

下面是读文网小编整理的成人教育英语全国统考写作范文52篇, 希望对大家有帮助。


1.Ways to Keep Fit

Everyone wants to keep fit. So they are eager to know how to keep fit.

In my opinion, there are three basic ways to keep fit:

Firstly, keeping a balanced diet is of importance. There are two extremes. Some people just binge (大吃大喝) while some keep starving for fear of gaining weight. A balanced diet means that we need to control what we eat to get enough nutrition and energy.

Secondly, doing exercises is necessary. Choose one sport you like and then keep it. As long as you keep your body moving, u can burn out calories.

Last, I think, keeping a good mood should be helpful. Bad feelings are just like illnesses in affecting our health.

2.How to Keep Healthy (如何保持健康)

Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy? Different people may give different answers to this question. In my opinion, it is essential to do the following.

First, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. This strengthens the heart,reduces the chance of heart attack,and helps lower blood pressure. That's why more and more people are becoming active in various kinds of sports and exercises.

Second, it has been proved by medical researchers that what people eat affects their health. They advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish. Fat can build up in the arteries, block the flow of blood, and cause a heart attack or stroke.

If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they greatly improve their health.

3.The sports activities I like most


Of all the sports, I like table tennis best. I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill.

Some people think that playing table-tennis needs little strength, but I don't think so. In playing table-tennis, we should judge the direction of the ball, and hit it back with great strength so that we can win the game. At the same time we need to pick up the ball which falls to the ground. So after one game you will be very tired if you have tried your best.

Though I can't play it very well, I still show great interest in it. It can build our bodies and train our brains. What's more, it can help us learn to cooperate with each other. So I like it very much.


My favorite Sport is basketball. I have been crazy about those basketball stars ever since I was little.

Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. Basketball also needs quick reaction and decision. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf. Further more, basketball is a team work. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I played basketball more for about 5 years now. I make many good friends from playing it.

Basketball will be my best friend in the future and my best memory about school life


Frankly speaking, I am not a sports lover. Most of time, I would rather stay at home, reading, surfing online than do sports.

But there is one sport I love to do in summer. That is swimming. When I was young, I often followed my elder brother, playing water in summer. I felt so close with water. Therefore, every summer I like swimming, enjoying the time of staying with water.

Swimming benefits me a lot. Firstly, it can help me to get rid of the summer heat. As you know, the summer in Wuhan is horribly hot. But I can feel so cool when I am in water. Secondly, swimming can help me to relieve stress. When I’m lying back on the water, I can feel very free and relaxed. The worries can go away with my stroke with water. Last, swimming is also an effective way to keep me healthy and slim.

So swimming is a beneficial sport to me and I love it.


1. My Study Plan 我的学习计划

I have registered online courses last year and want to pass all tests and get my degree in 3 years. For this aim, I need to balance my work, family and study well.

Therefore I make my study plan. Every evening, when my family falls asleep, I stay up for study until 11:30 pm. Being a career parent, the silent night is my best study time. I preview lessons, do homework or exchange my ideas with teachers online. If I have missed one night, I make up for it the next morning. Keeping study daily makes me feel confident that I can realize my aim.

2. The Difficulties in Studying English 学英语的困难


Among all courses, English is the most difficult one for me. It is because that I don’t need to use English in my work. Therefore I have forgotten most of what I have learnt before. For me, firstly, I have to enlarge my vocabulary. Too many new words block my understanding of a passage. The words I learnt yesterday become new words to me again today. It makes me upset. Secondly, it’s hard for me to express my idea in English. I can only speak out some single words. And what I said or written are not idiomatic.

But passing English test is a must to get my degree. So I believe my practice can improve my English.


There are so many problems for me to study English, such as problems in reading, in writing, in remembering English words. But the most difficult thing is oral English learning. I seldom find chances to practice and improve my oral English. So, I am still very weak with regard to this respect. One reason is that my pronunciation and intonation aren't good enough. The other is that I am so shy that I dare not to move my mouth. I ‘m always be afraid of being laugh at. As a result , I often remain silent when others are practicing and making great progress in their oral English everyday.

I have shared my experience with my friends. They suggest that I should be more confident and search more chances to practise my oral English. They recommend online chatting in English. I try it and find it is a good way to get rid of my anxiety because I know that nobody online knows who I am.

3. How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies(怎样克服英语学习中的困难)

I have made a lot of improvements in English. The followings are my ways to overcome the difficulties in my studying English:.

Everyday, I do half an hour’s morning reading to try to pronounce every word out. And I will then spend half an hour listening to English radios like BBC to correct my pronunciation. Because I have trouble in English grammar, I attend a full-time English class of STVU to study grammar. The teacher recommends me a grammar book—Advanced English Grammar. It helps me with my English study a lot. These above are what I have done to overcome my difficulties.

4. Self-study 自学

I register as a long-distance college student, so most of time I have to do self-study. It is quite challenging to me.

In my opinion, self-study needs self discipline (自觉,自律) and persistence (坚持). As we know, teachers just offer some guidelines or assignments online. They can not force us to preview or review. So we need to be strict with ourselves and set aside enough time to study. If you are not self disciplined, you can not meet teacher’s requirement. Furthermore, persistence is also quite important. Self-study is hard and sometimes boring. We have to overcome many difficulties and go ahead with study. Don’t be a quitter. (中途放弃者)

5. My English Study 我的英语学习

I like English very much. My friends ask me how I learn English or what methods I use when I study English. I study English in several ways. One is to attend English class, listening to the teacher’s lecture and writing down some important notes. Second, I always review my lessons. I recite the new words and do homework required by my teacher .I also listen to the tape to practice my listening and talk with foreigners to improve my oral English. Sometimes, I watch English film and learn cultures of this language.



I like reading very much. When I was a small girl, I was interested in reading cartoons on science and history. During my schooling, I mainly read books on my subjects. Only in holidays can I read novels.

Now I am an engineer, and be very busy with my work. Reading some books on engineering is quite helpful to my work. But I still read some magazines and newSPApers for fun. Reading is an important part of my life.


Reading plays an important role to one's growing. We can learn much knowledge and become more intelligent by reading. In addition, we can have fun from reading.

But now, less and less people like reading. They prefer watching TV, surfing online to get information. I till keep a good habit of reading daily. Reading newspaper and magazines is my fun.

I have gained rich knowledge from my reading and become wiser in my life.

7.How to improve your reading

To improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read. Don't try to read everything. You should begin with those written in simple English. Don't read those which prove to be too difficult for you at the very beginning.

While reading, don't read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with. When you read an English passage, you should try to get its main idea. And then you may turn back and read it again. This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary.

Keep on reading in this way and you'll surely make progress little by little.

8. My Favorite Book 最喜欢的书

I love reading, especially reading Chinese classic novels. My favorite book is Dream of Red Mansions (红楼梦). It tells how a big family runs down. It is centered in a young man, Baoyu, and all his "sisters". I’m greatly attracted to its vivid description and deep insight of life. I have read it for about 7 seven times since I was 11.Everytime I read it, I have new discovery. Now I am reading its English version translated by Yang Xianyi and his wife. I have to admit that it is challenging. But I can know how to translate. It is fun.

9.How to improve English writing?

English writing is a difficult task for many Chinese students. So many students want to know how to improve English. I would like to share my ways of improving my English writing.

Firstly, I keep reading English. Through reading more, I can have a sharp English awareness. During my reading, I often take down some useful expressions and sentence patterns. I know how English native speakers express the same idea I want to say.

Secondly, I often do some translation exercises. Some bilingual passages are my favorite. I translate it first and can compare my translating with the offered sample. At the same time, I know the differences between Chinese and English. So when I write in English, I avoid the bad effects of my mother language on English.#p#副标题#e#


1.My Activities in Leisure Time


I am an indoor person. So when I am free, I would rather stay at home than go out. Playing with my son and surfing online are my two major kill-time activities.

Playing with my son can bring laughter and fun to me. We play blocks, jump ropes and have role-plays. We are just like friends.

Surfing online also fascinates me. My husband sometimes complains that I spend too much time on it. I think so. I do almost everything on internet, such as studying online courses, doing shopping, watching movies and chatting with friends.


There is a saying called “Work hard, play hard”. That means we need to keep a balance between our work and leisure activities in order to achieve a high quality of life.

I enjoy lots of activities in my leisure time such as playing piano, listening to music, reading and swimming. I have no set schedule for my leisure activities. Usually I do whatever I feel like doing when I am not busy. Playing a piano is not only relaxing, but exercising my mind as well. So is reading a novel. I also like swimming a lot because it is the best sport that can give me good physical exercise.

I truly believe that we can improve our life by making wise use of our leisure time; and also can do better work as leisure activities give us both the physical and mental strength for challenges.

2.Happy things in my childhood

Childhood is usually regarded as the happiest period of a life. It is also true to me. I often recall the happy things in my childhood.

The top 1 is to celebrate lunar New Year. When it comes, we children can wear new clothes and feel how beautiful we are. In addition, we can also haveFireworksand visit relatives. Most important thing is parents seldom scold us even when we make mistakes.

The top 2 is to have a spring outing with classmates. We set out very early on foot, carrying bottles of drinks, bags of cakes, bacon and cooked eggs. We breath the fresh air deeply and laugh heartily while we are enjoying the beauty of the nature.

Many happy things occur to my mind now. I miss the old good time.

3.My First Year at College

My first year at college is a time filled with anticipation, wonderful discoveries as well as kind of anxiety. College is much different from high school.

At first, I missed my home very much. My home is far away from college. I could only make phone calls when I feel lonely. But soon I get accustomed to the new life in college and have made many new friends. They are so kind to me.

I enjoyed much freedom in college. I can study in my own way and after class I can do whatever I am interested in, joining in various clubs. In one word, I enjoyed my first year at college.

4.An Unforgettable Experience


Everyone has his or her experience that is unforgettable. Mine happened when my parents took me to the city zoo at the age of 5.

It was a hot summer so most animals were lying down to stay cool. As we walked around, I saw a penguin wandering around behind the zoo’s café. At first I couldn’t believe my eyes. How could a penguin(企鹅) be outside its pen(圈)? So I pick up the penguin and took it to the zoo’s office. It turned out that someone forgot to close the penguin pen after feeding them, so one penguin got out. The zoo keeper said that if I had not found the penguin and brought it to her, the penguin could die from the heat. The zoo keeper thanked me for saving the penguin.


In our lives, we experience a lot of things. But only some of them always keep in our find and become our unforgettable experience.

My most unforgettable experience is a walk in Tiananmen Square. As early as in my childhood, I knew Tiananmen Square from a nursery rhyme (童谣):I love Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Whenever I sang it, I couldn’t help imagining how it looks. Later I saw its picture from books and TV. But I still wondered if only I visit it personally.

This dream finally came true when I was 19 years old. As soon as I arrived in Beijing, I immediately went to Tiananmen Square from the station. Even though I found it was not as grand as I thought before, I still was very excited and proud. I lingered there for the whole afternoon.

It is my unforgettable experience.

5.My dream


I am working for a company as a technician(技术员). I work very hard for a better future. In order to do well in my career, I also sign up for online courses.

My dream is that I can get my diploma(文凭)in 2 years. I have no problem in my specialized courses. I pass them quite easily. But English is too difficult to me. It is my second time to take this English test now. For it, I spend 1 hour studying English every day. So I believe I can pass it this time and realize my dream.


I am a common clerk. I work hard to support my family and make them live a better life. Last year, in order to buy an apartment, I borrowed 250,000 from a bank and relatives. It is a heavy burden for me now. I cannot imagine if I lose my job or if a family member is in hospital.

So I dream that I become rich overnight. Sometimes I buy lottery, I hope I can win it to pay off my debt. If I were as lucky as that guy in Anyang, I would buy a villa by seaside, enjoying sunrise and sunset, watching the tides.

It is my dream, my daydream.

6.What I have lived for

Every one has his own goal of living. What I have lived for? I think I’ve lived for the two passions: the longing for love and the searching for knowledge:

I have been seeking for love, because love brings warmth, courage and power to me. Empowered with love from other and life, I can fearlessly encounter any difficulties.

In addition, I still search for knowledge. I am a curious person, wondering the mysterious world, the people around me. There are always so many questions in my mind requires more knowledge to answer.

So I have lived for love and knowledge for a meaningful life.

7.My favorite food


Different people like different kinds of food. I like dumplings, rice and so on. But my favorite food is moon cake. I like them very much.

Moon cakes are delicious round cakes. They have so many tastes. Some have eggs or nuts in it, and others have meat. They look like the moon, so we call them moon cakes. On the Mid-autumn Day most Chinese will eat moon cakes. It’s a long tradition that families get together in a open air, eating moon cakes while they are looking the moon and talking about happy things. Every time I eat moon cakes, I think of good time with my parents on Mid-Autumn Day. So moon cake is not only a food, but also a symbol of union.

In all, I like moon cakes best.


I like many different kinds of food, but egg is my favorite food.

Egg is a healthy food because it contains a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body. And it is also quite common. It is on almost every dinner table of the world.

It makes a lot of dishes and food. You can eat it alone, such as boiled egg or fried egg. You can also cook it with vegetables or meats. In addition, it is also a necessary ingredient of some snacks, such as cake and pizza.

I like eating eggs very much, and I have a record of eating eight eggs a day. But now I just eat one egg every day because doctors say that eating one egg is enough for the whole day. Eating too much in one day is harmful.

8.My Favorite TV program


I am quite busy with my work, study and kid, so I don’t have much time watching TV. But there is one TV program which can make me to spare time to watch it. It is Dou Wentao’s talk show in phoenix station.

This talk show is available at noon of every weekday. So during my lunch, I would turn on my TV set and watch or just listen to it. It covers latest topiCSof wide range and gives quite unique and sharp comments. The host, Dou Wentao is quite frank and humorous. And its guests are always bold enough to speak out their own minds.

I am absolutely a fan of this program because it broadens my vision and sharpens my insights into what happened around us.


The News Report has always been my favorite TV program. Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m. and wait for the news program. This has become a part of my life.

The News Report contains a large amount of information from the international political situation to the latest foot-ball game. And the most important character is its fast pace. Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain much information in a short time.

In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program. It is a way of communication. From this program, people can know and understand world affairs. The world thus becomes smaller and smaller. I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the news.

9. My favorite means of getting information

1. 现代社会获得信息的方式很多

2. 我最喜欢的获取信息的方式

Nowadays we have a great number of means of getting information. Libraries provide us with books, while Internet offers us information resources.

My favorite means of getting information is surfing the Internet. It enables me to search what I want within just a few seconds. We can also visit foreign website free of charge. In addition, when we confront some problems, we can go to Baidu knowledge or Yahoo clever to ask for help, and we can often become satisfying answers.

Internet helps me really a lot. I enjoy searching information through Internet.

10. My hobby (我的爱好) https:// (我的爱好)

I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.

I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colorful and without time and space limit. Through reading, I can trace back to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization. It can bring me to the United States, a glamorous land I have been longing to visit. Secondly, reading can better me by showing me a new horizon. In the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from books. I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on scythes, politics, life and society. Thirdly, reading bridges the gap between my dream and my goal. In order to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practicing.

Reading has become part of my life. Every day, I spend some time reading books, newspapers and magazines. At night, I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand.

11. The job I like (我的理想的工作) https:// My ideal job (我的理想的工作)

Many people ask me what kind of job I like. I think I like teaching and being a teacher is wonderful. I teach them and learn form them as well. Teaching is also a challenge to me. Every day, I write teaching plans before next class. After class, I take certain time to see their homework. If they have some mistake, I will teach them why their answer is wrong and how to get the correct answer in next class. In all, teaching is the job I like and it is a happy thing to me.#p#副标题#e#


1. The One I love Most我最爱的人


Among the world, I love my son most. I should say it is the only person who needs my care and love most.

He is a very cute 5 -year-old boy. He brings my childhood back. Because of him, I can not only see what I used to be but also can have fun by playing games and doing sports. And through his eyes and comments, I see the world in a different way. In addition, I become stronger and more grateful to the world.


My father is the one I love most, which is a definite answer for me.

In my eyes, he is the best man in the world. Although he is not handsome, he is quite attractive because of his wisdom and humor. Whenever we have troubles, we can turn to him for help. My father also has a wide range of interests, such as reading, playing tennis and cooking. His love for cooking makes him quite popular among relatives.

Now I have a boyfriend, but I find that I still love my father most. I always ask my boyfriend to learn from my father to be a real man.

2.My Family



I come from a big family of 6. There are three generations live under the same roof happily.

My grandparents are retired, but they still keep busy with housework and dancing. My father runs a company, so he often comes home quite late. But once he comes back, he chats a lot with the family. My mother is a responsible teacher and loves her students very much. My sister and I are working in different cities which are far from our hometown. But we call home weekly.

I feel so lucky of being born in such a happy family.


I feel that I am the luckiest man in the world because I have an excellent wife and lovely son.

My wife is a common worker. Although she feels very tired after work, she still does housework and tutors our son. She is also very kind, careful. Every weekend, she calls my parents and chats with them.

My son is 5 years old. He loves drawing. On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, he sent us his drawings as gifts.

I love my wife and son. I’m trying my best to spend more time with them and enjoy the happy family time.

3.My teacher

Although I have graduated from my senior high for almost 10 years, I still keep contact with Mr. Xue, my Chinese teacher.

Mr.xue was a small man who wore glasses. He was quite common looking, but when he gave lectures, all of us thought he was so passionate and charming. We were attracted to the beauty of language. Up to now, many classmates still love reading and writing and some of them become writers and editors.

Now I am a teacher and I always regard him as my good example. When I meet difficulties, I still like to tell him and ask for some advice from him.

He is my lifetime teacher.

4.A Good Teacher to Remember

When I know from newspaper that Mr. Sunxin is elected as one of the most popular teacher in our city, I feel so proud of him.

I still remember the old school days with him. When I was in Grade2, he just graduated from university and taught me English. His fluent English and interesting teaching methods immediately attracted us. In his class, we were free to speak out what we wanted to say. And. We played English games, sang English songs and performed English plays. Studying English wasn’t a headache anymore. It became a fun! In our eyes, he was more an old brother than a teacher, so we called him “Brother Sun.”

He is a teacher I always remember.

5.My close friend

Wangli is my close friend. We have been friends for about 10 years.

When I first met her, I thought she was like a kind elder sister. My first impression was confirmed. She was quite nice and ready to help anyone in trouble.

When she was 16, her mother had a cancer. Being the eldest child, she took care of her mother and younger sisters. Later she gave up studying in university and worked as a waitress to support the whole family.

Whenever I have problems, I can turn to her. We share many secrets. She is always my elder sister.

6.My classmates

Now I enroll in online courses to receive higher education. So I have new special classmates. These classmates are different from my former classmates. We are of different ages. Some are in their 20s, but others probably are in their 50s. We come from different places and we have different jobs. But we have the same online courses.

Although we are classmates, we do not often meet each other personally. We meet online. We share the same teaching material and we discuss the same topics. We exchange our studying methods or even life experiences on BBS.

We are climates. We cannot recognize each other, but we still know each other.



将出现过的53个统考题作文(新增加2篇)根据话题或题材分为学习,人物,个人生活,体育健康,计划安排,论说,应用等七大类,并提供一至两篇的范文供参考。 建议将范文加以背诵以供日后考试借鉴。另外《大学英语》(2007年修订版)中的大学英语(B)的六套题中的作文范文也是必背项目。



1.A traveling plan旅行计划

I like traveling very much, so I am considering a traveling these days. I want to go to Singapore. My friend asks me why I choose Singapore. I think that is because the beauty of the city attracts me. Singapore is a wonderful place where the weather condition is comfortable and the environment is clean. In addition, there are many parks for us to visit. The most important one is that 3/4 people there can speak Chinese so that I can communicate with them easily. This traveling lasts four days including flying, visiting and playing.

2. My Plan for the Oct 1st Holiday

I have been waiting for the Oct1st holiday because I think I need a holiday to relax myself totally.

I have been working overtime (加班) on weekends in recent months. But this time I can enjoy the whole seven-day holiday. So I plan a relaxing holiday.

In the first three days, sleeping is my most important activity. I will not set alarm clock and just keep sleep until I wake up naturally. Even if I am awake, I still lie in bed, reading or watching TV.

After a good rest, I need a get-together with friends because I haven’t seen my friends for ages. So going to East Lake together with friends is a good choice. I have booked a lakeside hotel for my friends and I. our planned activities include boating, flying kites barbecuing. 3 days is enough.

In the last day, I need to clean the apartment, sorting and recycling the waste.

In a word, having a good rest is my plan for the Oct1st holiday.

3. My Plan for the Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important holiday for our Chinese people because it is a holiday of family reunion. So as usual, I need to pay a visit to my hometown—Jiang Shu, visiting parents and relatives. But I plan to stay with them for only 3 days. So I book flight ticket rather than train ticket to save time on traffic. On the 4th day, I need to come back to Wuhan to attend an English course for TOFEL test. It’s because that I want to work abroad but my English is not good enough. So I need to make full use of the holiday to study English.

4. My Plan for the Summer Vacation

With the summer vacation approaching, I want to make a plan for it to make sure a meaningful vacation.

First, I'll take exercise everyday to keep healthy. Second, I'm about to improve my English, because my English is very poor. Besides, I'm going to look for a part-time job to gain some working experience. I’ll also set some time aside to relax by watching TV or surfing the Internet. It can make me informed of the big events happened every day.

In a word, I am sure my summer vacation will be very meaningful and I am looking forward to it.


1.Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, also called as the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year, is the most important festival for the Chinese people. It often falls on January or February. And it lasts for 15 days.

When it comes, most Chinese people will come back to get together with their family no matter how far they are away from hometown. On New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, families give religious ceremony in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors. It symbolizes family unity In addition, ancestors will give “red bag” which contains cash to Children. And then in the following days, people pay visits to their relatives and send them gifts.

In a word, it highlights family unity and honors the past and present generations.

2.My Hometown (我的故乡)

My hometown is called Shaoxing. It is a city with long history. There are many famous people in my hometown, such as Lu Xun, Zhou Enlai, Qiou jin and so on. There are many rivers in my hometown so that the city is called Venice of the East. There are four seasons in Shaoxing. Spring and autumn are quite good, for the temperature is neither hot nor cold. But summer is rather hot and winter is rather cold. The people here are kind and clever. They use their hands to build the city more and more beautiful from one generation to another. I like my hometown.

3.The Changes in My Hometown

My hometown is a beautiful place, surrounded by green trees and grasses. However, it used to be a sad, dirty town.

There were only several thousands people there, and most of them lived in dark, unhealthy buildings on narrow muddy streets. But now they move to newly-built buildings in different living quarters. The streets have been widened, with all kinds of trees planted along the two sides. And some parks and green lands have been constructed in the city where citizens can take a walk or do sports.

I love my hometown and cherish the beautiful hometown.#p#副标题#e#



Television is an indispensable part of our lives. It not only brings fun and laughter to us, but also broadens our vision and enriches our knowledge.

But if we indulge in watching TV, we will waste a lot of time. Furthermore, our eyesight and body are also harmed. The most important thing is that some television programs tend to be more violent and vulgar. They offer bad examples for people, especially for children. Children are not able to tell right and wrong and they probably accept and imitate what they watch.

So we should take advantage of television to our good.

2.About TV Ads


Television is an attractive medium for advertising because it has access to mass audiences. So when we watch TV, we cannot avoid watching TV ads. On one side, TV ads offer us some useful information. For example, we can know a new product, a new place to have fun and etc. On the other side, the exaggerated ads probably mislead us. It is revealed that some stars show up in ads, overstating the functions of products. In addition, too many TV ads affect our enjoying programs. It is possible that a touching scene in TV series is suddenly stopped by an annoying ad.


Today more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen. It's difficult to find a program without insertion of ads on TV. Food, clothes -- everything you can think of --are presented on television. Occasionally, we can also see some public welfare ads, appealing to people to respect the old or to protect the environment. In general, there are two main reasons leading to the prevalence of commercials on TV.

As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of TV ads because some of them are interesting and informative. But there is no denying that some of them are tedious and not trustworthy. Therefore, I think it is really high time that the TV stations strengthened the control of advertisements and made them more attractive.

3.About Doing Physical Exercise(关于体育锻炼)

As a saying “Life depends on sports” goes, doing physical exercises plays an important role in our life. As we all know it can strengthen our heart and muscle and make us live healthy and longer. It can also sharpen our mind and reaction. For example, playing basketball needs a player to judge and decide and respond quickly. In addition, doing physical exercises can also help us to know more people and widen social circles, especially some team sports.

So it is good for us to do some physical exercises. But we need to choose a sport which is suitable for us. For example, for an elderly, taiji is better than boxing. And once you choose a sport, please do it regularly.

4.Cooperation and Competition

Cooperation as well as Competition exists in the modern society. As you find , where there is cooperation, there is competition.

There are the following causes for cooperation companying with competition. First of all, the both are objective products of the social development. Without cooperation and competition, we wouldn't live in the today advanced society. In addition, competition is the energy of the development of society, and it pushed economic developing. While cooperation makes our lives more harmonious, and it takes us in order.

In a world, we need to create an environment which encourages them both work well, therefore the world can keep in progress.

5.Will Computers Replace Us?

Computers are working all kinds of wonders. They seem to be so clever and can solve such complicated problems that some people think sooner or later they will replace us.

But I doubt whether there is such a possibility. My reason is very simple: computers are machines, not humans. Our tasks are far too various and complicated for any one single machine to perform. Probably the greatest difference between man and computer is that the former can do things of own accord while the latter can do nothing without being programmed.

In my opinion, computers will remain nothing but an extension of our human brains, no matter how complicated they may become.

6.My Opinion on Cell Phones




My Opinion on Cell Phones

Cell phones play an important role in our daily life. It makes us get in touch with each other whenever and wherever conveniently. We can send short messages, surf on the internet, listen to the music, take pictures, and even get meanings of English words. This digital equipment has changed our life greatly.

As every coin has two sides, it t also has disadvantages. It’s expensive and unnecessary calls are very costly. Especially, the radiation from the mobile phones does harm to people’s health.

In my opinion, the cell phone brings convenience to us and its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.

7.Water and Life

1. 随着工业化 (industrialization) 的推进,地球上的淡水(freshwater)越来越少

2. 生命没谁就要消亡(disappear), 因此人类要珍惜 (treasure)淡水。


Water and life

Water Is the source of Life, it is indispensable to human beings. People consume much more water as the industrialization advances. The fresh water is becoming more and more precious on the earth. Agriculture and industry account for most of mankind's water usage. Without adequate water supplies, human’ future is threatened.

Life without water is going to disappear, therefore, human should treasure fresh water. Immediate and effective measures must be taken to protect and exploit water resources. If we could not make proper use of water resources on earth, the last drop of water would be our teardrop.

范文2 大学英语(2007修订版) 中国财政经济出版社 P208

8.Water pollution

Water is very important to us all. Factories and plants need water for industrial uses and large pieces of farmland need it for irrigation. Without water to drink, people will die in a short time. But today water are largely polluted with the development of industry including waters in rivers, lakes and even oceans. The water is becoming unfit for drinking or irrigation. It becomes a word wide serious problem. Clean fresh water is in great shortage.

Actions must be taken to preserve the fresh water from pollution. For example, the waste water must be purified before it runs into the river and the use of pesticide must be under control.

We cannot live without clean water.

9.Bad Manners in Public

1. 列举人们在公共场所的不良现象

2. 对其中某一种现象陈述你的看法,并简单说明理由。


Bad Manners in Public

Being a social being, we live together in one world. So it is quite important for us to have good manners to make the society more harmonious. But there are still some bad manners found in public. For example, some violate traffic rules, smoke in public places, pick up flowers in gardens, scribble on walls or public billboards.

I dislike people speak loudly in public places. I find that we Chinese people tend to speak loudly,especially when we have several friends around. So in foreigners’ eyes, we Chinese people seem to always quarrel with each other. We can often see that some people chat loudly in bus or in subway. Even in cinema, they also talk loudly. I think we should be more considerate and keep a quiet environment when it is necessary.

范文2 大学英语(2007修订版) 中国财政经济出版社 P224

10. Buy a car or not? (最近出现的题)

范文1 赞成买车的

Nowadays, any Chinese can enjoy the luxury of owning a car as long as he or she can afford it.

现在任何中国人都可以买车,只要他能买得起的话. My family and I are thinking of buying a car现在我和我的家人正考虑买一辆车. We think if we have a car, we don’t need to worry about missing the bus or subway train for school or work in weekdays. 如果我们有车的话,我们就不用担心错过了上学或上班的车或地铁。In addition, we can enjoy the weekends and holidays better. 另外我们可以更好的享受我们的周末或假期.It is because that we can freely go to places where the buses or trains don’t go, and we can find a quieter scenic spot without crowds. 因为小车可以去那些公汽和火车去不了的地方,这样我们就可以去一些安静点的没有那么多人的景点。We also can visit the parents of both sides who live in different cities more frequently and conveniently. 我们也可以更方便的也更经常的去看望住在不同城市双方的父母。 In a word, buying a car can make our lives more full and colorful. 我们的生活更丰富多彩。

范文2 不赞成买车的

Nowadays, as cars become cheaper and cheaper,现在由于车越来越便宜 it is not so difficult for an average family to buy a car普通家庭买一辆车不是那么难了. It makes going out more convenient and comfortable,这样出门更方便和舒适 but still I don’t like the idea of possessing a private car但是我还是不想拥有自己的车. Although the car itself is not so expensive to afford, 虽然车本是不是很贵买得起the cost of its maintenance is too high.但维护的成本还是很高 It may be such a heavy burden to purchase a car and to keep it in good condition 买车养车可能就是一个沉重的负担了. It also makes roads more crowded, 而且还会使道路更拥挤leading the wonderful journey to a nightmare. 让美妙的旅行变成噩梦一般Since the lifestyle of “low carbon life” is popular presently既然低碳生活目前很流行, it may be better not buying a car for our environment. 不买车可能更好#p#副标题#e#








Dec. 30th

Dear All,

I lost an English book in the Classroom 502 of the teaching building No2 yesterday afternoon. The title of the book is College English. This book is very important and helpful to me because there are many notes I have taken in this book. Even if I buy a new course book, I cannot get back. my notes of difficulties. The final examination is approaching and I need the book to review. Anyone who finds the book please contact Li Ming on 13774336899. I will be very grateful to you. I am looking forward to your calls.

Li Ming


你的外国朋友给你写信,打算到中国旅游, 你给你朋友写回信,提出旅游建议:


1. 接到朋友的来信

2. 你对旅游计划的安排和建议


Dear John,

I am so glad to receive your letter. In your last letter, you mentioned that you are planning a journey to China. I am excited about your arrival. I miss you so much. There are so many fantastic places in China. The first place you must visit,of course, is Beijing. You would go to The Great Wall, a marvelous structure that can be seen from the space. Since you come to Beijing, you can stay at my home. I will introduce other beautiful scenic spots to you and arrange for further trips .I am sure you will enjoy your stay in China.

Hope to see you soon!



3.Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below:

1 了解对方毕业后的情况。

2 你的近况。

3 邀请对方方便时来访。



Dear Ming Ming,

I was very happy to get your E-mail address from Xiao Liu this morning. When I got home, I immediately started to write this Email. I know that you are now working in Nanjing. How is everything with you? Got married?

I'm now working in a company. At the same time I am taking an online English course. So I'm writing this Email in English. How is my English? Not bad?

I really miss you a lot. Come to Beijing when you feel free or when you come here on business. Come and see me.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.


Xiao Hu

4.Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your Email on the Chinese outline below:

1 了解对方最近的学习情况。

2 你的学习情况。

3 请对方说说提高英语水平的经验


August23, 2008

Dear Xiao Hu,

I heard that you are studying through distance learning. What are you studying? Is everything OK? Tell me something about your studies.

I'm now studying on the Internet. My major is communication. This is a very useful subject. I have learned for one year already. The teachers are good and kind. Whenever I have questions, I would send ask them through the Net, and they never wait to long to answer my questions.

I heard you are learning English. Do tell me something about how you improve your listening. I really have some difficulties in listening.

Looking forward to your reply!


Lan Lan

5.Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your letter on the Chinese outline below:

1 告诉对方你将参加英语统考考试。

2 询问对方如何做准备。

3 请对方建议一些参考书。


September 8,2009

Dear Xiao Huang,

I'm writing this letter to tell you that I'll take the English Examination. You know this is a very difficult examination. Last April, I took it, but I failed. So, this I must pass it this September.

You passed the online English test, didn't you? Could you give me some advices about how to prepare for this examination? I'm especially weak in cloze test. By the way, recommend some good guide-books or English websites. I really need to work hard. Give me a call if you are free.



Wei Hua

6.Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your letter on the Chinese outline below:

1 告诉对方你要从大学毕业。

2 询问对方近况。

3 问问能否在暑假聚会


July 5, 2009

Dear Mr. Liu,

I am writing this letter to tell you that I'm going to graduate from college next month. Three years! Isn't that a long time? I have been hard working at my studies for three whole years. Now, I'm graduating!

How about you? When will you finish your studies? How is everything with you? Xiao Li said he saw you at the Shanghai Auto Show. How is that show?

I really miss you a lot. Could we meet sometime during the summer vacation? Come to my place. OK?

Looking forward to your early reply!

Sincerely yours,

Liu Min

7. Directions: For this apart, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to one of your friends who invited you to his/her birthday party. You should write at least 80 words, and base your letter on the Chinese outline below:

1. 告诉对方你不能接受他/她的邀请; 2. 对对方的邀请表示感谢;3. 说明无法接受邀请的原因。

Dear Nancy,

Happy birthday to you. Thanks for your invitation, I would like to go but I am sorry that I am not able to attend your birthday party. Our company will hold an important meeting in Shanghai to talk about the recent trouble appearing in business. I am the one who needs to make a presentation. I am terribly sorry for that. Anyway, I hope everything goes well in your birthday party. Enjoy your time on that day. Remember to show me the pictures taken in the party when I come back from business trip.

Best wishes!








Dear Andy,

Thanks for your invitation to your home last night. Your family are so kind and warm to me. I enjoyed the food very much and had a really good time with you.

I want to invite you and some other friends for dinner next Sunday. I am sure it may be interesting as I prepared a band to perform live music. It has been a long time we haven’t dance together. Would you like to join us? I do hope you can come. I am looking forward to your coming.



8. A get-together on May 1st大学英语(2007修订版) 中国财政经济出版社 P208

9. Notice (最近才出现的题目!)


班主任老师 (head teacher)准备举行一次班级茶话会(tea party), 你作为班长,写一则通知,告知同学地点和时间,并要求每个同学准备一首歌或一个笑话等表演。

Sep 13, 2010

Students of Class 83101,

In order to know each other better 为了增加了解, Mr. Liu, our head teacher班主任刘老师, plans to hold a tea party in Room 305 of North Building12 next Friday evening, 7:00—9:00 p.m. 计划在下周五的晚上7点到九点在北楼12号举行一个茶话会The tea party involves self-introduction, talent time and dancing party茶话会上有自我介绍,才能表演和舞会. Everyone needs to prepare a program for the party每个人都要准备一个节目. Telling a joke or story, singing a song, playing a magic trick or showing other special skills are welcome.讲笑话,唱歌,魔术或者其他特殊才能表演都可以 Please feel free to show yourself in the party一定要大胆展示自己 and let us know before Thursday what you will perform by calling 88681324并在周四前打电话告知你要表演的节目 .Come on and join us! 来吧,加入我们的聚会

Wang Ming (The monitor of class 83101)



