


1. listen up 注意听

2. get out of 从……内出来/离开

3. on the edge of 处于…的边缘

4. at the bottom of 在……底部

5. That’s news to me!

6. write down some ideas

7. do some reviews with about sth.

8. do an interview with sb.

9. a wonder of the world

10. go through a gate

11. walk along a path

12. fall away and down to a river

13. look down

14. look over

15. look across

16. disappear into the distance

17. all kinds of

18. look forward to

19. Module 2

20. as far as 就……来说;至于

21. not… any more 不再……

22. millions of 数百万的

23. run away 潜逃,逃跑

24. grow up 成长,长大成人

25. talk about 谈论

26. What’s up?

27. some copies of …

28. It’s a pity.

29. Sounds like a good idea.

30. be known as

31. find oneself

32. in the middle of

33. get lost

34. be pleased to

35. be afraid of

36. Module 3

37. stand for 代表;象征

38. set up 建立

39. first of all 首先

40. finishing line 终点线

41. a tough match

42. write a report

43. They’re brilliant.

44. have no chance

45. let them get to you

46. be mad with sb.

47. around the world

48. all over the world

49. skill at sth.

50. compare with

51. take part in

52. look like

53. Module 4

54. digital camera数码相机

55. see to 注意,负责

56. look through 浏览

57. at a time 一次

58. by hand 用手工(制造)

59. at the beginning of 在……开始

60. rather than 而不是

61. one day 某天

62. ballpoint pen 圆珠笔

63. ask a favour

64. from now on

65. for ages

66. a couple of

67. on one’s way to

68. look through

69. be made from

70. at a time

71. as a result

72. in the future

73. Module 5

74. pay attention to 集中注意力于

75. as well 也

76. work out 设法弄懂,计算出

77. try out 试用,试验,检验

78. above all 首先

79. drop in 顺便走访

80. as…as 同……一样

81. Come on! This way.

82. against the rules

83. go upstairs

84. Hang on a minute.

85. come back

86. hurry up

87. a great way to

88. learn about

89. falling sand

90. a kind of

91. travel intoSPAce and back again

92. hear a noise

93. push a button

94. make sure

95. Module 6

96. throw away 扔掉,抛弃(某物)

97. instead of 代替,而不是

98. air conditioning 空调

99. do harm to 对……造成伤害

100. make a difference to 对……产生重大影响/ 很重要

101. put up 张贴

102. (be) made up of 组成,构成

103. a number of 许多

104. in fact

105. raise money#p#副标题#e#

106. save energy

107. save our world

108. latest fashions

109. reduce pollution

110. just as good

111. local product

112. a china cup

113. a lunch box

114. change… into

115. something else

116. Module 7

117. have a look at 看……一眼

118. similar to 同……相似

119. water sports 水上运动

120. What are you up to?

121. do a project about

122. write about

123. have a look

124. in the centre of

125. by the way

126. Would you like a hand…

127. go on a camel ride

128. get back

129. Module 8

130. on the left/ right 在左边/右边

131. pick up 接;拣起

132. even though 即使

133. same as you

134. get on

135. be in with a chance to

136. You’re kidding!

137. be pleased with

138. win the prize

139. far from

140. enter the competition

141. Module 9

142. over there 那边

143. have a word with

144. 和某人说几句话

145. win the heart of 赢得……的心

146. ever since 从……开始

147. make you laugh

148. in deep trouble

149. no laughing matter

150. a cute orange-and-white fish

151. a huge green monster

152. lead a group of moneys

153. fly into

154. make a mess

155. a common expression

156. in one’s own

157. private dream

158. Module 10

159. weight lifting 举重

160. give up 放弃

161. bump into 碰见

162. junk food 垃圾食品

163. take a lot of exercise

164. go running

165. do weight training#p#副标题#e#

166. pocket money

167. be bad for

168. know about

169. refuse to

170. in the end

171. persuade…to…

172. ban…from…

173. cultural activity

174. Module 11

175. along with 与……一起

176. thanks to 由于

177. add to 向……增加

178. in the right place

179. environmental problem

180. the population of

181. percent of

182. come up

183. at that time

184. in the distance

185. be close to

186. have a better life

187. flat around the edge of thecity

188. close down

189. public transport

190. protect…from…

191. pay for

192. the same…as…

193. Module 12

194. make progress 取得进步

195. place of interest 旅游胜地

196. fill in 填写

197. check in (在旅馆)登记入住;(在机场)办理登机手续

198. welcome to

199. give a warm welcome

200. an English course

201. the good news is…

202. at the same time

203. up to

204. live with

205. live in

206. take place

207. the rest of

208. have a good time

209. take off

210. leave from

211. once a week

212. at weekends



