摘要:应用软件制造商Verdant Labs最近的一项分析发现,37种不同职业各有六个独特的名字,这六个名字在某一职业中出现的频率要远高于其他的名字。
Alastair is particularly likely to be a journalist. Hannah has a goodshot at being a poet. Dalton is more likely than most to sellinsurance.
A new analysis from app maker Verdant Labs found the six mostunique names in 37 different professions. These are the namesthat are more common in that line of work than in others.
应用软件制造商Verdant Labs最近的一项分析发现,37种不同职业各有六个独特的名字,这六个名字在某一职业中出现的频率要远高于其他的名字。
Here's Verdant Labs' chart showing the six most disproportionately common names in eachprofession:
下面是Verdant Labs的图表,展示了各个职业中出现频率最高的六个名字。
In a blog post, developer Mark Edmond explained more about the methodology:
Take Elvis, for example. There aren't all that many Elvises out there, but a particularly highpercentage of them are musicians. As a result, Elvis ranks high among musician names. Elvis isn'tthe most common name among musicians -- that's likely to be John or some other very popularname. What's interesting is that it's way more common among musicians than you might expect,given how rare it is. In other words, it's common in that profession relative to its overallfrequency.
Some of the findings won't be too surprising: Police officers, race car drivers, golfers andguitarists are more likely to be men. Social workers, librarians and graphic designers tend to bewomen.
Some other interesting tidbits: Football coaches are likely to have one-syllable names such as Rich,Mike or Bill. Songwriters' names harken back to some famous male musicians of the 1960s and1970s, including Sonny, Mick and Billy. Hebrew names such as Moshe, Meir, and Shlomo areextremely common among rabbis.
“So, do our names influence where we go in life? Or do the social, geographic, economic andother factors that might have influenced how our parents named us also direct our career paths?”Edmond wrote in the post. “Our hunch is that it’s mostly the latter, but bear in mind that theconnection is subtle.”
Here's a searchable list of the names and professions, too:
拉比: Judah, Shlomo, Meir, Yosef, Moshe
警官: Wayne, Kevin, Louis, Raymond, Timothy, Kim
诗人: Edgar, Hannah, Celia, Anne, Dorothy, Edmund
摄影师: Hugo, Bruno, Zoe, Tracey, Noah, Annie
赛车手: Bobby, Johnny, Robbie, Jimmy, Luigi, Sebastian
平面设计师: Diana, Alison, Vanessa, Jessica, Kurt, Jan
高尔夫球手: Tommy, Willie, Bud, Simon, Johnny, Bobby
地质学家: William, Frederick, Henry, Samuel, Hugh, Leonard
气象学家: Scott, Bill, Joe, Jim, Jeff, Mike
牧场主: Leroy, Leland, Boyd, Clifford, Roy, Judy
吉他手: Trey, Richie, Mick, Eddie, Buddy, Sonny
鼓手: Billy, Mickey, Joey, Dave, Tommy, Chad
汽车销售员: Pete, Travis, Clay, Larry, Bob, Allen
足球运动员: Darnell, Jermaine, Reggie, Derrick, Nate, Quinton
机械师: Randy, Patrick, Dave, Rick, Jerry, Fred
社工: Penelope, Stella, Constance, Jeannette, Marsha, Vivian
理发师: Patricia, Raymond, Lori, James, Robert, Susan
电气工程师: Bernard, Eugene, Harvey, Alfred, Charles, Edwin
记者: Hanna, Gideon, Alastair, Angus, Louisa, Jonah
会计: Kurtis, Charmaine, Maribel, Mitzi, Adele, Mindy
足球教练: Bill, Mike, Rich, Steve, Jim, Dan
图书管理员: Abigail, Margot, Nanette, Julia, Eleanor, Johanna
军人: Jeremy, Jacob, Zachary, Justin, Joshua, Kyle
历史学家: Henry, Adrienne, Herbert, Carolina, Theodore, Emma
农民: Delbert, Marlin, Duane, Darin, Mavis, Elwood
消防队员: Ryan, Darren, Brandon, Matthew, Jeremy, Jason
健身教练: Julie, Rebecca, Virginia, Karen, Jennifer, Pamela
律师: Sanford, William, Norton, Marshal, Augustus, Cecily
歌曲作者: Sonny, Mick, Richie, Stevie, Billy, Benny
保险推销员: Patty, Garrett, Dalton, Mac, Clark, Brent
室内设计师: Martha, Marjorie, Elise, Melinda, Bonnie, Lynne
生物学家: Sara, Suzanne, Stuart, Nicholas, Janet, Cheryl
法官: Josiah, Lise, Archibald, Rufus, Louise, Clement
特技演员: Alex, Erik, Eddie, Tom, Terry, Ben
外科医生: Barrett, Harris, Sherwin, Jefferson, Holly, Sanford
风险资本家: Shawn, Guy, Nicholas, Joanna, Doug, Alexander
兽医: Peggy, Sara, Tracy, Wayne, Gene, Larry