



cherry ; prunus pseudocerasus ;


网 络cherry;cherries;CHERR;About Cherry



The cherry trees blossomed early this year.


Remove the stalks from the cherries before you eat them.


We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies.


Cherry trees flower in the early spring.


Some fresh acerola fruits were used to develop a new beverage.


A cordial made from the fermented juice and crushed pits of the marasca cherry.


She washed and stoned the cherry.


A peninsula is blanketed with cherry trees and vineyards.


How many more cherry trees do you think were planted at that time?

The boy made a switch from the branch of a cherry tree. 这个男孩用樱桃树枝做了一条鞭子.

Seed the cherries before you put them in the pie. 樱桃去籽之后才能做馅饼.

Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow. 樱桃的颜色由近乎黑到黄各不相同.

The cabinet is made of cherry wood. 柜子是樱桃木做的.

Each cake had a cherry on top. 每块蛋糕上面都有一颗樱桃.

The cherry - trees began to put forth their blossoms. 樱桃树开始开花了.

The cherries are quite ripe. 樱桃熟透了.

Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer. 只剩下马克和里克声称喜欢喝这种樱桃啤酒。

Apples, pears and cherries can be pruned back when they've lost their leaves. 苹果树、梨树和樱桃树在落叶后便可修剪。

Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree. 光线透过樱桃树柔和的绿阴隐约照进我的厨房。

" Oh, yesterday, why, I had some cherries -- and all sorts of things. " “ 嗯, 昨天, 我吃了些樱桃, 还有各种各样的东西, ”

" The second is a cherry without any stone, " replied Sally. “ 第二件礼物是没有核的樱桃, ” 莎丽回答.

Where are the cherry and bird, the blanket and book? " 樱桃、鹅 、 毯子,还有书都在 哪里 ? ”

No , it isn't. it's a cherry pie. 不是. 它是樱桃饼.

" A cherry without any stone! " “ 没有核的樱桃! ”

I love cherries, but all cherries have stones. 我喜欢樱桃, 但是所有的樱桃都是有核的呀!

The bureau of cherry was also high and wide and solidly built. 那个樱桃木镜也做得又高又大,十分牢固.

That story about the cherry tree is supposed to be made up. 樱桃树的故事恐怕是人们杜撰的.

Given favourable conditions, this cherry tree will grow very rapidly. 如果给它适宜的条件, 这棵樱桃树会长得很快.

We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies. 我们有不同的派, 例如苹果 、 樱桃和草莓派.


Picture a brave fireman carrying a pet from a burning building.

Now, imagine that global warming is the burning building, a cherry tree is the pet, and a bear is the fireman.

You've now got the gist of a new study that finds that cherry trees may be able to survive rising temperatures thanks to mountain-climbing bears that carry the cherry tree seeds to cooler climes.

It's projected that, over the next hundred years, temperatures on Earth could rise an average of nearly five degrees Celsius.

While some animals might be able to migrate north to escape the brunt of the heat, plants can't uproot themselves quite so easily.

But researchers wondered whether the creatures that disperse plant seeds might be able to help.

So scientists spent three years sifting through the droppings of Asiatic bears, looking for cherry tree seeds.

And they found that the bears were indeed transporting the seeds to cooler locations—not by moving to higher latitudes, but higher altitudes.

Seems the bears snack on the fruits that are found at the foot of the mountains in spring and then make the climb to higher elevations to enjoy young leaves and buds and flowers, particularly as the season progresses.

The researchers could tell that seeds had been deposited higher up the mountain than they had been harvested by the ratio of their oxygen isotopes, which changes with altitude.

And the 300 or so meters the seeds ascended should buy the resulting trees a degree or two in heat relief.

The study is in the journal Current Biology.

The finding is good news for plants, like cherry trees, that fruit in spring.

Unfortunately, the results suggest that plants that fruit in fall, when bears are headed back down for hibernation, will have to hold out for a different animal hero.

Or for a bear with a bad sense of direction.


















