



牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称牛津(Oxford),是一所位于英国牛津市的世界著名公立研究型大学。实际创立日期仍不清楚,但有记录的授课历史可追溯到1096年 ,为英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构,是世界著名研究型大学之一。牛津同时拥有全球最具规模的大学出版社,及全英最大型的大学图书馆系统。另外,牛津大学培养了众多社会名人,包括了26位英国首相、60位诺贝尔奖得主以及数十位世界各国的皇室成员和政治领袖。


D: Mind if I join you?


Y: Not at all. Hi, I’m Yang Li.


D: Denise. Nice to meet you!


Y: Nice to meet you too! How long have you been in Beijing?


D: No more than half a year. I have just studied in Beijing for a semester.


Y: Oh,do you get used to living here?


D: I’m still easing into it. China’s like a different world, you know. Everything is so different from Britain.

D:我还在慢慢适应。你知道,中国就像个完全不同的世界。每样东西都跟英国 不一样。

Y: Whoa. You’re from Britain!


D: Yeah! What’s wrong?


Y: Great! I’m extremely interested in British history and culture. I’m now reading a book about British history, which refers to the Plantagenet House. I,m totally confused! Could you please explain it to me?

Y:好极了!我对英国的历史和文化很感兴趣。我现在正在读一本有关英国历史 的书,里面提到了金雀花王朝,我完全糊涂了!你可以给我讲讲吗?

D; Ok. The Plantagenet House is a royal family of France and ruled the kingdom of England between 1154 and 1458. Though there are a great many monarchs at that time, you only need to know those influential monarchs, for example Henry II, Richard I,John, Henry III,Edward I,Edward III,Richard II,and so on.

D:没问题。金雀花王朝是法国王室家族,它在1154?1458年间统治着英格兰 王国。虽然那时候的君主很多,不过你只需要知道一些影响力较大的就可以了, 比如:亨利二世、查理一世、约翰、亨利三世、爱德华一世、爱德华三世和査理二世等。

Y: It’s really a time of upheaval!


D: Quite right. As thus, a distinctive English culture and art emerged during the sector Plantagenet era. Meanwhile, there were also lasting developments in the social sector, for instance, Magna Carta signed by John of England promoted the development of common law and constitutional law. Political institutions such as the Parliament of England and the Model Parliament originate from that period of time. Furthermore, world known universities like Oxford and Cambridge were founded at that time.

D:你说得很对。因此,别具一格的英国文化和艺术在金雀花时代诞生了。同 时,英国社会也得到了发展,那些发展影响深远,比如,约翰签署的《大宪 章》推动了普通法和宪法的发展。英国议会与国会的政治体制也源于那个时代。 而且,就连牛津和剑桥这样闻名世界的大学也是在那个时代建立起来的。

Y: Really? It is quite inconceivable that universities were established and developed during the era with eventful political climate.

Y:真的吗?在那种政局多变的年代,大学能够建立并发展是一件多么不可思议 的事情啊。

D: Actually, the Oxford University was founded accidentally. Originally, only teaching existed at Oxford. In 1167,Henry II conflicted with his family in France because of territory,which caused the scholars studying in the University of Paris back to England. Henry II encouraged these scholars to come to Oxford and continue their studies there. It was not until 1214 that Oxford was recognized as a university by the Church and the first Chancellor.

D:其实,牛津大学的建立纯属偶然。最初,只是有人在牛津教书。1167年,亨 利二世因为领土问题和他的法国家族发生冲突,那些在巴黎大学的英国学者 们被迫回国。亨利二世鼓励这些人到牛津城继续他们的学业。直到1214年, 牛津大学才得到教会和第一大臣的认可。

Y: Ah, it seems that the patronage of Henry II played an extremely important role in the development of the Oxford University.


D: Absolutely! However, the locals and scholars couldn’t get along with each other. There were friction and conflict between them frequently, leaving a couple of people dead.

D:绝对是这样!但是,当地人跟这些学者们却不能和睦相处。他们之间经常有 摩擦和冲突,也因此死了好多人。

Y: Why couldn’t they live together harmoniously?


D: Maybe for different habits. At first, many students lodged with the townspeople, which produced some unavoidable contraventions. Later, as the establishment of halls of residence and colleges, the problem was solved.


Y: Well, hadn’t the turbulent political situation threatened the University? Take the Hundred Years’ War for an example, which was motivated by Edward III.


D: How to say... There must be influence, but not fatal. Did you hear of All Soul College of Oxford?

Y:那动荡的政局设有对牛津大学造成威胁吗?比如,爱德华三世发动的百年战争。 D:怎么说呢……影响肯定是有的,但不是致命的。你听说过牛津大学的众灵学 院吗?

Y: Yes, I did. What’s up?


D: One of its tasks is to pray usually for soldiers killed in the Hundred Years,War.


Y: I see. Thanks very much for your explanation.


D: My pleasure!




