




Human beings struggle constantly with their ethiCSand morality. Most people strive to better themselves throughout their school years and well into their adult life. There are multiple ways to improve yourself over time. Dedicated individuals can employ specific strategies to better themselves. Learn the methods you can use to increase your self-esteem and others' opinions of you.

Develop a Creed


Many people begin drafting a plan for their lives when they are in their final years of school. This is also an ideal time to develop a creed that will help determine the course of your life. Some people dedicate their lives to a religious doctrine. Others formulate ethical beliefs that are derived from their sense of reasoning and their experiences. Make a determination to live by your particular creed in order to better yourself. Your system of beliefs can enable you to determine the priorities of your life, such as family and education, as well as the smaller aspects such as getting up early and eating a nutritious breakfast.


Practice Good Deeds


According to Student Now, an online magazine containing materials regarding college life, a great part of living a rewarding life involves practicing "good deeds." Extend yourself for the sake of others. There is much you can do to better the lives of family, friends and strangers. Give to worthy charities to the extent that you are able. Volunteer your free time to community endeavors. Remember important days in the lives of your loved ones and celebrate with them. Respect your elders and do things to make their lives easier -- even something as simple as carrying their groceries or mowing their lawns


Increase Knowledge


Learning should continue beyond your school years and throughout the rest of your life. Keep your library card active and explore new avenues of literature and non-fiction subjects. Reap the benefit of embracing new ideas and challenging your belief system. Explore other cultures. This will enable you to appreciate the lives of the many different people who share your universe. Develop an adventurous side so you can experience the exotic and thrilling aspects of life. Travel to increase your knowledge and appreciation of the world in general.


Employ Honesty


Leading an honest life will make you a better person. Practice telling the truth to others and to yourself. Living a life of deceit and dishonesty will have an adverse effect on your relationships, increase your stress level and negatively impact your health. Decide before situations arise that you will handle them honesty. This will make it easier not to lie -- no matter what the circumstance.




