

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 下面是有英语优美散文原文,欢迎参阅。


I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.


Active faith knows no fear, and it is a safeguard to me against cynicism and deSPAir. After all, faith is not one thing or two or three things; it is an indivisible totality of beliefs that inspire me. Belief in God as infinite good will and all-seeing Wisdom whose everlasting arms sustain me walking on the sea of life. Trust in my fellow men, wonder at their fundamental goodness and confidence that after this night of sorrow and oppression they will rise up strong and beautiful in the glory of morning. Reverence for the beauty an preciousness of the earth, and a sense of responsibility to do what I can to make it a habitation of health and plenty for all men. Faith in immortality because it renders less bitter the separation from those I have loved and lost, and because it will free me from unnatural limitations and unfold still more faculties I have in joyous activity. Even if my vital spark should be blown out, I believe that I should behave with courageous dignity in the presence of fate and strive to be a worthy companion of the beautiful, the good, and the True. But fate has its master in the faith of those who surmount it, and limitation has its limits for those who, thought disillusioned, live greatly. True faith is not a fruit of security, it is the ability to blend mortal fragility with the inner strength of the spirit. It does not shift with the changing shades of one’s thought.

积极的信念是无畏的,它守护着我远离愤世嫉俗和绝望的境地。除此之外,信念并非一种或两三种具体的事物,而是鼓舞着我所有信仰的整体,是无法分割的。我相 信,当我在生命的海洋中前行时,是拥有无限善意和无尽的智慧的上帝,用他永恒的臂膀为我支撑的。我相信我的同伴,惊奇于他们善良的天性与信念。他们相信, 在经历了悲伤与压迫的漫漫长夜后,他们将会在清晨的美丽光影中坚强地重新站起来。我崇敬着地球上一切美丽与珍贵的事物,感觉到自己有责任为全人类能拥有一 个健康而富饶的家园尽心尽力。永恒能减轻我与深爱但已失去的人分离时的痛苦;它能让我摆脱人为的束缚,发现享受欢乐的能力,因此我相信永恒。就算我的生命 之火终将熄灭,我还是坚信,自己能够勇敢且充满尊严地面对命运,成为真善美称职的战友。但那些战胜命运者的信仰也会受命运的主宰,那些理想虽破灭但依然勇 敢生存者的权利也会受到局限。真正的信念充满了危险,它是人类致命的脆弱与精神内在力量的能力结合。它不会随一个人想法的转变而改变。

It was a terrible blow to my faith when I learned that millions of my fellow creatures must labor all their days for food and shelter, bear the most crushing burdens and die without having known the joy of living. My security vanished forever, and I have never regained the radiant belief of my young years that earth is a happy home and hearth for the majority of mankind. But faith is a state of mind. The believer is not soon disheartened. If he is turned out of his shelter, he builds up a house that the winds of the earth cannot destroy.

当我得知数不清的同伴都在为他们的生计终日劳作,忍受着最沉重的压力,不曾享受生活的乐趣就黯然而逝的时候,我的信念遭到了严重的打击。我永远地失去了安 全感,也永远失去了儿时那令人欣喜的信仰:地球是多数人的幸福家园。但信念是精神的一种状态。人只要拥有信念,就不会轻言放弃。倘若他不得已颠沛流离,也 会再次建起一座房子,那是地球上任何飓风都无法摧毁的。

When I think of the suffering and famine, and the continued slaughter of men, my spirit bleeds, but the thought comes to me that, like the little deaf, dumb and blind child I once was, mankind is growing out of the darkness of ignorance and hate into the light of a brighter day.




That Christmas Eve, the streets of Boston were clogged with tourists and locals bundled in wool and flannel. Shoppers, hawkers, and gawkers whirled and swirled around me。“Frosty the Snowman,”“Let It Snow!”and “Jingle Bells”played in stores; on the sidewalks, the street musicians did their best. Everyone, it seemed, was accompanied by someone else smiling or laughing. I was alone.


The eldest of a Puerto Rican family of 11 children growing up in NewYork’scrowded tenements, I’d spent much of my life seeking solitude. Now, finally, at 27, a college student in the midst of a drown-out breakup of a seven-year relationship, I contemplated what I’d so craved, but I wasn’t quite sure I liked it. Every part of me wanted to be alone, but not at Christmas. My family had returned to Puerto Rico, my friends had gone home during the holiday break, and my acquaintances were involved in their own lives. Dusk was falling, and the inevitable return to my empty apartment brought tears to my eyes.Blinking lights from windows and around doors beckoned, and I wished someone would emerge from one of those homes to ask me inside to a warm room with a Christmas tree decorated with tinsel, its velvet skirt sprinkled with shiny fake snow and wrapped presents.

我家是一个波多黎各大家庭,我是家里的长子,下面还有10个弟弟妹妹,从小生活在纽约城拥挤的租住房里,在生命的大部分时间, 我都在寻求片刻的孤独。此时此刻,终于,这个27岁的大学生,结束了一段7年的恋情,得到了他想要的孤独,可他却怎么也高兴不起来。我想一个人静一静,但不是在圣诞节。我的家人已经返回了波多黎各,我的朋友都放假回家了,我认识的人都有自己的生活要过。天色晚了,想到要回去那空落落的宿舍,眼泪就不争气 的冒了出来。城市住家的灯火点亮起来,从门窗透出的闪烁灯光仿佛在召唤着我,我多希望有人会打开房门,邀请我走进那温暖的房间,房间一角是一株圣诞树,圣诞彩条将它装饰的绚烂华丽,天鹅绒的树摆上点缀着闪亮的雪花和包裹好的礼物

I stopped at the local market, feeling even more depressed as people filled their baskets with goodies. Dates and dried figs, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts in their shells reminded me of the gifts we received as children in Puerto Rico on Christmas Day, because the big gifts were given on the morning of the Feast of the Epiphany, on January 6. I missed my family: their rambunctious parties; the dancing; the mounds of rice with pigeon peas; the crusty, garlicky skin on the pork roast; the plantain and yucca pasteles wrapped in banana leaves. I wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.

我在集市边停下脚步,看到人们提着装满美食的篮子,心中感到愈加失落。枣子、无花果干、核桃和山核桃,还有带壳的榛子,让我想起小时候在波多黎各收到的圣诞礼物。1月6日主显节上午,我们才能收到的圣诞大礼。我想念我的家人: 想念他们乱糟糟的派对,想念他们的舞蹈,想念香喷喷的木豆米饭,想念烤乳猪的蒜味脆皮,想念芭蕉叶包裹的大蕉丝兰根。我得到了想要的孤独,却忍不住要落下泪来。

In front of the church down the street, a manger had been set up, with Mary, Joseph, and the barn animals in expectation of midnight and the arrival of baby Jesus. I stood with my neighbors watching the scene, some of them crossing themselves, praying. As I walked home, I realized that the story of Joseph and Mary wandering from door to door seeking shelter was much like my own history. Leaving Puerto Rico was still a wound in my soul as I struggled with who I had become in 15 years in the United States. I’d mourned the losses, but for the first time, I recognized whatI’d gained. I was independent, educated, healthy, and adventurous. My life was still before me, full of possibility.


Sometimes the best gift is the one you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself credit for what I’d accomplished so far and permission to go forward, unafraid. It is the best gift I’ve ever received, the one that I most treasure.



The Light of a Bright Day By Helen Keller


Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view;


We spend more, but enjoy less;


We have bigger houses, but smaller famillies;


We have more compromises, but less time;


We have more knowledge, but less judgment;


We have more medicines, but less health;


We have multiplied out possessions, but reduced out values;


We talk much, we love only a little, and we hate too much;


We reached the moon and came back, but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors;


We have conquered the outer space, but not our inner space;


We have highter income, but less morals;


These are times with more liberty, but less joy;


We have much more food, but less nutrition;


These are the days in which it takes two salaries for each home, but divorces increase;


These are times of finer houses, but more broken homes;


That’s why I propose, that as of today;


You do not keep anything for a special occasion. Because every day that you live is a special occasion.


Search for knowledge, read more, sit on your porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs;


Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, visit the places you love;


Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival;


Use your crystal goblets. Do not save your best perfume, and use it every time you feel you want it.


Remove from your vocabulary phrases like "one of these days" or "someday";


Let’s write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days"!


Let’s tell our families and friends how much we love them;


Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life;


Every day, every hour, and every minute is special;


And you don’t know if it will be your last.




The Gift of Possibility



