


Unit 1 Can you come to my party?


1. 来参加我的晚会 come to my party

2. 我愿意 I’d love to.

3. 在周六下午 on Saturday afternoon

4. 上钢琴课 take/have a piano lesson

5. 去看医生 go to the doctor

6. 太多家庭作业 too much homework

7. 下一次 another time

8. 谢谢邀请 Thanks for asking.

9. 玩得高兴 have fun

10. 去商业街/商场 go to the mall

11.棒球比赛 baseball game 12. 后天 the day after tomorrow

13. 为考试而学习 study for a test 14. 临时照看他的妹妹 babysit his sister

15. 多谢邀请 Thanks a lot for the invitation.

16. 在度假期 be on vacation

17. 保持安静 keep quiet

18. 和我一起打网球

play tennis with me

19.足球比赛 football match

20.文化俱乐部 culture club

21. 整天 the whole day =all day

22. 整日整夜 all day and all night

23. 整个故事the whole story

24. 所有学生all the students

25. 过来 、顺便来访come over to

26. 去看牙医 go to the dentist 27. 来加入我们 come and join us.

28. 本周 this week

29. 上钢琴课have a piano lesson/class

30. 校队 the school team

31.邀请某人去做某事invite sb. to do sth.


1.Can you/Could you… 表示邀请 (回答为Sure/ great/yes, I’d love to. Sorry, I can’t. I have to…)

2.询问星期 what day is it today?

询问日期 what’s the date today? 询问星期加日期 What’s today?

3.谢谢邀请thanks for asking/thanks for inviting me/ thanks for your invitation

4.whole 强调整体的,放于名词前

the whole building 整幢大楼

all强调所有的,强调没一个部分,用于the 前 后加名词,多为复数

all the students 所有的学生

(注意all day and all night 整日整夜属于特例无the)



1.长头发long hair 2.更擅长运动的 more athletic

3.更外向more outgoing 4.更文静be quieter

5.正如你所看到的as you can see 6.在某些方面 in some ways

7.看起来一样 look the same 8.看起来不同 look different

9.喜欢参加晚会 enjoy going to the parties

10. 多于; 超过 more than

11. 共用; 共有 in common 12. 同…一样… as…as

13. 擅长; 在…方面做得好

be good at =do well in

14. 与…一样 the same as

15. 使我大笑 make me laugh 16. 大多数 most of

17. 与…不同 be different from 18. 相反的观点 opposite views

19 没必要干…it’s not necessary to do …

20. 在…战胜…beat sb in…

21. 在友谊中in a friendship 22. 善待孩子们 be good with children

23. 喜欢讲笑话 enjoy telling jokes 24. 招聘老师 teacher wanted

25. 停止讲话 stop talking 26. 呆在家 stay at home

27. 稍微高一点儿a little taller

28. 上一封信 last letter

29. 超出……more than

30. 相同的事物the same things


一.The comparative degrees of adjectives (形容词的比较级)

1.Adj.比较级: 表示两者的比较



4.比较级前面可以用even(更加),much(……得多),far(……得多),a littlie(……一点),a bit(一点),slightly(些微地),a great deal(大量),a good deal(大量),a lot(大量),still(还,还要)等词语表示不定程度或数量。




词尾若有哑音e, 直接加r就可以。(nice-nicer)

重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要双写。(hot-hotter)

辅音字母若加y, 记得把y变为i。(happy-happier)


good /well ------- better

bad/ill ------- worse

many/much -------more

little ------- less

far ------- farther /further

8. 表示两者是同等程度,用“as+形容词原级+as”; 表示不同等程度,用“not as(so)+形容词原级+as”

9. 注:表示否定比较还可用“less+形容词原级+than”, 这种用法常用“not as/so+原级+as”所代替。


11.用“the+比较级,the +比较级”的结构表示一方的程度随另一方的程度平行增长,译为“越…(就)越…

The more you eat, the fatter you are.

12、形容词的比较级前面一般不加冠词,但表示“两者中较……”的时候,要用“the+比较级+of ”。

She is the taller of the two girls.



1. 剥去香蕉皮 peel the bananas

2. turn on 打开(电器等)

turn off 关(电器等)

turn up 调大(把声音开大)

turn down 调小(把声音关小)

3. turn on the blender 启动搅拌机

4切碎 cut up

cut up three apples 切碎三个苹果

5.把……放入……内put … into / in …

pour yogurt into the blender


6. make a banana milk shake 做香蕉奶昔

7. 多少 how many(可数名词复数)

how much (不可数名词)

8. 做水果沙拉 make fruit salad

9. 2 teaspoons of relish 两茶匙调味品

10. put in two teaspoons of honey


11. 混合在一起 mix up

mix it / them all up


12.一片面包a slice of bread

13. 两片面包 two slices of bread

14. 把…放在…上 put…on…

15. 把…加到…上 add…to…

add the ingredients to the noodles


16. 在顶部 on the top of

17. 一个…的食谱 a recipe for

a recipe for a great turkey sandwich


18 .嫩洋葱green onion

19. check you have all the ingredients.


20. roll the pancake 卷起煎饼

21. boil dumplings 煮饺子

22. a bag of 一袋……

23. a box of 一盒……

24. a teaspoon of 一匙……

25. a slice of 一片……

26. a cup of 一茶杯

27. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事


1表示顺序的副词有First,… then, … next, … finally/at last/in the end, …


2.pour…into 把…倒进…(倒时的是是液体,如水,牛奶,果汁等)

Unit 4


1. school trip

郊游 /学校旅行

2. go to the aquarium 去水族馆

3.buy a souvenir/some souvenirs买纪念品

4.buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物

5.on the school trip


6.take photos /pictures照相,拍照

7 . 闲逛 hang out

hang out with sb. 和某人闲逛

8. win a prize 获奖(金)

9. take the bus back to school 乘公共汽车回学校

10. eat/have some ice cream 吃冰激淋

11. at the end of 在……的尽头

at the end of the day


12. go for a drive 开车兜风

13.其余什么 what else =what other things

14.get one’s autograph


get his autograph 得到他的亲笔签名

15. thanks for doing sth.


16. on one’s day off 在某人的休息日

17. on my next day off


18.一个繁忙的休息日 a busy day off

19.整天 all day

21. have fun doing sth. 很高兴做某事

22. in the yard 在院子里

23. have a yard sale 进行庭院旧货出售

24. on the school trip 在学校郊游中

25. in the future 将来,未来

26. a famous actor 著名演员 27.have a great/good/wonderful/nice time =have fun=enjoy oneself


28. watch a movie about ….看一部关于… 的电影

watch a movie about sharks


29. watch a dolphin show观看海豚表演

30. watch videos 看录像

31. after that = then 之后,然后

32. at the end of the day 在当天结束的时候

33. take/have a class =have a lesson=have classes=have lessons=go to class 上课

34. the Visitors’ Center 旅游者中心

35. sleep late 睡懒觉/起得晚 =

stay up (late) 熬夜

36.kind of boring 有点无聊

37.get wet变潮

38.. go camping in the rain 在雨中野营

39. finally = at last = in the end 最后

40. put … out 把 …… 放到外面

41. no one = nobody = none 没有一个人

42. in my opinion 我认为,依我看,在我看来

43. a movie about living in the future


44. in yesterday's singing competition


45. be with sb. 与某人在一起

46. the outdoor pool 露天水池

47. the gift shop 礼品店

48. give sb. a ride/lift 让某人搭车

49. get a ride from sb. 搭某人的车

50. 从…回来 come back from

回到:get back( to …)


1.no one=nobody (当他们作主语时,为三单形式)

2. 1)luck (n) 运气 good/bad luck 2) lucky(adj) 幸运的

Tom is a lucky boy.

3) luckily (adv)幸运地

e.g. Luckily, he passed the exam.

3. some of… 其中一些

all of…全部

most of…大多数

none of…没有

Unit 5


1.国际体育明星international sports stars

2.出生于…be born in/on …


a great Chinese ping-pong player

4..世界纪录名册Book of world records

5..世界打嗝/打喷嚏纪录 Hiccupping/sneezing world record

6..打破纪录break the record 创..的纪录have world record for…

7. start doing (to do) sth. 开始做某事begin doing (to do) sth. 开始做某事

8.stop doing sth. 停止做某事

stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

9. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事

see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事10.first have a party 首次举行聚会

11. a professional soccer player


12. all his free time

他的全部空闲时间 / 业余时间

13.太…以至于不能 too…to 14.例如;比如for example=such as

15.打高尔夫球play golf 16.创作/写音乐write music

17.为国家对效力play for the national team

18.由于because of

19.成为一个明星become a movie star 20.学会骑自行车learn to ride a bicycle

21.学会做某事learn to do sth.

22.和某人度过…时光spend …time with sb.

23.滑冰ice skating

24.一段音乐a piece of music

25.在某人…岁时at the age of …

26.在70年历史中in the 70-year history of

27.主修;主研major in

28.一个著名的小提琴家/钢琴家a famous violinist/pianist

29.开始滑冰start ice skating

30.一位善良而慈爱的奶奶 a kind and loving grandmother

31.成为一位滑冰冠军 become a skating champion

32.在美国巡回演出tour the U.S.

33.学手风琴learn the accordion 34.参加take part in

take (an active) part in (积极)参加

35.在国际肖邦钢琴大赛上in the Chopin International Piano Competition

36.获一等奖win the first prize 37.健在/活着be alive

38.上清华大学go to Tsinghua University

39.女子单打选手a women’s singles player

40. a comedy called … 一个名叫……的喜剧

41. the number one women's singles player


42. spend all the free time with sb.

与… … 度过全部的空闲时间

43. hold the record 保持纪录

44. break the record 打破纪录

45. set the record 创造纪录


1.at the age of…=when he/she was…

2.too +形容词、副词(for sb)…to+

动词原形----- 译为:太…以至于不能…

e.g. Tom is too young to go to school.=Tom is so young that he can't to school=Tom isn't old enough to go to school.

3.called 叫做 e.g. Yesterday I saw a movie called Mr Bean.

Unit 6


1.at home 在家

relax at home 在家放松

2.how long 多久

3.get back 回来

4.think about 思考

5.decide on(doing)sth.决定选定 ( decide to do sth. )

6.theGreat Wall 长城

7.finish doing sth.完成某事

8.take a vacation 去度假

9.something different 不同的东西 (something +adj)

10.go camping 去野营

sports camp 运动野营#p#副标题#e#

go bike riding 骑自行车旅行

11.go hiking 徒步行

go sightseeing 去观光

go fishing 去钓鱼

go shopping去购物

go swimming去游泳

12.go away 离开

13 send sb sth 寄给某人看某物

= send sth to sb

14. show sb sth 给某人看某物

= show sth to sb

15 .have a good time 玩得愉快 [have a …time (doing) ]

16. get back to 回到

17.rent videos 租录像 18.take walks 去散步 = take a walk =go for a walk /go for walks

19.vacation plans 假期计划 take a long vacation 过长假

20.think about (doing ) 考虑… 21.take with 随身携带

22.do something different


23.plan to do sth 计划去做某事

24.a relaxing vacation


25.an exciting vacation


26. forget all my problems


27.at night 在晚上

28.can’t wait to do 迫不及待想干… 29. make a movie 拍一部电影

30.sleep a lot 好好睡觉 31.a good place to do…


32.leave for 动身前往…


1.☆be doing 现在进行表将来


2.表示将来的时间状语有:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, next Saturday, later等

3.句子结构:主语+be动词+ 动词ing

例如 : What are you doing for vacation ? I am going camping .


something + adj

something different

nothing intereting

exciting (形容词放在不定代词之后)

6. 同谓语

Ben Lambert, the famous French singer 指的是同一个人

又如: Miss Liu, our English teacher, is talking to us.

Unit 7



a computer programmer


study computer science

3.专业演员a professional actor

a professional basketball player


4.上表演课take acting lessons

5.练篮球practice basketball

6.长大grow up

7.将要/ 打算…be going to

8.搬到…move to …

9.一些有趣的地方somewhere interesting

10.搬到有意思的地方move somewhere interesting

11. 高中毕业finish high school 12.听看来像sound like

13..时装表演fashion shows

艺术展 art exhibitions

举行艺术展have/hold art exhibitions

14.时尚杂志的记者 a reporter for a fashion magazine

15.找份兼职工作find a part-time job

a part-time job


a full-time job 一份专职工作

16. 找一份当语言教师的工作

find a job as a language teacher

17. 一位外语教师

a foreign language teacher

18. 一份教学的工作a teaching job

19在艺术学校at an art school

20. 省钱;攒钱save some money

make money 挣钱、赚钱

21.同时at the same time


travel / tour all over the world

23. 8. a /one year or two = one or two years 一两年

24.send … to … 送……到……

25. somewhere interesting 有趣的地方

move somewhere interesting


26.move to … 搬到某地

27. have/hold a meeting 举行会议

28.遍及世界各地all over the world=around the world

29.一门外语a foreign language

30.引退到某个安静美丽的地retire somewhere quiet and beautiful

31. 制定新年打算

make New Year's resolutions


learn to play an instrument

33.学习电脑科学. study computer science

34.组建足球队 make the soccer team

35..上吉它课take guitar lessons 36..学习外语learn a foreign language

37.加大锻炼量get a lot of exercise 38.吃更健康的食物 eat healthier food

39.保持健康keep fit / stay healthy 40.学习上更努力work harder in school

41.与…交流communicate with sb.

42.为国际性杂志投稿write for international magazines

43.召开迎新会 have a welcome party

44. get sth. from sb. 从某人那儿获得到某物

45. exercise more to keep fit /keep healthy /stay healthy 多做运动来保持健康

46. leave one’s job 离职,辞职

47. write for … 为……写东西

48. have a welcome party 举行欢迎会

49. get lots of exercise 做大量练习

50. think of a six-point plan 想出一个六点计划

51. some American exchanged students


52 . make a resolution 做决定

53. in the speech competition 在演讲比赛中

54. a fashion show 时装表演

55. be sure to do 一定要做某事


1.dream(v) 做梦

dream about sth 梦到…

dream of sth/doing sth 梦想做某事e.g. I dreamed about the test last night 昨晚我梦到了考试

I dream of going to the U.S one day 我梦想有一天能去美国.

2.When I grow up=When I’m older When he grows up=When he’s older

3.. sound like+n 听起来像… sound+adj 听起来怎么样

4.move to sp 搬到某地

move from sp to sp 从某地搬到某地

当move后跟here/there/somewhere等词时, to 省略 e.g. move somewhere interesting

5. over=more than 超过

6. keep fit 保持身材=keep healthy=keep in good health

7. a little +不可数名词(有一点儿)

little +不可数名词(几乎没有)

a few +可数名词(有几个)

few +可数名词(几乎没有)

Unit 8


1.洗碗do the dishes (=wash the dishes)

2.扫地sweep the floor

3.倒垃圾take out the trash

4.铺床/ 整理床铺make your bed

make one’s bed

5.折叠衣服fold your clothes

6.打扫起居室clean the living room

7.让某人搭便车give sb a ride

8.开会have a meeting

9.忙于做某事work on / be busy with sth

10. 在外呆到很晚stay out late

11.做家务do chores=do housework 12. 讨厌做…hate to do …/doing…

13.做早餐 make breakfast

14.洗车wash the car

15.呆在外边be outside =stay outside

16.买些饮料和小吃 buy some drinks and snacks

17.向某人借某物borrow sth from sb

(从…)借些钱 borrow some money(from sb.)

18.洗衣服do the laundry =wash the clothes

19.邀请某人去某地invite sb to somewhere

20.去商店go to the store 21.买饮料和零食buy drinks and snacks

22.照顾照看…take care of … =look after

23.带某人做某事take sb for sth

take him for a walk


give sb sth / give sth to sb

25. 忘记要去干forget to do sth

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事

26.和…玩 play with …

27. 搬新家move to a new house

28.向某人寻求帮助ask sb for help 29.饲养狗feed dogs

30. be/ get angry (with sb.) 生某人的气

31.英语课外作业English project

32.去度假go on vacation 33.需要一些帮助need some help

34.以…为食feed on…

35. have/hold school party 举行学校晚会

36. go to a meeting 去参加会议

37. stay out late 在外面呆到很晚

38. have/take a test 参加考察,进行测试#p#副标题#e#


1.I hate to do chores. = I hate doing chores = I don’t like to do chores = I don’t like doing chores

2. Thanks for taking care of my dog= Thanks for looking after my dog 谢谢你照顾我的狗

3.Could you buy some….? 你能买些…吗? 注: 此句中的some 不能换成any

4. Thanks for inviting me.=Thanks for your invitation. 谢谢你邀请我

5.Could you please do sth ? 或 Could sb do sth ? 表示非婉地请求别人做某事好不好?

肯定回答 Yes , sure 或者 Yes , I can

否定回答 No , I can’t 或 sorry, I can’t

7. Could you please do sth.?=Can you please do sth.?=Would you please do sth.?=Will you please+ do sth. (否定句直接在动词前加not即可)

肯定回答:Yes, sure/ Yes, I can./No problem

否定回答:Sorry, but I have to…/Sorry I’m going to…

8.Could I/Can I/May I do sth? 肯定回答:Yes, you can./Sure, you can. 否定回答:Sorry, you can’t. (注意在1,2两种句型中都不能用I could/I couldn’t来回答)


e.g. Could you please give me some water?

Could I do some shopping with my friend?

Unit 9


1.舒适的座位comfortable seats

2.大屏幕big screens

3.友好的服务friendly service 4.离家近be close to / near home

5.在城里有趣的地方in a fun part of town

6.最好的电影院the best movie theatre

7. 弹一支钢琴曲play a piano piece

8. think about 考虑

9.服装店a clothing store 10.电台a radio station

11有.质量好的衣服have good quality clothes

12.相当差pretty bad

13. 做…调查do a survey of

14.质量最差the worst quality

15特价屋Bargain House 16.才艺展示.才艺表演talent show

17.非常成功a great success

18.赢得了…奖win the prize for…

19. 最有趣的人the funniest person

20. a boring TV show 乏味的电视节目

21. 最佳表演者the best performer 22.…的价格the price of

the price for ……的奖励

23.削价/ 减价cut one’s price(s)

24.在中国的北部in the north of China=In northern china

25.冰雪节Ice and Snow Festival 26.在海南省in Hainan Province

27. make mushroom soup 做蘑菇汤

28. a speech contest 一次演讲比赛

29. a creative job 富有创造性的工作

30. an elementary school 小学

31. trendy teens 时尚少年

32.in town 在城镇

in the city 在城市里

in the country 在农村

33. in southern China = in the south of China


34. 200 yuan a night 每晚200元

35. minus 30 degrees Celsius 零下三十度

36. a table cloth 一块桌布

37. in the daytime 在白天


1.used to do 过去经常做某事

e.g. I used to get up early, but now I’m often late for school. 我过去经常早起,但现在经常迟到

2.be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 e.g. My grandma is used to living in the countryside. 我的外祖母习惯住在乡下。

3.agree with sb/sth 同意某人/某事 agree on sth 在某事上达成一致 agree to do sth 同意做某事

4.A borrow…from B =B lend…to A A向B借了某物=B 借了某物给A

e.g. I borrow a book from my friend.= My friend lend a book to me. (注意这两个词不同的介词搭配,不能互换。)

5. I don’t have any money=I have no money.



I think…… 的否定句为

I don’t think …… 否定前置

I guess so . 的否定句为

I guess not. ????

I hope so . 的否定句为

I hope not.

8.a great success (n.) 成功

successful (adj.) 成功的 successfully(adv.)成功地



1.闲谈small talk

2.与…闲谈have small talk with…

3.小提琴乐曲violin music

4.成功的闲谈successful small talk

5.到中午为止by noon

6.很快到来come soon

7.在汽车站at the bus stop

8.浏览,仔细查看look through

9.在书店in a book store

10.排队wait in line

11.横穿繁忙的街道cross a busy street

12.礼貌的闲谈polite small talk

13.多大how big

14球迷a ball game fan 15.星期五晚上的比赛Friday night’s game

16.干…不容易 it’s not easy doing /to do … 17.过得特愉快have a wonderful time (doing)

18.在星期六晚上on Saturday night 19.…的一些some of …

20.对… 很友好be friendly to … 21.感觉像… feel like…


part of the group

23.带…参观 show …around

24.干…费了很大劲have a hard time (doing)

25.出现/到来come along

26.擅长…be good at …

27.帮助… 做…help… (to) do …

在…方面帮助某人help …with…

28.像你这样的朋友 friends like you 29.( 和某人)相处(好)

get along( well with…)

30.让… 很简单make…easy

使…变得容易多了make it a lot easier 31.…的票ticket for…

32.干… 很高兴be happy to do … 33.要求…(不要)干…ask sb(not) to do …

34.和… 一块去go with … 35. 想到…think of …

36.爷爷的九十岁生日grandpa’s 90th birthday

37.小心/仔细干…be careful to do…

38.看两侧look both ways 39.至少at least

40.在周末on the weekend

41.当心、小心be careful =take care=look out

42.过得很难have a hard time

过得不好have a bad time

过得愉快have a good /great /nice time


1. 反义疑问句结构:前肯后否,前否后肯;

2做题规则: 原句有be 用be动词,有can,用can, 都没有,去借do,前后时态要一致。

(注:There is 句型中的反义疑问句都是--- there?的句式)

(注:祈使句的反义疑问句除了Let’s do sth用shall we以外,其他都用will you)

3.I think he is a good boy. (isn’t he)

I don’t think (he is a good boy) (is he?) 我认为他不是一个好男孩 【否定前置】---肯否随前,动词主语变化随后

(don’t里的not 相当于 he isn’t a good boy)


5.everyone,someone,anyone,no one 作主语时反义疑问句都用 they


1. 【即:practice, mind, finish, give up, keep, can’t stand, have fun等与enjoy用法相似。】

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事,

like doing sth 喜欢做某事,

practice doing sth. 练习做某事,

mind doing sth. 介意做某事,

finish doing sth. 完成某事,

give up doing sth. 放弃做某事,

keep doing sth. 坚持做某事. keep+(sb.)+doing 使(某人)不停地做某事”

can’t stand doing sth.忍不住做某事

have fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快

thanks for doing sth. 感谢某人做了某事

how about/what about doing sth.?做某事怎么样?

after doing sth.做完某事之后

2.go 后出现动词用动名词形式-ing

go camping 去野营,

go shopping 去买东西,

go swimming 去游泳,

go boating去划船,

go skating 去溜冰,

go walking去散步,

go climbing 去登山,

go dancing去跳舞,

go hiking 去徒步远足,

go sightseeing 去观光,

go bike riding 骑自行车旅行,

go fishing 去钓鱼

3. do some shopping 买东西, do some washing 洗衣服,

do some cooking 作饭,

do some reading读书,

do some speaking训练口语


{forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事

forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 }

{remember to do sth.记得要去做某事

remember doing sth.记得做过某事}

{ stop to do sth 接着做某事

stop doing sth. 停止做某事 }

begin/start doing(to do) sth. 开始做某事

hate to do/hate doing =dislike to do/doing

{see sb. do sth.


see sb. doing sth. [正在做 ]


{try to do sth 尽量、努力做某事

try doing sth.试着做某事}

{want to do sth=would like to do sth

=feel like doing sth 想要做某事 }

like doing(to) do sth. 喜欢干13、{spend +时间in doing 花费时间做某事 spend + 钱 on sth 在什么上花了多少钱}



call sb.( up), phone sb.(up),

phone to sb., telephone sb.(up),

telephone to sb., ring sb.(up),

give sb. a ring, give sb. a phone,

make a telephone (call) to sb.

6.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.出示某物给某人看

give me the book=give the book to me 给我书,

pass me the cup=pass the cup to me 把杯子递给我,

sell me the house=sell the house to me把房子卖给我

buy me a book =buy a book for me 给我买书,

make me a cake=make a cake for me给我做蛋糕

7.get back=come back回来

8.①.There is(was)+可数名词单数(不可数名词)+somewhere.②There are(were)+可数名词复数+somewhere 某处有…



