

侄子基本解释为弟兄或其他同辈男性亲属的儿子, 亦以称朋友的儿子,属于客套话。那么侄子的英文怎么说呢?现在跟读文网小编一起学习关于侄子的英语表达及造句吧。


brother's son ; nephew

网 络nephew;Brother's son;nephews;niece



My nephews tried to make themselves useful about the house.


To my surprise, I found my nephew dressed in a girl's skirt.


My nephew is a naughty boy.


I rewarded my little nephew for fixing his own bicycle by himself.


My little nephew was acting funny and everyone in the room started to laugh.


Her nephew is good for nothing.


Her young cousin has enough money fou the lunch.


She said she lost a brother and his wife and a nephew in the disaster.


The estate descended to the rephew.


1. His sons, brother and nephews were his armed sidekicks. 他的儿子、兄弟和侄子 都是他的左膀右臂,都配备了武器。

2. When I arrived my nephews made a big fuss of me. 我到达的时候,侄子 们围着我嘘寒问暖。

3. "Cut her out of your will," urged his nephew. “把她从你的遗嘱中删去,”他的侄子 催促道。

4. She has a nephew who is just ten years of age. 她有一个才10岁的侄子 。

5. Last month a shopkeeper's nephew was shot dead. 上个月一名店主的侄子 被枪杀了。

6. This year all the apples are all red. My niece and nephew are going out this morning with step-ladders to pick some. 今年所有的苹果都红了。我侄女和侄子 今天早晨准备带上梯子去摘一些。

7. He pays too much heed these days to my nephew Tom, and Tom is no great thinker. 他最近过分重视我侄子 汤姆的话了,而汤姆根本不是什么伟大的思想家。

8. In February 1967, she began a dalliance with Robin Douglas - Home, 35, a talented and troubled pianist and the nephew of a former prime minister. 1967年2月, 玛格丽特与一位前首相的侄子 、才华横溢但天性伤感的钢琴家35岁的罗宾·道格拉斯-霍姆开始了一段情缘.

9. I am planning a 25th birthday party for my nephew. 我在为侄子 筹划他25岁的生日聚会。

10. It was the nephew of Monseigneur. 是侯爵的侄子 .

11. Eldest cousin would begin, shaking his head in sorrow. 大侄子 总是率先发言, 伤心地摇着脑袋.

12. My nephew lives only a stone's throw from my house. 我侄子 住得离我家很近.

13. My nephew is a cautious investor. 我侄子 是个小心谨慎的投资者.

14. He was my wife's nephew. 他是我妻子的侄子 .

15. She made her nephew her heir. 她立她的侄子 为继承人.

16. He was startled when his nephew came in. 当他侄子 走进来时,他吃了一惊.

17. He willed his house to his nephew. 他立下遗嘱,把房子留给侄子 .

18. My teenaged nephew's face is covered with zits. 我那正值青春期的侄子 脸上长满青春痘.

19. He was a nephew of my friend. 他是我朋友的侄子 .

20. 'My nephew,'said the Marquis, glancing at the supper preparation;'they saidhe was not arrived.' “ 我的侄子 , ”侯爵瞥了一眼摆好的晚餐,说, “ 他们说他还没有到.”



