



一. B B A B C B C B B C C A C B B

二. C D D B B D C A B C D C C A C

三. B A C D A C B C C A

四. B C A B C D D A B C

五. autumn/fall friends swimming draw chairs Wednesday

play Write spell weather

六.swim are friends His classmates are

Teachers Chinese helping Let’s

七.My name’s This is What’s your What class How many

八.a name four are is He am School Class boys

九.A F E D C





( ) 1. A. Yes , I am. B. I’m Jack. C. His name is Jack.

( ) 2. A. Peter. B. You’re welcome. C. I’m a student.

( ) 3. A. Bye. B. Hello. C. Fine, thanks.

( ) 4. A. I’m fine. B. Thank you . C. Good morning!

( ) 5. A. She’s Lingling. B. She’s 13. C. She’s fine


( )6. What class is Alex in?

A. Class One. B. Class Two. C. Class Three.

( )7. Where are Lily and Lucy from?

A. China B. England C. America.

( )8. How old is Kim’s sister?

A. Eight. B. Eleven. C. Ten

( )9. Is Mr Lee an English teather?

A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is. C. We don’t know.

( )10. What’s Mike’s telephone number?

A. 58123468 B. 85123465 C. 52123486

III.听短文, 选最佳答案。短文读两遍。(10分)

( )11-.How old is Sam? - ________

A..12 B 13 C. 14.

( )12. Sam is ________

A. English. B. American. C. Chinese.

( )13 .Hellen is ________ years old.

A. 11 B. 12 C.13

( )14. They are in Class ________ .

A. One B. Two C. Three

( )15.- Are Sam and Hellen friends? - ________

A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they can.


( )1.下列字母都是元音字母的是________。

A. Aa, Bb, Cc B. Bb, Cc, Ee C. Aa, Ee, Oo D. Aa, Hh, Ii

( )2. What’s the weather like ___ London ___ autumn?

A. at, on B. in, at C. at, on D. in, in

( )3. It’s very ___ in summer in Hainan.

A. warm B. cool C. cold D. hot

( )4. What’s this ___ Japanese(日语)?

A. on B. in C. with D. /

( )5. His favourite ___ is blue.

A. food B. colour C. sport D. class

( )6. Today is Sunday. ___ is it tomorrow? —It’s ___.

A. What day, Saturday B. How, Monday

C. What, Tuesday D.What day, Monday

( )7. Twelve and six is ___.

A. sixteen B. seventeen C. eighteen D. nineteen

( )8. Let’s ___ swimming on Sunday?

A. go B. to go C. going D. go to

( )9. It’s time ___ football now.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays

( )10. ___ your hand, please.

A. Stand B. Play C. Put up D. Stand up

( )11. —___ is the flower? —It’s red.

A. How many B. How old C. What day D. What colour

( )12. —How many desks________?


A. there B. is there. C. are there D. there are.

( )13. That girl is a new student. ___ name is Emma.

A. She B. His C. Her D. he

( )14. —Are you in Class 2, Grade 8, too?


A. No, I’m not B. Yes, I am A. No, I am not D. Yes, I’m

( )15.- ___ , Jane! -You are welcome.

A. Nice to meet you. B. Good morning.

C. Thank you for your help. D. You are welcome


This boy is Jim. He is thirteen. He’s 1 English boy. This is his school. His school 2 number is 832 147. He’s 3 Class Two. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White is a good 4 . She teaches English. Li Rui is Jim’s good 5 at school. He is a Chinese boy. He is in Class Two, 6 . Look! This is Jim’s 7 . It’s blue. There 8 five books and three pencils in it. 9 is Jim’s favourite day. He can play 10 with his friends.

( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )2. A. telephone B. room C. car D. class

( )3. A. at B. on C. in D. of

( )4. A. student B. room C. car D. teacher

( )5. A. friend B. student C. girlfriend D. father

( )6. A. to B. two C. too D. or

( )7. A. book B. schoolbag C. pencil D. pencil- box

( )8. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )9. A. Monday B. Thursday C. Sunday D. Friday

( )10. A. football B. a football C. the football D. footballs



Good afternoon! My name is Sarah. I’m twelve. I’m a student. Nice to meet you!

Look at this. What’s this in English? Oh, it’s a pencil case (铅笔盒). It’s red. What’s in it? Look! This is a ruler. It’s green. This is an eraser. It’s white. This is a pen. It’s yellow. My pencil case is new and it is very nice. I like it very much. Tomorrow is Saturday. It’s a hot day. Let me go swimming. I like summer.

( )1. Sarah is a ________ .

A. teacher B. student C. boy D. mother

( )2.Sarh’s pencil case is ________.

A. white B. yellow C red D. black

( )3.There is a ________ in her pencil case.

A. yellow pen B. red ruler C. green pencil D. red pencil

( )4. Today is ________ .

. A. Saturday B. Friday C. Sunday D. Tuesday

( )5. Sarah’s favourite sport is ________in summer.

A. football B. basketball C. swimming D. table tennis


Hello! My name is Zhang Fei. I am Chinese. I am twelve. I’m in No.1 Middle School in Nanjing. This is my friend. His name is Tony Green. He is an English boy .He is twelve. He and I are in the same(相同) class. Our classroom is next to(相邻) the teachers’ office(办公室).We have Chinese and English lessons(课) every day. Our English teacher is Mr Read. He is English but he can speak(讲) Chinese. Our Chinese teacher is Mr Ding. They are good teachers, and they are our friends, too

( )6. Tony Green has a Chinese friend in ________now.

A. England B. America C. No.2Middle School. D. China

( )7. Zhang Fei and Tony Green are ________ .

A. not at the same age B. in an English school

C. eleven D. in the same class

( )8. Mr Read is Zhang Fei’s__________

A. English teacher B. Chinese teacher

C. father D. classmate

( )9. Mr Ding is a teacher of(……的)________.

A. English B. Chinese C. a high school D. an English school

( )10. Tony green is from_______

A. China B. America C. England D. Australia(澳大利亚)


1. I like __________(秋天).

2. Tom and Betty are my__________(朋友) .

3. __________(游泳) is his favourite sport.

4. Ann can __________(画) very well.

5. How many __________(椅子) are there?

6. —What day is it today? —It’s W__________.

7. We can p__________ table tennis this afternoon.

8. W__________ it on the blackboard, please.

9. —Can you s__________ that again, please? —Yes. It’s B-I-R-D.

10. —What’s the w__________ like in Hong Kong in summer? —It’s hot.


1. I can __________(swim) now.

2. What __________(be) your favourite sports?

3. Sam and Li Ling are my __________(friend).

4. This is my friend. __________ (he) name is Tony.

5. My __________(classmate) are English.

6. He and I __________(be) from Guangzhou.

7. How many __________(teacher) are there in your school?

8. She is my __________(China) teacher.

9. Tony likes __________ (help) his classmates.

10. Tomorrow is Sunday. __________ (let us )play football.


1. I’m Mary. (同义句)

__________ __________Mary.

2. Is this a yellow pencil? (改为肯定句).

_________ _________ a yellow pencil

3. My number is seven one five, two eight six. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ number, Liu Xin?

4. He’s in Class Three .(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ is he in?

5. There is one teacher in the classroom.( 对划线部分提问)

__________ __________teachers in the classroom?


I’m ____1______ Chinese school girl. My English _____2_____ is Amy. There are ______3____ people in my family. They are my father , my mother, my grandpa and I. My father and mother ______4____ school teachers. My father______5____ forty-one, and my mother is thirty-nine. My grandpa is old(老的). _____6_____ is seventy. He lives (居住)with us together(一起). I ______7____ 13. I study at No. 5 Middle_____8____ . I’m in ____9______ One, Grade One. There are twenty-one _____10_____ and twenty-five girls in our class. We are all good friends. We all like our school very much.


A. Good morning, Tony.

B. How are you?

C. See you tomorrow.

D. What’s your telephone number?

E. It’s a good idea.

F. What’s the weather like tomorrow?

G. What day is it tomorrow?

Tony: Good morning, Tom.

Tom: _1_

Tony: Tomorrow is Saturday. _2_

Tom: It’s hot.

Tony: Let’s go swimming.

Tom: _3_

Tony: _4_

Tom: It’s 692 689.

Tony: Oh. I call(给••••••打电话) you.

Tom: OK. Goodbye.

Tony: Bye. _5_

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____





