


阅读[yuè dú]



Reading occupies most of my free time.


He unfurled the newSPAper and began to read.


I have benefited a lot from extensive reading.



My husband likes to read murder stories.


He spent all his time reading.


I like to read China Daily on my way home.


I also suggest for new speed readers to practice reading rather than just read.


Reading anxiety is the major obstacle to hold down the speed of fast reading.


Is the reader leaning late and reading there.

1. His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing. 他的辅导教师发现了他在阅读和写作方面进步的迹象。

2. They will concentrate on teaching the basiCSof reading, writing and arithmetic. 他们将集中教授阅读、写作和算术基础知识

3. He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully. 他先快速地浏览页面,然后再细细阅读

4. Thanks to that job I became an avid reader. 多亏了那份工作我才成了一个喜欢阅读的人。

5. Patty began reading everything she could get her hands on. 帕蒂开始阅读她能找到的所有东西。

6. He was diagnosed as severely dyslexic but extraordinarily bright. 他被诊断患有严重的阅读困难症,但是却绝顶聪明。

7. She began devouring newspapers when she was only 12. 年仅12岁时,她就开始如饥似渴地阅读报纸。

8. I spent most of my teen years reading diet books. 我青少年时期的大部分时间都用来阅读控制饮食的书籍了。

9. Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference. 仔细阅读这些注释并将其保留下来以备将来之用。

10. Alex didn't read fluently till he was nearly seven. 亚历克斯快到7岁时才能流利地阅读

11. He could read all the national papers at his leisure. 他可以悠然阅读所有的全国性报纸。

12. Language interpretation is the whole point of the act of reading.阅读行为中关键在于对语言的理解。

13. One of the set books is Jane Austen's Emma. 指定阅读书目之一是简·奥斯汀的《爱玛》。

14. I read Germaine Greer's article in the March issue with particular interest. 我饶有兴致地阅读了杰曼·格里尔在三月那期发表的文章

15. He began by reading everything he could find out about heroin. 他从阅读所有能找到的有关海洛因的资料开始。

16. People have the right to read any kind of material they wish. 人们有权利阅读自己喜欢的任何东西。

17. He misplaces his reading glasses with such regularity that aides carry extras. 他老是记不起把自己阅读时用的放大镜放在什么地方,所以助手们会随身携带备用的。

18. Children in small classes are several months ahead in reading. 小班的孩子们提前几个月就开始阅读

19. He misses not having enough books because he's an avid reader. 他是个酷爱阅读的人,总觉得书不够读。

20. Her latest novel is perfect for a lazy summer's afternoon reading. 在慵懒的夏日午后阅读她的最新小说最合适不过了。


read ; peruse ; reading ; sight

网 络reading;read;Critical Reading;Reading Comprehension



