



1.When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.你的生日在什么时候?我的生日在六月。

2.How many birthdays are there in January?一月有多少个生日?

3.What are you doing,John?约翰,你正在做什么?

4.I am making a birthday chart for our family.我正在为我们家制作一张生日图表。

5.There are three birthdays in June.在六月有三个生日。

6.Here’s the chart.这就是图表。

7.When is your Independence Day?你们的独立日(国庆节)在什么时候?

8.Who has a birthday in October?有谁的生日在十月?

9.What’s the date? It's October 1 .什么日期?十月一日。

10.I am sending Grandma an e-card.我正在给祖母发一张电子卡片。

11.Does she have a computer?她有电脑吗?

12.Then she won’t be able to see the card.那她就不能看到生日卡片了。

13.Let’s make a birthday card.让我们制作一张生日卡片吧。

14.Everyone likes to get birthday cards.每个人都喜欢收到生日卡片。

15.I hear with my ear.我用我的耳朵听。



1.What are you doing?你正在做什么?

2.I am talking to you.我正在和你说话呢。

3.Come on, John.老实点,约翰。

4.I’m reading a book.我正在看书。

5.Do you want to go to Children’s Center?你想去儿童活动中心吗?

6.See you later.再见。

7.What is your father doing? He’s writing an e-mail.你的父亲正在做什么?他正在写电子邮件。

8.Can I speak to your mom, please? Sure. Please hold on.我可以和你妈妈通话吗?当然了,请稍等。

9.Mom, there’s a call for you.妈妈,有人打电话找你。

10.How’s everybody doing?Just fine.大家都好吗?都好的。

11.I’m coming. Who’s that?我来了。是谁呀?

12.What is the emergency number in Canada?加拿大的急救号码是什么?



1.What’s your favourite season?你最喜爱的季节是什么?

2.What’s the weather like in spring?It’s sunny and warm.春天的天气像什么样子?又晴朗又暖和。

3.Which season do you like best?Winter. I can make a snowman.你最喜欢哪个季节?冬天,我可以堆雪人。

4.I can play with snow.我可以玩雪。

5.Winter is beautiful, but it’s too cold for me.冬天时美丽的,但是对我来说太冷了。

6.Why do you like winter?Because I can sleep a long time.你为什么喜欢冬天?因为我可以睡懒觉。

7.When is the best time to go to Beijing? Fall.去北京最好的时间是什么时候?秋天。

8. What is the weather like in fall in Beijing? It’s sunny and cool.北京秋天的天气像什么样子?又晴朗又凉爽。

9.What can I do there?You can go to the Great Wall.我可以在那里做什么?你可以去长城。

10.Spring is from March to May.春天从三月到五月。



