






三、festival October fun night scary masks houses scare sweets Sometimes 笔试部分

四、1——5 CBCBA

6——10 BBABA

五、1.was 2.were 3. mine 4.hers 5.Halloween

6.restaurant 7.a birthday cake 8.请柬 9.skirt 10.两者都

六、1. We are going to have lunch together.

2. Are you going to sing and dance?

3. What do you want?

4. Whose ruler is it?

5. There wasn’t a pond here before.

七、1—5 F T F T F


Dear Lucy

I’m going to be 12.

Please come to my party.

At: 6 PingAn Road, Anshan

On: Wednesday, 2nd of January

From: 15 o’clock

To: 17 o’clock

Please reply.


一、1. mine 2.both 3. scary 4.Nobember 5.country

二、1. What are you going to do?

2. What is Halloween?

3. What are there in the supermarket?

4. What do you want?

5. Whose book is it?

三、 Halloween is a festival in western countries. It is in October. It’s really fun. On that night, children wear scary clothes and masks. They go to people’s houses. And they scare the people. Then the people give them sweets. Sometimes they give children fruits.



( )1. A. mine B. my C. May

( )2. A. but B. both C. buy

( )3. A. scary B. scare C. carry

( ) 4.A. September B.November C. December

( )5. A. children B. chicks C. country


( )1. A. I’m going to read.

B. I’m reading.

( )2. A. It’s in spring.

B. It’s an autumn festival.

( )3. A. There are many sweets.

B. There were many sweets.

( )4. A. I want some chicken.

B. That’s what I want.

( )5. A. It’s really funny.

B. It’s mine.


Halloween is a _____ in western countries. It is in _____. It’s really ____. On that _____, children wear ____ clothes and ____. They go to people’s _____. And they ____ the people. Then the people give them ____. _____ they give children fruits.



( )1. There ____ a park before.

A. were B. is C. was

( )2. They wear _____ clothes.

A. scare B. scary C. sell

( )3. _______ lots of fruits in the supermarket now.

A. There were B. There was C. There are

( )4. This one is heavy. I can’t ______ it.

A. buy B. lift C. eat

( )5. The supermarkets _____ foods from lots of countries.

A. sell B. buy C. make

( )6. It’s ___ invitation.

A. a B. an C. of

( )7. ______ is in spring.

A. Halloween B. Easter C. Children’s Day

( )8.-- _______________________ ?

-- We’re going to have lunch together.

A. What are we going to do?

B. What are we doing?

C. What is he going to do?

( )9.-- _____ T-shirt is it?

--It’s hers!

A. Who B. Whose C. Who’s

( )10. It’s Lingling’s book. It _____ mine.

A. isn’t B. is C. not


1. is(过去式)________ 2. are(过去式)_________

3.my (名词性物主代词)________ 4.her(名词性物主代词)_______

5.万圣节(写出英语)________ 6.饭馆(写出英语)________

7.一块生日蛋糕(写出英语)____ 8. invitation(写出汉语)________

9.短裙(写出英语)_________ 10.both(写出汉语)________

六、连词成句 (10点)

1. we going are have lunch to together


2. you going sing dance and to are

__________________________________ ?

3. what you want do

__________________________________ ?

4. is whose ruler it

__________________________________ ?

5. there a pond before wasn’t here.

___________________________________ .

七、阅读理解,正确的填T, 错误的填F。(10点)

Christmas is a very important festival in western countries. It’s in December. There are Christmas trees everywhere(到处). People give children presents.On Christmas Eve, sometimes there are parties in people’s houses. They give friends Christmas cards.

Linging is going to attend(参加) a Christmas party. It’s in Amy’s home. They are going to sing and dance. And they are going to have many decilious foods. It is really a wonderful festival!

( )1. Christmas is an antumn festival.

( )2. You can see Christmas trees on Christmas.

( )3. Children wear scary clothes and scare the people on Christmas.

( )4. Lingling and Amy are going to sing and dance in the party.

( )5. People don’t give children anything on Christmas.





