

More than 50 pupils were sent home from a Nottingham schoolon the first day of term after turning up in inappropriatefootwear – including flip-flops.

The headteacher of Djanogly City Academy defended teachers'actions and said being properly dressed was an important lifelesson for children.



About 100 pupils who broke the school's uniform rules are reported to have been taken out ofclass on the first day of term, with 56 sent home to change after their parents were contacted.


The uniform policy states plain black leather shoes should be worn by the 1,197 pupils on theroll.


The Nottingham academy has been in special measures since 2013.

自2013年以来,诺丁汉这所学校一直在实施特殊措施。(注:英国教育标准办公室评定为“不能向学生提供达到可接受标准的教育”的问题学校则需要采取special measures)

However, the school has been steadily improving under the stewardship of the new head, DaveHooker.

不过,在新校长戴夫·胡克(Dave Hooker)的领导下,情况正在稳步改善。

Hooker said: "Being appropriately dressed, whether for school or work, is a lesson that willbenefit all our students throughout their lives.


"It is our duty to give them every advantage and a key part of that is understanding that personalstandards are very important."


Northern Ireland

Early Irish dress, based on Gaelic and Norse costumes, consisted of check trews for men, worn with a fringed cloak or mantle, or a short tunic for both men and women, worn with a fringed cloak. This style of dressing was prohibited in the 16th century under sumptuary laws, passed to suppress the distinctive Irish dress and so overcome Irish reluctance to become part of England. In particular, the wearing of the fringed cloak was forbidden, as was the wearing of trews or any saffron-coloured garment (saffron yellow was an important feature of Irish costume).

Although a strong tradition of wearing folk costume does not survive in Northern Ireland today, folk music and folk dancing are very important.


Perhaps the most famous national costume in Britain is the Scottish kilt(n. 苏格兰式短裙) with its distinctive tartan pattern. The kilt is a length of woollen cloth,pleated except for sections at each end. The kilt is worn around the waist, with the pleats at the back and the ends crossed over at the front and secured with a pin.

Each Scottish Clan or family has its own distinctive tartan pattern, made up of different colours.

The kilt forms part of the traditional Highland dress, worn by Scottish clansmen and Scottish regiments. In addition to the kilt, a plaid or tartan cloak is worn over one shoulder, and a goatskin pouch or sporran is worn at the front of the kilt. Sometimes tartan trousers or trews(n. 紧身格子呢绒裤) are worn instead of a kilt. Women do not have their own distinctive national dress in Scotland, although tartan fabriCSare widely used in clothing, and the kilt is also worn.


The national costume of Wales is based on the peasant costume of the 18th and 19th centuries. Because Wales was isolated geographically from the rest of Britain, many of the individual traits of costume and materials were retained in Welsh dress long after they had died out elsewhere. Unlike Scotland, the distinctive folk costume of Wales was worn by the women, consisting of a long gown (betgwn) or skirt, worn with a petticoat (pais - the favoured colour was scarlet) and topped with a shawl folded diagonally to form a triangle and draped around the shoulders, with one corner hanging down and two others pinned in front. Aprons were universally worn, sometimes simple, sometimes decorated with colourful embroidery.

The most distinctive part of the costume was the tall black "Welsh hat" or "beaver hat", thought to have originated in France at the end of the 18th century. The hats had a tall crown, cylindrical or conical in shape with a wide brim, and were usually trimmed with a band of silk or crêpe(n. 绉纱,绉绸).


Although England is a country rich in folklore and traditions, it has no definitive "national" costume. The most well-known folk costumes are those of the Morris dancers. They can be seen in many country villages during the summer months performing folk dances that once held ritualistic and magical meanings associated with the awakening of the earth.

The costume varies from team to team, but basically consists of white trousers, a white shirt, a pad of bells worn around the calf of the leg, and a hat made of felt or straw, decorated with ribbons and flowers. The bells and ribbons are said to banishharm and bring fertility. Morris dancing was originally an all-male tradition, but now some teams feature women dancers too.



