

摘要:《敢问路在何方》是1986版电视连续剧《西游记》的主题歌。由蒋大为演唱,阎肃作词,许镜清作曲。[1-2] 2001年,美国纽约评选最受华人喜爱的歌曲,《敢问路在何方》名列榜首。并且,于1988年该曲荣获首届中国十佳影视金曲奖。

Dare to ask where is the way

U are carrying the luggage,he is leading the horse.

Greeting sunrise,say goodbye to sunset.

Tread bumpy,becoming high road.

Combating evil,setout on the journey.

(Ah)setout on the journey.

Ah~ah~ ah ah ah ah~ah~

Season and season again!

Joys and sorrows around us!

Dare to ask where is the way

The road is on your feet!

U are carrying the luggage,he is leading the horse.

Take a long and hard journey,frost flower covering shoulders.

Wind lightning and rainy,let it let it be.

Sing a song straightforward,roaming around the world.

(Ah)Roaming around the world.

Ah~ah~ ah ah ah ah~ah~

Season and season again!

Joys and sorrows around us!

Dare to ask where is the way

The road is on your feet!



