


Voters in the tiny New Hampshire town of Dixville Notch cast their votes just after midnight (0500 GMT Tuesday), kicking off the quadrennial US presidential election on Tuesday.

The town is the first to cast ballots in the nation. Polling stations elsewhere are generally open between morning till nightfall on election day.

Only ten voters cast their ballots, and the result showed a tie, with President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney each garnering 5 votes.


【讲解】“美国总统大选”英文可以说成 US presidential election,election即指“选举”,动词为elect,文中cast their votes 指投票,还可以说成cast ballots。文中show a tie中的tie是指得分相同,不分胜负。我们再一起来看看其他一些与“美国总统大选”相关的词汇:opinion poll 民意调查、民意测验, the Republican Party 共和党,the Democratic Party 民主党,nominee 候选人, swing state 摇摆州,landslide 压倒性优势。



