequel? i''m afraid they can only make it worse. it''s easier said than done.

capable and wealthy people are always the focus of the society.

capable people are usually marching ahead of others and may not be properly understood, hence causing various kinds of comments, more criticism but lesupport;

capable people can easily succeed, thus causing both admiration and comments, more jealousy but leappreciation (only their good luck is recognized);

capable people can be sought for help and attract the attention of the society, thus causing a lot of comments, more complaints but legratitude (even though they didn''t ask anyone for help, if only they were not able to help others in a satisfactory way, it''s already their fault);

capable people can also suffer setbacks (some even experience ups and downs many times), experiencing fully the warmth and coldneof the human world, more hurts but lehelps.

wealthy people are non the easier. no doubt there are cruel-hearted rich men, but it is also wrong to think that no wealthy people are kind-hearted. they are capable of devising and managing and they often need to take risks to get the chance. but who care about these?

whenever a group are dining or entertaining, everyone will take it for granted that the rich should pay the bill instead of going dutch. if the rich doesn''t pay, then he''ll definitely be regarded as a miser;

among good friends and relatives, the rich should often help the poor, otherwise he will surely be blamed for his cruel-heartedness;

from the ancient times, people have been used to killing the rich to save the poor, without thinking about how the rich became rich and the poor stayed poor. the policy of “allowing some people to get rich” has balanced people''s mind to some extent, but there is still a long way to go before we can get rid of “the hatred toward the wealthy”.



