


1.Hop in.

3.Could you take me to the World Trade Centre?

4.How long does it take to reach the hotel?

5.Could you please drive faster?

6.What is the fairs for the kilometer?

7.How much should I pay you?

8.Oh,that is my destination.

9.Here's the money.

10.Keep the change, please

words for drivers

1.Is it the rush hour now?

2.We got stuck in the traffic jam

3.The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of day.

4.Where to, madam?

5.The fair veras according to the distance.

6.Here we are.

7.Here's the changes

Fashion conversation

conversation one


B:Get in,please. Where to,madam?

A:The international airport,please.I have to be there by 8:00.

B:I can't promise anything, but I'll try my best.

A:Oh,that's my stop. How much do I need to pay?

B:That'll be 10 dollars,please.

A:Thanks a lot.here.

conversaton six

A:Excuse me,can you tell me where I can take a taxi? This is the first time I have been in England,so I don't know where I can do at all.

B:Of course.Don't worry.I'll call on for you.

A:Thank you very much, by the way,is it quite expensive to take a taxi?

B:Yes,besides it veras according to the distence.

A:All right.I only hope to get a skillful driver, and drive me to my stop safe way.

B:No problem.

A:Thanks a lot,bye bye.

B:You are welcome,bye.


A:Where is it?

B:I'm going to the Golden hotel.

A:Get in,please.

B:Thank you. I have an appointment with an important client at 10:00. Could you please drive a little faster or I maybe late.

A:Don't worry, you'll be there plenty of time.

A:That is it. 7.15$, please.

B:Thank you.here's 10$,just give me 1$ back ,please.

conversaton five

A:Hi,taxi.Could you take me to the financial street,please

B:Pardon, where to ,sir?

A:I want to go to the financial stree.

B:All right. Hop in,please.

A:Excuse me, how long does it take to get there?

B:It usually takes about half an hour.

A:Oh,does it really a long way to go.

B:Yes. Moreover, since the street is heavy with traffic this time of day.I'm not sure we can make it. By the way, are you pressed for the time?

A:No,I'm not.you can just drive slowly and carefully.


A:You are very skillful driver.

B:Thank you.

A:By the way,is the fair the same for any distance?

B:No. It veras according to the distance, you can read from the meter.

A:Oh,I see.

conversaton two

A:Where are you going?

B:Take me to the center station, please

A:OK,here we go.

B:Do you think you can get me there 7:30?

A:We shouldn't have any trouble if we don't get stuck in the traffic jam.

B:Hope we have good luck.

A:Here we are, you still get plenty of time. That's 8.15$, please.

B:Thank you very much. Here's 10$,keep the change,please.

conversaton four


B:Yes,sir. Where to?

A:The city square,please.

B:Are you in a hurry?

A:Yes,I have to be there to meet a friend at 5:00pm. So we're sure we can get there on time?

B:I'm afraid not,sir. Generally we can, but you know how it is in the rush hour


A:I see. Here's the extra 5$ for you if you can get me there on time.

B:All right. I'll do my best.

A:Oh.we made it. Thank you. How much do I own you?

B:The reading on the kilometer is 12$.

A:Here's the money, keep the changes,please.

B:Do you need a receipt?

A:No,thank you.

8.Taking a taxi

Useful sentences

words for passengers

1.Could you tell me where I can take the taxi?



