



Teachers, students:

Everybody is good!

Gratitude is the DE, ingratitude is wickedness.

In life there are always many things affect our mood, or joy, or sorrow. So, choose a kind of what kind of mentality to face life, also chose a kind of what kind of life.

A sense of Is a great event in people's life. Because we should thank our parents, thank them take us to the myriad of world; Thanksgiving our teacher, to thank they impart knowledge to us, let us know what is Thanksgiving; Thank you to Thanksgiving nature, they created the world of all things; Thanks to our opponents, thank them let us know what is failure. In short we would like to thank all those who had help to us, have been hurt.

Gratitude maybe he is not a requirement on the material, he was just a spiritual satisfaction. Perhaps, in others to help you, you are not too many words, and you just have the chance to say "thank you" to him gently that is a way to thank you, don't need too much way to thank him, as long as from your heart a sincere thank you. Thanksgiving is not a return, parents put to raise us into people, they do not want us to repay them, they also doesn't figure our what, they just responsible for us. What we can to repay our dearest parents.

Thanksgiving is a virtue, we should know how to grateful people, to thank them to our care.





感 恩是人生命中的一件大事。因为我们要感恩我们的父母,感谢他们把我们带到了这个万千的世界里;要感恩我们的老师,感谢他们传授知识给我们,让我们懂得了什 么是感恩;要感恩大自然,感谢他们创造了世界的万物;要感谢我们的对手,感谢他们让我们懂了什么是失败。总之我们要感谢那些所有给我们有过帮助,有过伤害 的人。

感恩也许他不是物质上的一种需求,他只是一种精神上的满足罢了。也许,在别人帮助你时,你并没有太多的言语,你只是轻轻地对他说了 声“谢谢”这就是一种感谢的方式,不需要用过多的方式去感谢他,只要从你心中发出一句真挚的感谢就可以了。感恩不是一种报答,父母含辛茹苦地把我们养育成 人,他们并不是要我们要报答他们,他们也并不图我们的什么,他们只是对我们负责。我们又能用什么来报答我们最亲爱的父母呢。



From the teacher education we, want to learn to be grateful, but always thought I don't understand what is gratitude. Until slowly grow up, parents, I recall the pains, just learn to Thanksgiving.

First of all, I should be most grateful is my father, he gave me much help. In study, he used different methods to encourage and motivate me, let me brave to stand up, strong go forward; In life, his earnest teachings let I will never forget; In life, his meticulous care about me.

In study, my dad and others different encourage, motivate me. He is not encouraged me face to face, not to praise me, but don't say a word, there is not an action. But is this appearance, let I filled with motivation. Someone may ask, why. I tried to answer, because my heart has a voice, said, come on! Qin Beier, you need to move forward, you must work hard, must let your dad see progress, let your father encourage you, praise you, and inspire you. And so it was, I didn't have the motivation.

In life, father's efforts to create good conditions for me. He would rather own body, carries the heavy burden. He bought me a bicycle, electronic organ. Give me endless happiness, give him the burden of their own is endless.

I really hate myself, why now just understand this truth. Watching father sometimes things come back, the road scar, whole blood. I just couldn't help crying, but I can't cry, I want to laugh I want to let my dad saw my naive smiling face.

Learned to Thanksgiving, will with a grateful heart to repay those who have been for you help, to reward your parents with good good study, one day truly repay them.









