


1. Interrupting conversations.

Remember being five, and when your parents were talking to other grownups you’d walk over mid-conversation, tug on their shirts and repeatedly call, “Mom/Dad?” Yeah — that was improper then — but you were five, so it was fathomable. Some people are incapable of comprehending the notion of waiting their turn to speak. When this happens, utilize the sarcastic old saying: “I apologize, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?”

2. Poor hygiene.

As kids we often abhorred the concept of cleanliness. We relished wearing the same grass-stained, smelly pants for as long as possible. The thought of bathing made us shiver in our Velcro strapped shoes. Now, it’s a different story. It’s remarkable how many folks out there seem to think that deodorant is optional. I mean, technically it is but it shouldn’t be. They need laws enforcing this. If the pungent aroma of your body odor is burning nostrils, and causing eyes to water, you should receive some type of ticket. Stink needs repercussions just as much as loitering does.

3. Fighting.

With the massive rise of ignorant and disrespectful individuals populating the world — verbalSPAts and altercations are inevitable. Contrary to popular belief, screaming obscenities and puffing your chest out as friends hold you back, doesn’t reek of badass-ness. In fact, it looks rather foolish. If you consider the end result of a fight, is it ever good? Let’s consider the possible outcomes:

You win the fight. Receive some high fives. It ain’t UFC, so you won’t get a paycheck or anything. And now you’ve made an enemy (or enemies).

The cops come. You get arrested, which means fines, jail-time, etc.

You hit the other person in the wrong spot, accidentally doing significant and permanent damage. Now you’re screwed.

The opponent hits you in the wrong spot, putting you on the receiving end of some serious damage. Now you’re screwed.

You lose. Everyone witnessed you getting your ass kicked, and now you’re ashamed.

They pull out a weapon and stab or shoot you. While I’ve never been stabbed or shot, I hear it stings much worse than your ego would after simply walking away from a physical confrontation.


记得5岁的时候,当父母跟其他大人谈话时,你会走过去扯着他们的衣角不断叫唤“妈妈/爸爸” 来打断谈话吗?尽管很不礼貌,但你才5岁嘛,情有可原。有些人就是等不及别人讲完再开口。遇到这种情况,可以略微暗讽一下:“不好意思,我话还没说完,影响到你了吗?”













