

使用英语造句时,有哪些基本规则需要我们遵守的?下面是读文网小编带来英语造句的基本规则, 希望对大家有帮助。



He or I am in the wrong. 他或是我错了。

Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错了。

Tom or his sisters are coming. 汤姆或其姐姐要来。

The girls or their brother is coming . 女孩子们或其兄弟要来。

1. He or I am in the wrong. 他或是我错了。

2. Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错了。

3. Tom or his sisters are coming. 汤姆或其姐姐要来。

4. The girls or their brother is coming . 女孩子们或其兄弟要来。

6. A poor man is not necessarily unhappy. 穷人未必就不幸福。

7. The performance was very funny. 表演非常滑稽。

8. Serving the people is my great happiness. 为人民服务是我最大的快乐。

9. Watching TV is a pleasure. 看电视是一件乐事。

10. To eat three times a day is healthy. 一日三餐有益健康。

11. To know something about English is one thing; to know English is quite another. 懂一点英语是回事,掌握英语完全是另一回事。

12. Whther or not they will come depends on the weather. 他们是否来取决于天气。

13. When he will come home is not known to us. 他何时回家我们并不知道

14. depend on v.依靠, 依赖

15. Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 走20英里可是一段很长的路程。

16. Ten years has passed since we last met in Beijing. 自从上次在北京见面到现在过去了10年。

17. Two hundred dollars is quite enough to pay for the old car. 200美元足以买下这辆汽车了。

18. The news is inspiring. 这消息令人鼓舞。

19. PhysiCSis one of the most difficult subject for me. 物理对我来说是最难学的科目之一。

20. Politics is a complicated business. 政治是复杂的事
















The children have eaten all the biscuits.

孩子们 已经吃了 所有的饼干

He works very hard. 他工作非常努力。

他 工作 非常努力

He must be our new teacher. 他肯定是我们的新老师。

他 肯定是 我们的新老师

She can swim well. 她游泳很好。


The nurse often tells the children interesting stories. 阿姨常给孩子们讲一些有趣的故事

阿姨 经常告诉 孩子们 有趣的故事

Light and sound travel in waves. 声和光都以波的形式传播。

声和光 传播 以波的形式

He kept me waiting till twelve o’clock. 他让我一直等到12点。

他 让 我 等待 直到12点。

他让我等待。 这句话可以这样理解: 他让我~,我等待。这里的等待是宾语的行为,称为宾补。

Our intention is to learn from you. 我的意图是向您学习。

我们的意图 是 向你学习

The patient is out of danger. 病人没有危险。

病人 (状况) 没有危险


Your job is cleaning the room. 您的工作是打扫房间。

您的工作 是 打扫房间

They promise to meet our needs . 他们许诺满足我们的需要。

他们 许诺 满足我们的需要

He will come as soon as possible. 他会尽快过来。

他 (会)来 尽快地

as soon as possible adv. 尽快地

He came reluctantly. 他勉强来了。

他 来了 勉强地

He come from Chicago. 他来往芝加哥。

他 来 从芝加哥

He goes to school at seven. 他7点上学。

他 去 学校(目标) 在 7点(时间)

He came after finishing his homework. 他做完作业就过来了。

他 过来了 做完作业以后

come 过来(现在式) came 过来了(过去式)

He looked after me day and night. 他日夜照顾我。

他 照顾 我 日夜

He came only when he was in trouble. 只有遇到麻烦时他才来。

他 来 只有 当他遇到麻烦的时候

when 表示“当……的时候”

He came smiling. 他微笑着走过来。

他 走过来 微笑的


My other , as well as my father, has a key to the office. 我妈妈和我爸爸都有办公室的钥匙。

这里面的as well as my father 是一个插入语,主语依然是单数。

The performance of the first three clowns was very funny. 前三个小丑的表演非常滑稽。


The manager, along with his secretaries, is going to a dinner party tonigh.

along with 以及


The shortage of machines and skilled workers has caused the factory to get into difficulties.

缺少机器和熟练工人 使 工厂陷入了困境。

The cptain, as well as the coaches, was disappointed in the team.

队长 以及教练 (系) 失望 对这个队伍


He rather than you is responsible for the accident. 是他而不是你要对这次事故负责。

他 胜于你 (系) 负责 这对这次事故

rather than conj. 胜于


Mathematics is his strong point.数学是他的强项。

The Chinese are a hardworking race. 中国人勤劳的民族。

All my family enjoy skating. 我们全家人都喜欢滑冰。

His family has moved into the new house. 他家已经搬到新房子里住了。

The bread and butter is served for the breakfast. 早餐是黄油面包。

The singer and dancer is to attend our party. 那位歌唱家兼舞蹈将参加我们的晚会。




英语中有些表示开始,或带有方向的动词在一般现在时可以表示将来.它们主要用来表示在时间已确定或安排好的事情.例如: begin, come, leave, start, arrive, return, stop, depart and go等.

1. When does the train leave? 火车什么时候离开?

2. The train leave at six tomorrow morning. 火车明天早晨6点开车。

3. The plane takes off at 11 a.m. 飞机今天上午11点起飞。

4. I see him tomorrom.我明天见他。

5. When does the bus start? It starts in ten minutes.

6. I must finish this letter before I go home. 我必须在回家以前写完这封信。

7. I will wait here until the concert is over.

8. Once he arrives we can start.

9. I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive there. 我一到那里就给你写信。

10. Mother used not to be so forgetful. 妈妈过去并不是这样健忘。

11. She used to take a walk. 她过去常常散步。

12. I used to smoke a lot . 她过去抽烟很厉害。

13. I used to swim in a river when I was in my hometown.

14. He is used to a vegetarian diet. 他习惯于吃素食。




