



1.This is my nose.

2.Touch your head.

3.Raise your arm.

4.I'm twelve years old.

5.My hobby is reading.

6.I like music.

7.I'm interested inSPAce.

8.My name is Peter.

9.I'm tall and thin.

10.Do you have any hobbies?

11.Who's he? He's my father.

12.He's a doctor

13.He likes playing games.

14.My father helps me.

15.Is he a soldier?

16.What's he?


表示将来将要发生的动作, 经常和tomorrow, next year, the day after tomorrow, the year after the next, in five hours' time, etc. 表示将来的词联用。


I will go to America tomorrow.

The pilot will fly to Japan the month after the next.

Jack will move into his new house tomorrow morning.


Will you go to America tomorrow?

Will the pilot fly to Japan the month after the next?

Will Jack move into his new house tomorrow morning?


I will not go to America tomorrow.

The pilot will not fly to Japan the month after the next.

Jack will not move into his new house tomorrow morning.


Yes, I will. / No, I will not.

Yes, he/she will. / No, he/she will not.

Yes, he will. / No, he will not.


What will you do?


saturday 星期六

school 学校

schoolbag 书包

schoolboy 男学生

schoolgirl 女学生

seat 座位

see 看见

september 九月

seven 七

shanghai 上海

she 她

sheep 羊

shelf 搁板,架子,


shine v. 照耀,发光

ship 船

shirt 男式衬衫

shoe 鞋vt给…穿上鞋

shop n商店vi. 购物,

short 短裤 短的,矮的

shoulder n肩膀,


show 给…看

shut 关上,闭上,关闭,

sing 唱

singing 唱歌

sir 先生

sister 姐妹

sit 坐, 就坐

six 六


skirt 裙子,女裙,

sky 天 天空

sleep 睡觉

small 小的

smell 气味 v 闻到

smile 微笑

snake 蛇

snow 雪

snowy 下雪的 雪白的

sofa 沙发

so 非常.很

soldier 士兵vi 当兵some 一些 某些,一部分的

son 儿子

song 歌曲

sorry 对不起的

south 南方 在南方

speak发言,讲话, ,谈论

spoon 汤匙vt ,舀取


spring 春天

stand 站立,站起 候车站

star n星星adj优秀的

story n故事,小说, 假话, s

treet 街,街道

strong 强壮的,坚固的

subject 科目 题目,学科


summer 夏天

sun 太阳

sunday 星期天

sunglasses 太阳眼镜

supermarket 超级市场

supper 晚餐,晚饭

swan n 天鹅,杰出的诗



sweet adj甜的,swim 游泳



