



1、A: Hi,Tom._____ you like apples?

B: Yes, I_____. _____ ______ you?

A: I like apples.And my father ______ apples, too. Does your father _____ apples?

B:No,he_____. He likes oranges and bread _____ breakfast.

2、 A:Let’s ______ soccer.

B: I______ have a soccer ball.

A:What do you ______?

B:I have a_______.

A:Well, let’s play volleyball.

B:That______ good.

3、 A:Do you ____ pants for girls?

B:Yes, we have pants in _____ colors: red, white, black, green and blue. What color do you______?

A: I like white and blue. And _____ _____ are these white ______?

B: Eighteen dollars. And those in ______ are fifteen dollars.

A: I’ll_____ those blue pants. Fifteen dollars. ______ you are.

B:OK.Here_____ your pants.

A: _____ a lot.



1、A:Hi,can I ask you what you think of some TV programs? B and C:sure.

A:Ok,which programs oon this paper do you like to watch?

B:Let"s see. We have sprots shows,talk shows,soap operas,game shows,and sitcomes.


B:Yes,that"smy favorite sitcom,too,but my all time favorite TV programs are__________________________________________________.I love answering the questions._________________________________are OK. I______________________________________

C:Oh,I love soap operas. The actors all so good-looking. A:How about sports? C:______________________________

2、 Li Lei:_______ _____,Tom. Do you _____ an English dictionary?

Tom: ______, I don’t.

Li Lei: Do you think David ______ one?

Tom: I _____ know.You can go and _____ him.

Li Lei: David, do you have an _____ ______?

David :Yes._____ you are.

Li Lei:_______ you.

3、Tom: Hello, Jim.

Jim: Oh, it’s Tom. _____ are you?

Tom: Fine, thank you. And _____?

Jim: I’m fine,_______. Please come in and sit down.

Tom:_______ you.

Jim: Tom, this is a photo of my _______.

Tom: Can I ____ a look ____ it?

Jim: OK. Look. Here____ my father and my mother.

Tom: They are young(年轻的). _____ that baby?

Jim: Guess(猜)!

Tom: Is your____,Lisa?

Jim: No.

Tom:I know, It’s _____.



1、A: Can I_____ you?

B:Yes, ______. I_____ a shirt. Do you______ blue shirts?


A:Yes.Here_____ the blue one.

B:Oh. It’s very nice._____ _____ is it?

A:Thirty yuan.

B:I think it is expensive. I_____ a ____ one.

A:____ _____ this red one?

B: Oh, it’s good. I ______ it very much. ______ ______ is it?

A: Fifteen yuan.

B: I’ll______ it.

A: ____ ____ are.

B: ______ a lot.

A:You’re _________.

2、A: Hi, This is a picture of my_______.

B: Oh!_____ these _____parents?

A: _____, they are_____grandparents. These are my______. This is my father._____ name is Mark. And this is my mother. ____ name is Lisa.

B:Oh, _____ that girl?

A:It’s _____ sister,Gina.

3、 A: Let’s _____computer games!

B: That sounds interesting, but I don’t have a _________.

A: Well, _____ you have a volleyball?

B: Yes.

A: Then let’s play volleyball.

B: Oh, volleyball ______ so difficult.

A: OK, let’s ________ TV.

B: That ________ boring. Humm… _______ play soccer!

A: That sounds fun..


1、Dave: Hi,Bruce. ____ my computer game on the table?

Bruce: No, ____ _____. It’s on the bookcase.

Dave: Oh, OK. How about my books? _____ they ______the bookcase, too?

Bruce:No, they aren’t. _____ on the chair.

Dave: Oh, so, _______ my pencil case?

Bruce: It’s under the sofa.

Dave: Oh , OK, And where ­______mom’s keys?

Bruce: The ______? They’re on the table.

2、 Bruce: Here is a list of all the clubs.

Dave: What_____ do you ____ to join?

Bruce: I want to join the _____ club. I want to learn English. How____ you?

Dave: Hmm. I want to join the______ club. Can you _____ chess?

Bruce: No.I ____ like chess.

3、A: Hi, Li Lei. _____ ____ do you want to join?

B: I want to join the _____ ____.

A: Oh,can you______?

B:Yes, I____. I can sing _____.Do you want to ______ the music club?

A:No, I want to join the chess club.I can play it_____.

B:I can play it, _____.

A: Really? _____ play it .


4、 A: Do you want to _____ to a movie?

B: Yes, that_____ good.

A: What_____ of movies do you like?

B: Well, I like comedies_____ they are funny. ____ ____ you?

A: I _____ documentaries. I______ they are very interesting.

B:_____ your favorite star?

A:Zhou Xingchi.

B:_____ do you like him?

A:Because he is funny.



