




Jack: What certificates of technical qualificationhave you got?

Lin Xin: I have got a computer engineer'squalification certificate.

Jack: Have you worked in a computer companybefore?

Lin Xin: Oh, yes, I have. I worked part-time as atypewriter in a computer company when I was atcollege.

Jack: Do you have any idea on this work?

Lin Xin: In my opinion, it has a broad prospect and it needs smart mind.

Jack: Good!



Mitchell: Have you had any experience with saleswork?

Yang Qian: Yes, I have. In fact, I had worked for aforeign trade company for nearly two years, where Iestablished business ties with several firms.

Mitchell: What exactly did you do at that company?

Yang Qian: Visit customers, diSPAtch consignmentsand things like that.

Mitchell: Did you like your work?

Yang Qian: Yes, I did.

Mitchell: But when and why did you leave the company?

Yang Qian: I left it two months ago. I didn't think I could learn much there, and there werenot many opportunities for self-development.

Mitchell: I see. Why did you choose our company?

Yang Qian: I've been informed that there are many opportunities to develop myself in yourcompany. Besides, I grew up in a city in the Northeast. I have lots of acquaintances in theregion, which might help to push sales.



Li Jian: Excuse me, is this personnel division?

Miller: Yes. What can I do for you?

Li Jian: I came about your advertisement for asenior production planner.

Miller: Oh. What’s your name?

Li Jian: My name is Li Jian.

Miller: You have been in Peking University, hadn't you?

Li Jian: Yes, seven years.

Miller: What degree do you have now?

Li Jian: Master of Marketing Management.

Miller: Do you have any experience in this field?

Li Jian: Yes. I worked at AB Company.

Miller: Why are you interested in the position?

Li Jian: Because you need a senior production planner who is good at mathematiCSandfluent in English. I think I am fit for the position.

Miller: All right. If we decide to hire you, we'd pay you 5,000 yuan a month at the start. Howdo you think about it?

Li Jian: That's very good.



