




1..A.Good morning!

B.Good afternoon!

C.Good evening!





2..A.It’s 8:10.

B.It’s June 14th.

C.It’s a fine day.





3..A.Excuse me.

B.That’s OK.

C.Thank you.





4..A.No,I’m not.

B.Sorry,I won’t.

C.Don’t mention it.





5..A.See you.

B.Please don’t.

C.That’s all right.






B.Sure,I’d love to.

C.You’re welcome.













8..A.At seven.

B.At eight.

C.At nine.


























12..A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.On foot.







13.Where are the speakers?

A.At home.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a store.

14.What would the man like to do?

A.To take photos.

B.To buy a gift.

C.To talk with friends.






15.What is on show in the library?

A.Chinese stamps.

B.British movies.

C.Science books.

16.When does Betty want to go to the library?

A.On Sunday morning.

B.On Sunday afternoon.

C.On Saturday afternoon.






17..Mrs.Smith lost her son when she was略.

A.doing some shopping

B.calling the office

C.taking a walk.





18..The boy is thin and has a round face with略 hair.








19..There is a picture of Mickey Mouse on the boy’s略.








20..If you see the boy,you can call Mrs.Smith at略.









21..Mary wants to be ________ good doctor when she grows up.()

A.a B.an C.the D./



【解答】答案为A.不定冠词(a,an)表示泛指,定冠词(the)表示特指.句子的good doctor(好医生)是属于泛指任何一位好医生,故要用不定冠词.不定冠词a、an是“一个“的意思.a与an 的区别是a用于辅音音素前,an则用于元音音素前.good的音标为[gʊd],good以辅音音素开头,故要用a,故答案为A.


22..Our reading club shares ideas with each other ________ one hour every Tuesday.()

A.to B.on C.at D.for



【解答】答案D to到,往…; on表示时间,后接星期、日期、具体的某一天等等;at表示时间,后接钟点等;根据句子意思可知“我们的阅读俱乐部互相分享想法可以持续一小时”,这里表示一段时间,用介词for,故选:D.


23..﹣﹣﹣Do you like watching ping﹣pong matches?

﹣﹣﹣Yes,and ________ favorite ping﹣pong player is Ma Long.()

A.we B.us C.our D.ours





根据选项we为人称代词主格在句中做主语;us为人称代词宾格在句中作宾语;our为形容词性物主代词,后要接名词作定语;ours为名词性物主代词,其后不能接名词,根据句子结构可知该句的主语是ping﹣pong player 该空处在名词player的前面作定语起修饰作用,故填形容词性物主代词our,故选C


24..I ________ the History Museum twice.I’ve learned a lot there.()

A.visit B.am visiting C.have visited D.will visit





25..﹣﹣﹣It’s hot today.Have some ________,please.

﹣﹣﹣No,thanks.I’m not thirsty at all.()

A.water B.potatoes C.bread D.cakes





根据选项的意思water“水”;potato“土豆”;bread“面包”;cake“蛋糕”,结合答语No,thanks.I’m not thirsty at all“不,谢谢.我一点也不渴.”可推知在上文中对方让他喝点东西,故选A


26..You should ask Bob ________ his own clothes.He is ten years old now.()

A.wash B.washes C.washing D.to wash




根据空格前的关键词ask Bob结合选项可知ask sb to do sth 为固定结构,意为“要求某人干某事”,故填入动词不定式形式在句中作宾语补足语,故填to wash,故选D.

【点评】本题考查了非谓语动词的用法.解答时注意ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事,动词不定式形式在句中作宾语补足语

27..It’s sports time.Most ________ students in Class 1are playing football on the playground.()

A.boy B.boys C.boy’s D.boys’






28..﹣﹣﹣Must we finish the work today?

﹣﹣﹣________.We have something else to do tomorrow.()

A.Yes,we can B.No,we can’t

C.Yes,we must D.No,we needn’t




【解答】答案:C.上文是情态动词must的一般疑问句,结合下文是说明天要做其他的事情,故也就是今天必须完成,故用肯定回答,yes,we must,故选C.

【点评】在回答must开头的一般疑问句时,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn't或don't have to.如:1)﹣Must I finish my homework before eight o'clock?

﹣Yes,you must.

2)﹣Must I attend the meeting?

﹣No,you needn't(No,you don't have to).You can ask Tom to go instead.

29..Students do less homework now.Usually it ________ before 9 o’clock in the evening.()

A.finishes B.finished C.is finished D.was finished




首先根据上文Students do less homework now.中的时间状语now,以及下文中的时间状语usually,可判断为一般现在时,主语it代指homework是谓语动词finish的承受者,二者形成被动关系,故用被动语态,故谓语动词用一般现在时的被动语态,其结构为:am/is/are+及物动词的过去分词,主语it是第三人称单数,be动词用is,finish的过去分词是finished,故选C


30..Meimei is going to be an older sister.Her parents are planning to have their ________ child.()

A.one B.two C.first D.second


【分析】Meimei 要成为姐姐了.她父母计划生第二个孩子.

【解答】答案:D 根据Meimei is going to be an older sister. Meimei 要成为姐姐了.可知这个家庭已经有一个孩子了.所以下文Her parents are planning to have their ________ child.应该是再要一个,即第二个孩子.序数词+可数名词单数.所以应该用序数词,应该用second,故选:D.


31..It was late.She opened the door ________ because she didn’t want to wake up her grandma.()

A.angrily B.quietly C.loudly D.heavily




根据设空处后面的句子“because she didn’t want to wake up her grandma.因为她不想吵醒她的奶奶”可以推断前面句子表达的句意是“她悄悄打开门”,副词“悄悄地”为quiety,其他三个选项中副词的意思分别是:angrily生气地;loudly大声地;heavily沉重地;都不符合句意,故选B.


32..Chen Wei isn’t at school today ________ he is taking a robot competition in Shanghai.()

A.so B.because C.before D.if





33..﹣﹣﹣I’m sorry.I broke your tea cup.

﹣﹣﹣________.I have another one at home.()

A.It doesn’t matter B.You’d better not

C.My pleasure D.It’s too bad




【解答】答案:A;It doesn’t matter没关系;You’d better not 你最好不;My pleasure愿意为您效劳;It’s too bad 太糟了.英文回答时一般要遵从以下几个原则:礼貌原则,利他原则和英语文化习惯;根据上文,I’m sorry非常抱歉,我打碎你的茶杯了.可知答语应为It doesn’t matter;故选A.


34..When spring comes,trees begin to ________ green.()

A.sound B.taste C.keep D.turn




sound听起来;taste品尝起来;keep保持,保存;turn变得,成为.根据When spring comes,trees begin to ________ green,可知当春天来了的时候,树开始变绿.turn green变绿.故选D.


35..A true friend will never ________ from you when you’re in trouble.()

A.take away B.run away C.put off D.get off




根据设空处前面的A true friend 和后面的when you’re in trouble可以推断本句的句意是:真正的朋友在你身处困境的时候永远不会从你身边逃开.表示“逃走”用run away,其他几个选项的意思:take away“拿走”,put off“推迟”,get off“下车”都不符合句意,故选B.


36..﹣﹣﹣I think it’s necessary to learn how to work in groups.

﹣﹣﹣I quite agree.Sometimes it’s even ________ than grades.()

A.less important B.more important

C.the least important D.the most important





首先根据设空处前面的even和后面的than判断设空处用形容词比较级,排除选项C,D;再结合第一句中的it’s necessary to learn how to work in groups.和第二句中的I quite agree.可以推断设空处的句子表达的意思是“有时候它甚至比成绩更重要.”,所以选B.


37..﹣﹣﹣You play the piano so well.________ do you take piano lessons?

﹣﹣﹣I go to piano lessons twice a week.()

A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How much




【解答】答案:C.结合下文是说我一周上两次钢琴课,是说频率,故用疑问词how often多久一次,how long表示多久,how many 多少,how much 多少,多少钱,故选C.

【点评】.how long用来提问“多长时间”,对“一段时间的长短”提问时用,与延续性动词连用;how often用来提问某动作或状态发生的频率,对“一段时间内发生了几次活动”(always,usually,often,never或twice a day等表示频度的词或短语)提问时用;how soon用来提问某人要“多快”能做好某事,或某事要“多快”能完成,对“过多少时间(就能…)”(in短语)提问时用,常用于将来时.而how far意思是“多远”,对距离提问时用.

38..Don’t worry.Bill will help you look after your dog when you ________ away on business.()

A.are B.were C.will be D.have been





39..﹣﹣﹣Do you know ________?

﹣﹣﹣Let me see.I remember it was on March 18th.()

A.why did they move here B.why they moved here

C.when did they move here D.when they moved here





根据Do you know可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,选项AC是疑问语序,所以排除掉;再根据I remember it was on March 18th,可知这里表示的是时间,而且是一个过去的时间,所以宾语从句的引导词是when,时态应该用一般过去时.故选D.


40..﹣﹣﹣Mrs.Black,I’m afraid that I’ll fail the exam.

﹣﹣﹣________,dear!Take it easy.I’m sure you’ll pass it.()

A.Sorry to hear that B.Come on

C.All right D.Good job




【解答】答案:B;Sorry to hear that听到那个我很难过;Come on加油;All right好的;Good job干得好;根据答语ear!Take it easy.I’m sure you’ll pass it推知上句是鼓励性的话;故选项B符合题意;故选B.



41.(15分)(2016•重庆)There is an old saying:“Take the time to stop and smell the flowers.”I think we should also take the time to (41)A flowers.

My grandmother knew just (42)C to do that.She grew flowers with earth,water and love,so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers.She would smile when she saw the (43)B shine down on them.In her front garden she planted flowers,(44)A.You could see red,white,and yellow flowers in it.My mom and I used to walk (45)D them and enjoy their smells.Beautiful butterflies (蝴蝶) flew down on them.Grandma also cared for the wild flowers.She would send (46)A and my brother out to pick flowers and would then turn them into delicious wine (酒).

Grandma not only planted flowers in the gardens (47)C also planted flowers in our hearts.Her delicious dinners made with love encouraged us.Her sweet smile always made us (48)A.Her hugs (拥抱) and kisses were the sunshine that kept our own love(49)B day after day.

Take the time to plant a few flowers yourself today.Show your smiles,kindness and love.Plant your wishes,talents and pleasure.Make this (50)D brighter and brighter with your sunshine.

41.A.plant B.water C.buy D.sell

42.A.who B.when C.how D.where

43.A.star B.sun C.rain D.wind

44.A.too B.either C.then D.though

45.A.at B.on C.with D.around

46.A.me B.you C.him D.her

47.A.and B.so C.but D.or

48.A.happy B.hungry C.tired D.angry

49.A.sleeping B.growing C.standing D.losing

50.A.house B.town C.city D.world.



【解答】41﹣﹣45 ACBAD 46﹣﹣50 ACABD

41.A 全文主要讲了种花的奶奶,可以联系相关语句,如She grew flowers with earth,water and love.因此答案为A

42.C 本句表达的是“奶奶知道怎么去种花.”,因此,应该是how to do that.答案为C.

43.B 由动词短语see sb do sth,联系shine(照耀)这个动词,可知前面讲的是阳光(sun),答案为B

44.A 由前面句子so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers.可知,奶奶在后花园种了话,结合本句后面的内容,可知是在前面的花园也种了花,答案为too.

45.D 本题考查运动方向介词,at 在一个具体的地点,on在上面,with 和…,around,绕着…,根据句意,是绕着花园走动,答案为D

46.A 考查动词短语send sb sth,联系句意,这里应该是“寄给我”,答案为me

47.C 考查并列连词,前面有not only,根据后面的提示also,这里要填的是but

48.A 考查词义的理解,她的笑应该是会让我们感到开心的,故为happy

49.B 考查动词短语keep doing,表示持续地做某事,她的拥抱和微笑是让我们的爱每日增长的阳光,因此是keep growing

50.D 联系上下文可知,是因为你的微笑,让世界越来越充满光亮.答案为world.



51.(6分)(2016•重庆)Paper cut can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival.People put it on windows,doors and walls for the festival.

A thousand years ago,paper cut was used for decoration (装饰).In Tang Dynasty women used paper cut as headdress.In Song Dynasty,it helped make gifts more beautiful.What’s more,people would feel happier when they saw paper cut on windows,doors and walls.Now people use paper cut to express their wishes for welcoming the New Year.

There are different kinds of paper cut in different parts of China.Pictures usually cover nearly all things,from flowers,birds to the famous people.Now,there are factories for paper cut in China.Paper cut has changed from decoration to a kind of art.At the same time,paper cut also appears in cartoons,magazines or TV programs.

51.B people like to use paper cut for their festivals.





52.In Song Dynasty,paper cut helped to make gifts moreA.





53.This passage is mainly aboutC.


B.TV programs

C.paper cut

D.hair cut.


【分析】剪纸在中国春节时的许多地方都可以看到.人们把它贴在窗户、门和墙壁上. 一千年前,剪纸被用来装饰.唐代妇女用剪纸作为头饰.在宋代,它使礼物更漂亮.更重要的是,当人们看到窗户、门和墙壁上的剪纸会感到快乐.现在人们用剪纸来表达自己美好的愿望来迎接新的一年. 中国的不同地区有不同种类的剪纸,图片通常涵盖了几乎所有的东西,从花、鸟到名人.现在,中国剪纸有工厂,剪纸已经从装饰变为一种艺术.同时,剪纸也出现在漫画、杂志或电视节目中.

【解答】51.答案B 细节理解题 由文中 Paper cut can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival.People put it on windows,doors and walls for the festival.可知 中国人在过节的时候喜欢使用剪纸.故选B

52.答案A 细节理解题 由文中 In Song Dynasty,it helped make gifts more beautiful 可知 在宋代,它使礼物更漂亮,故选A

53.答案C文章理解题 本文全篇都是在讲剪纸的艺术,包括剪纸的领域,历史上的剪纸等等,所以本文的主旨是剪纸,故选C


54.(8分)(2016•重庆)Don’t do your homework alone when you find it difficult!TFK’s Homework Helper has many useful tools with tips to help you do your homework better.


Do you need help with writing homework?Check out A+Papers!It will show you how to write eight different kinds of school papers.Get Started!

Flash﹣card Maker

Do you know the state capitals?Check yourself with TFK’s flash cards (抽认卡),or make your own flash cards to study for your next exam.Get Started!

Writing Suggestions

How do you write a good article to introduce yourself?Find answers to all of your writing questions here.Get Started!

Grammar Talent

Do you know how to use commas (逗号)?Are you a talent when it comes to big letter?Go over grammar rules,and then test yourself with Grammar Talent.Get Started!

Writer’s Toolbox

Whether you need a dictionary or an electronic (电子的) machine which can change one language into another,we’ve got you cobered here.Get Started!

54.According to this ad,you can use TFK toD.

A.play games

B.watch TV

C.draw pictures better

D.do homework better

55.B of TFK may help you get the state capitals.

A.Writers Toolbox

B.Flash﹣card Maker

C.Grammar Talent


56.With the help of Writing Suggestions,you canC.

A.change one language into another

B.look up some new words

C.write a good article to introduce yourself

D.go over all grammar rules

57.In this ad,C tools of TFK are introduced.






【分析】这是一篇广告,广告中介绍了TFK作业助手的五个工具.其中包括A﹣Papers,Flash﹣card Maker,Writing Suggestions,Grammar Talent,Writer’s Toolbox.

【解答】54.D.细节理解题.由第一段的介绍“TFK’s Homework Helper has many useful tools with tips to help you do your homework better.”可知,TFK是用来帮助做作业的.答案为D.

55.B.细节理解题.由Flash﹣card Maker中的内容Do you know the state capitals?可知,答案为B.

56.C.细节理解题.由题目的关键词Writing Suggestions可知,需在Writing Suggestions寻找有关写作方面的信息,由句子How do you write a good article to introduce yourself?可知答案为C.这个工具是可以指导写一篇自我介绍的文章.



58.(8分)(2016•重庆)When talking about picking a right school,a mother and teacher gave some pieces of advice.

In the latest issue (期) of Youth magazine,the mother shared the school advice she gave her daughters with young people across the country.

“I’ve told my daughters many times that I don’t want them to choose a name,”the mother said.“I don’t want them to think,‘Oh,I should go to these top schools.’We live in a country with hundreds of excellent universities.So the first question is:what’s going to work for me?”

“When it was time to prepare for picking schools,nobody around me believed I could get into Xiamen University.But through hard work I finally made it,”she continued.“So,my second piece of advice is:believe in yourself,no matter what other people might say.Once your goal is set,you only need to try your best to make it come true.”

“The last piece of advice is not to be worried even if your dreams don’t come true.As I’ve siad above,there are so many good universities out there.So it’s important for everybody to understand that you can always find a university that gives you a great education.”

58.The mother shared her adviceC.

A.with her students

B.with her husband

C.in Youth magazine

D.in Xiamen University

59.To explain her second piece of advice,the mother gaveB.

A.a story of her daughters

B.a story of her own

C.some different reasons

D.some different ideas

60.We can learn from the last paragraph (自然段) thatD.

A.we can realize our dream through hrad work

B.the name of the university isn’t the most important

C.it’s not necessary to care what other people might say

D.more than one university can give us a good education

61.The best title of the passage may be“D”.

A.Colorful University Life

B.Best School Education

C.A Report on University Building

D.Advice on School Picking.







【解答】58.C 细节理解题.根据第二段第一句“In the latest issue (期) of Youth magazine,the mother shared the school advice she gave her daughters with young people across the country.”可知这个母亲分享建议的对象是全国的年轻人,分享的地方是在最近一期的青年杂志.故选C.

59.B 细节理解题.根据“my second piece of advice is”之前的“When it was time to prepare for picking schools,nobody around me believed I could get into Xiamen University.But through hard work I finally made it,”可知在给出第二条建议之前,这位母亲举了一个自己的例子(身边人没有人相信我能进入厦门大学,但是通过努力工作我最后成功了).故选B.

60.D 细节理解题.根据最后一段中“So it’s important for everybody to understand that you can always find a university that gives you a great education.”可知最后一段是告诉人们不要担心,有很多好的大学可以给你好的教育.故选D.

61.D 文章大意题.根据短文开头第一段“When talking about picking a right school,a mother and teacher gave some pieces of advice.”可知本文是一个母亲对于挑选学校给出的建议.故选D.


62.(8分)(2016•重庆)Many of you have heard a Cinderella (灰姑娘) story,but you may not know that there are over a hundred different ways to tell the Cinderella story.When writers tell the same story in a different way,it is called their“version”of the story.The story of Cinderella has many different versions.Let’s read two of them and find out how they are different.

The version that most people know is the oldest one written in 1697by Charles Perrault from France.This is the version where the birds help make Cinderellas’s dress and the mice turn into carriage men (马车夫) and help Cinderella go to the dance in a pumpkin (南瓜) carriage.In this version,many of the animals are Cinderella’s friends.They help her meet the Prince.Cinderella marries the Prince and they live happily together ever after.

In another version of this story written in the 1850s by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm from Germany,the birds help Cinderella in the whole story.Cinderella’s father gives her a little tree when he comes back from a party.She plants the little tree and her tears water it until it grows into a tall tree.

The birds now live in the tree and they give Cinderella a dress of gold and shoes of gold.Cinderella goes to the party to meet and dance with the Prince.Later,he finds Cinderella at home doing work for her stepmother (继母).Cinderella marries the Prince and they live happily ever after.

Now you can understand what the word“version”means and how more than one writer can tell a story in a different way.That is why there are may versions of the same story.

62.In the story written in 1697,C helped make Cinderella’s dress.

A.her father

B.her stepmother

C.the birds

D.the mice

63.In Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s story,Cinderella’s fatherB.

A.gives her some birds

B.gives her a little tree

C.makes a gold dress for her

D.makes gold shoes for her

64.The Chinese meaning of the word“version”in this passage is probably“D”.





65.If we put the passage into three parts,which of the following is the best?A

(①=Para.(自然段) 1②=Para.2③=Para.3④=Para.4⑤=Para.5)

A.①; ②③④; ⑤

B.①②; ③; ④⑤

C.①②; ③④; ⑤

D.①; ②; ③④⑤



你们很多人都听说过灰姑娘的故事,但是你可能不知道有一百多种讲述灰姑娘故事的方式.当作者用不同方式讲述同一个故事时,被称作故事的版本.灰姑娘的故事就有许多不同的版本.让我们来读两个故事找出他们是如何不同的.大部分人所熟悉的版本是法国的Charles Perrault 在1697年写的最古老的一个故事.在这个版本中是鸟帮助灰姑娘做的礼服,老鼠变成了马车夫,帮助灰姑娘乘坐南瓜马车去参加舞会.在这个版本中许多动物是灰姑娘的朋友.他们帮助她见到了王子.灰姑娘嫁给了王子从此以后幸福地生活在一起.另外一个故事版本是德国的Jacob 和 Wilhelm Grimm 在十九世纪五十年代写的.在整篇故事中是鸟帮助的灰姑娘.灰姑娘的父亲在参加完聚会回来之后送给了她一颗小树.她种下了这棵小树,在泪水的浇灌下长成了一棵大树.小鸟住在这棵树上,它们给了灰姑娘金子制成的礼服和鞋子.灰姑娘参加了舞会,见到了王子并和王子共舞.王子发现灰姑娘在家为继母干活.后来灰姑娘嫁给了王子从此以后幸福地生活在一起.现在你明白单词“版本”的意思了吧,不止一个作者能用不同的方式讲述同一个故事.那就是同一个故事有不同版本的原因了.


62、C 细节理解题 根据第一段The version that most people know is the oldest one written in 1697by Charles Perrault from France.This is the version where the birds help make Cinderellas’s dress“大部分人所熟悉的版本是法国的Charles Perrault 在1697年写的最古老的一个故事.在这个版本中是鸟帮助灰姑娘做的礼服”可知在1697年写的故事中是鸟帮助灰姑娘做的礼服,故选C

63、B 细节理解题 根据第三段Cinderella’s father gives her a little tree when he comes back from a party可知德国的Jacob 和 Wilhelm Grimm 写的故事中灰姑娘的父亲在参加完聚会回来之后送给了她一颗小树,故选B

64、D 词义猜测题 根据第一段中对于“version”这个单词的解释When writers tell the same story in a different way,it is called their“version”of the story可知“version”是指作者用不同方式讲述同一个故事,可知推测意思是版本,故选D

65、A 短文结构题 根据短文的结构可知第一自然段提出了同一个故事有不同的版本并通过灰姑娘的故事进行举例说明,接下来二、三、四自然段讲述了两个版本的灰姑娘的故事,第五自然段进行了总结同一个故事有不同版本的原因.可知把短文分成三部分,第一段是一部分;二、三、四自然段是一部分;第五段是一部分,故选A



66.(5分)(2016•重庆)A:Hello,this is Laura.May I speak to Cindy?

B:Hi,Cindy speaking.


B:I am watching a film on the Internet.


B:A popular film called Zootopia (《疯狂动物城》).


B:Yes,it’s about animals’dreams.I am deeply moved by it.

A:Sounds good.I’ll enjoy it when I’m free.

B:I’m sure you’ll like it.(69)G

A:Oh,I found an interesting place to go for a picnic.Want to join us tomorrow?

B:Umm,let me have a look first.(70)E

A:Sure.Please do remember to give me a reply.

B:OK.Thanks for calling.

A.I hear it’s very popular.

B.Is it about animals?

C.What are you doing now?

D.What film is it?

E.Would you please send its information to me?

F.When do you usually go to the movies?

G.Well,but why do you call me?#p#副标题#e#


【分析】A:你好,我是 Laura.我可以和Cindy说话吗?














【解答】66.C.根据I am watching a film on the Internet可知,这里是说正在网上看一部电影,所以问句应该问你现在正在干什么?,英语说法是What are you doing now?故选C.

67.D.根据A popular film called Zootopia (《疯狂动物城》).可知这里是告诉电影的名字,所以问句问的是“什么电影”,英语说法是What film is it?故选D.

68.B.根据Yes,it’s about animals’dreams.可知这里的意思是“是的.是有关动物梦想的电影.”所以问句应该是一个一般疑问句而且是询问有关动物的.英语说法是Is it about animals?故选B.

69.G.根据Oh,I found an interesting place to go for a picnic.Want to join us tomorrow,可知这里的意思是“我发现了一个去野餐的有趣的地方.明天加入到我们之中吧”这是这次打电话的原因,所以问句应该问的是“你为什么给我打电话”,英语说法是Well,but why do you call me?故选G.

70.E.根据Sure.Please do remember to give me a reply.这里的意思是“当然可以.记着给我一个答复.”所以上面的问句应该是一个表示意见和建议的句子,一般可以用Would you please 来引导.故选E.



71.(8分)(2016•重庆)Recently,Chongqing Three Gorges University has held an activity named“Cell Phone Ninja”(手机忍者).They would like their students not to use cell phones for 21days.It is really a challenge (挑战) for most students.

The activity started on April 12.Each student who volunteered to take part in this activity got a bracelet (手环).If the students did not use their cell phones,there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that.If they used their cell phones,a different photo would appear on the screen of the bracelet.After the last class of each day,the students sent the photos to the school’s public WeChat.

More than 800students wished to take part in this test,and 400were chosen.After seven days,only 103students remained.The test was set for 21days because some scientists believe that 21days is long enough to help form (形成) a habit.

According to the teachers in the university,the activity was not a competition.It depended on students themselves to make the decision.The teachers hoped their students could form better study habits through activities like this one.

71.When did the activity“Cell Phone Ninja”start?It started on April 12.

72.Were 400students chosen to take part in this test?Yes,they were.

73.Why was the test set for 21days?Because (some scientists believe that) 21 days is long enough to help people form a habit.

74.What was the bracelet used for in this test?It was used for showing/to show whether the students used the cell phone(s) or not..






【解答】71.It started on April 12.细节理解题.根据第二段第一句“The activity started on April 12.”可知活动开始的时间是4月12日.回答时,可用it代替问句中的主语the activity“Cell Phone Ninja”.根据问句中的did,可知时态应该用一般过去时.故答案为It started on April 12.

72.Yes,they were.细节理解题.根据“More than 800students wished to take part in this test,and 400were chosen.”可知800多人报名参加,只有400人被选择.故应做肯定回答.故答案为Yes,they were.

73.Because (some scientists believe that) 21 days is long enough to help people form a habit.细节理解题.根据“The test was set for 21days because some scientists believe that 21days is long enough to help form (形成) a habit.”可知这次活动设置为21天,是因为科学家们认为21天是一个足够长的时间去形成一个好习惯.故作答时,用because引导的原因状语从句即可.故答案为Because (some scientists believe that) 21 days is long enough to help people form a habit.

74.It was used for showing/to show whether the students used the cell phone(s) or not.判断推理题.根据手环的使用说明“If the students did not use their cell phones,there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that.If they used their cell phones,a different photo would appear on the screen of the bracelet”可知手环是用来检测学生是不是使用过手机.故答案为:It was used for showing whether the students used the cell phone(s) or not.



75.(2分)(2016•重庆)Wang Bing was very glad to receive a letter from his old classmates.(改为同义句)

Wang Bing was very glad tohearfrom his old classmates.



【解答】答案:hear from.结合上文是receive a letter from sb表示收到某人的来信,用hear from sb 来互换,前面是be glad to do sth表示做某事很开心,故答案是hear from.

【点评】hear from sb 收到某人的来信,write to sb 给某人写信.

76.(2分)(2016•重庆)Li Lin listens to English on the radio every day.(改为否定句)

Li Lindoesn'tlisten to English on the radio every day.




【解答】答案:doesn't listen.这里是一般现在时,listen是实意动词听的含义,改为否定句需借助于助动词do或者does加上not,主语是LiLin三单,故doesn't,后面用原形listen,故答案是doesn't listen.


77.(2分)(2016•重庆)Dave was making a model plane in the classroom at that time.(对划线部分提问)

Wherewas Dave making a model plane at that time?




【解答】答案:Where was.划线部分是in the classroom在教室里,表示地点,用疑问词where 在哪里提问,后加一般疑问句语序,句中含有be动词was,故将was提前,故答案是Where was.



Your eyes will be much better after youhave a goodrest.



【解答】答案:have; rest

通过中英文句子的比对,可知空处缺少“好好休息”的完整表达,“好好休息”应用固定短语have a good rest;after在此句中作连词,后引导时间状语从句,根据本句的主句为一般将来时,从句的“好好休息”这个动作还没做,所以在此类时间和条件状语从句中用一般现在时态表将来,即所谓的“主将从现”;从句的主语为you,时态为一般现在时,故动词have不变.故填写:have;rest



Howlucky I am to have a teacher like you!


【分析】How lucky

【解答】答案:How lucky

根据汉语意思,可知此句是一个感叹句的表达;经过中英文的比对可知英文部分缺少“多么幸运”的表达;根据给出的关键词I am 可知这是句子的主语和谓语,所以中心词“幸运的”应该为形容词lucky;根据感叹句的结构之一How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语,可知此处应该由how引导这个感叹句,其后直接加形容词lucky,注意首字母大写.故填写:How lucky



80.(16分)(2016•重庆)A big company wanted to find someone to work for them.Lots of young college students came to(80)ask for the job,but only a small part of them were left.And this time,the company didn’t plan to choose the right persons as usual.

Here came the day when they took the final interview.A big box (81)full of papers was placed on the way to the interview room,and a few papers were lying around the box.

The first student came.He hurried along the way to take the interview.“Who put this (82)box in the middle of the road?”the student said to himself,but he did not try to move the box away.Instead,he passed around the box and continued his way.

The second student came along and did the same thing.Then another came,and another.All of them complained (抱怨) about the box but(83)none of them tried to move it.What’s worse,someone even stepped (踩) on the papers and left without having a look at the things on the ground.

Half an hour later,a thin young man with glasses came.He was also (84)among those who were left to take the interview.He saw the box and the papers around it.Without thinking twice,he (85)stopped and began to pick up the papers and put them into the box.Then he managed to move the box to the side.To his great (86)surprise,he found an invitation under the box.On it were the following words,“Congratulations,young man!You are the(87)right/very person we are looking for!Would you like to join us?”

Sometimes,you see,helping others is helping yourself.




【解答】80.ask 考查动词 根据主语Lots of young college students (很多年轻的大学毕生),可以推测设空处的短语表达的意思是“寻求”,应该是ask for,ask for the job,则意为“求职”,故答案为:for.

81.full 考查形容词 根据设空处后面的 of papers 可以推断此处表达的是“一个装满了纸的盒子”,表达“装满了…”用 full of做后置定语,故答案为:full.

82.box 考查名词 根据前面提到的 A big box full of papers was placed on the way to the interview room,可知此处第一个面试者问的是“是谁把这个盒子放在了路中间?”,故答案为:box.

83.none 考查代词 根据上文的“All of them complained (抱怨) about the box 所有人都抱怨那个盒子”和设空处前面的but可以推断此处表达的意思是“他们当中没有一个人试图把盒子移走”,表示“一个也没有”用none,故答案是none.

84.among 考查介词 根据设空处后面的“those who were left to take the interview 那些留下来参加面试的人”,可知此处表达是“他也是那些留下来参加面试的人当中的一员”,表示“处在…之中”用介词among,故答案是among.

85.stopped 考查动词 根据前面的“Without thinking twice没有多加考虑”,可以推断此处表达的是“他停下来开始捡起地上的纸”,表示过去的动作用动词过去式,故答案为:stopped.

86.surprise 考查名词 根据前面的To his great和后面的:他发现盒子底下有一张邀请函,上面写着“祝贺你,年轻人,你就是我们正在寻找的人”,可以推断此处表达的是“令他感到非常吃惊的是”,用短语to his great surprise.故答案是:surprise.

87.right/very 考查形容词 根据前面的Congratulations,young man!可以推断此处表达的是“你就是我们正在寻找的合适的人选”,应用形容词修饰person.故答案为:right/very.











Dear sir,

I’m a junior student from Chongqing Xinhua School.I’d like to become one of your guides.


I would be most thankful if you could give me the chance.

Thank you!


Yuan Xin.









spend+时间+doing sth 花时间做某事

be good at 擅长

that is to say 那也就是说

make sth+adj 让某物怎样

make friends with sb 与某人交朋友

come from 来自

get along well with sb 与某人相处的好


1.①That is to say,②it’s not difficut for me to ③talk with people in English.

①that is to say 那也就是说,做插入语.

②it is+adj+for sb+to do sth对某人来说做某事是怎么样的,it是形式主语,动词不定式做真正主语.

③talk with sb 与某人交流

2.Some new ideas often①come out of my mind,②which has encouraged me a lot.

①come out of从…出来


3.①Besides,I ②feel like making friends with different people,③no matter where they come from.


②feel like doing sth 想要做某事,make friends with sb 与某人交朋友

③no matter where无论哪里,引导的让步状语从句.come from 来自

【解答】Dear sir,

I’m a junior student from Chongqing Xinhua School.I’d like to become one of your guides.

I’ve learned English for 6 years.I spend a lot of my free time listening to English news and watching English movies,so I’m good at English.That is to say,it’s not difficut for me to talk with people in English.【高分句型】(擅长英语)

I have been interested in science since I was a child.My favorite books are on science.Some new ideas often come out of my mind,which has encouraged me a lot.【高分句型】With these ideas,I have made some small inventions to make my life more comfortable.(热爱科学)

Besides,I feel like making friends with different people,no matter where they come from.【高分句型】I’m sure that I will get along well with them.(乐于交友)

I would be most thankful if you could give me the chance.

Thank you!


Yuan Xin





1 . A.Good morning!

B.Good afternoon!

C.Good evening!

2..A.It’s 8:10.

B.It’s June 14th.

C.It’s a fine day.

3..A.Excuse me.

B.That’s OK.

C.Thank you.

4..A.No,I’m not.

B.Sorry,I won’t.

C.Don’t mention it.

5..A.See you.

B.Please don’t.

C.That’s all right.


B.Sure,I’d love to.

C.You’re welcome.





8..A.At seven.

B.At eight.

C.At nine.










12..A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.On foot.



13.Where are the speakers?

A.At home.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a store.

14.What would the man like to do?

A.To take photos.

B.To buy a gift.

C.To talk with friends.


15.What is on show in the library?

A.Chinese stamps.

B.British movies.

C.Science books.

16.When does Betty want to go to the library?

A.On Sunday morning.

B.On Sunday afternoon.

C.On Saturday afternoon.


17..Mrs.Smith lost her son when she was.

A.doing some shopping

B.calling the office

C.taking a walk.

18..The boy is thin and has a round face with hair.




19..There is a picture of Mickey Mouse on the boy’s.




20..If you see the boy,you can call Mrs.Smith at.





21..Mary wants to be ________ good doctor when she grows up.()

A.a B.an C.the D./

22..Our reading club shares ideas with each other ________ one hour every Tuesday.()

A.to B.on C.at D.for

23..﹣﹣﹣Do you like watching ping﹣pong matches?

﹣﹣﹣Yes,and ________ favorite ping﹣pong player is Ma Long.()

A.we B.us C.our D.ours

24..I ________ the History Museum twice.I’ve learned a lot there.()

A.visit B.am visiting C.have visited D.will visit

25..﹣﹣﹣It’s hot today.Have some ________,please.

﹣﹣﹣No,thanks.I’m not thirsty at all.()

A.water B.potatoes C.bread D.cakes

26..You should ask Bob ________ his own clothes.He is ten years old now.()

A.wash B.washes C.washing D.to wash

27..It’s sports time.Most ________ students in Class 1are playing football on the playground.()

A.boy B.boys C.boy’s D.boys’

28..﹣﹣﹣Must we finish the work today?

﹣﹣﹣________.We have something else to do tomorrow.()

A.Yes,we can B.No,we can’t

C.Yes,we must D.No,we needn’t

29..Students do less homework now.Usually it ________ before 9 o’clock in the evening.()

A.finishes B.finished C.is finished D.was finished

30..Meimei is going to be an older sister.Her parents are planning to have their ________ child.()

A.one B.two C.first D.second

31..It was late.She opened the door ________ because she didn’t want to wake up her grandma.()

A.angrily B.quietly C.loudly D.heavily

32..Chen Wei isn’t at school today ________ he is taking a robot competition in Shanghai.()

A.so B.because C.before D.if

33..﹣﹣﹣I’m sorry.I broke your tea cup.

﹣﹣﹣________.I have another one at home.()

A.It doesn’t matter B.You’d better not

C.My pleasure D.It’s too bad

34..When spring comes,trees begin to ________ green.()

A.sound B.taste C.keep D.turn

35..A true friend will never ________ from you when you’re in trouble.()

A.take away B.run away C.put off D.get off

36..﹣﹣﹣I think it’s necessary to learn how to work in groups.

﹣﹣﹣I quite agree.Sometimes it’s even ________ than grades.()

A.less important B.more important

C.the least important D.the most important

37..﹣﹣﹣You play the piano so well.________ do you take piano lessons?

﹣﹣﹣I go to piano lessons twice a week.()

A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How much

38..Don’t worry.Bill will help you look after your dog when you ________ away on business.()

A.are B.were C.will be D.have been

39..﹣﹣﹣Do you know ________?

﹣﹣﹣Let me see.I remember it was on March 18th.()

A.why did they move here B.why they moved here

C.when did they move here D.when they moved here

40..﹣﹣﹣Mrs.Black,I’m afraid that I’ll fail the exam.

﹣﹣﹣________,dear!Take it easy.I’m sure you’ll pass it.()

A.Sorry to hear that B.Come on

C.All right D.Good job


41. There is an old saying:“Take the time to stop and smell the flowers.”I think we should also take the time to (41) flowers.

My grandmother knew just (42) to do that.She grew flowers with earth,water and love,so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers.She would smile when she saw the (43) shine down on them.In her front garden she planted flowers,(44).You could see red,white,and yellow flowers in it.My mom and I used to walk (45) them and enjoy their smells.Beautiful butterflies (蝴蝶) flew down on them.Grandma also cared for the wild flowers.She would send (46) and my brother out to pick flowers and would then turn them into delicious wine (酒).

Grandma not only planted flowers in the gardens (47) also planted flowers in our hearts.Her delicious dinners made with love encouraged us.Her sweet smile always made us (48).Her hugs (拥抱) and kisses were the sunshine that kept our own love(49) day after day.

Take the time to plant a few flowers yourself today.Show your smiles,kindness and love.Plant your wishes,talents and pleasure.Make this (50) brighter and brighter with your sunshine.

41.A.plant B.water C.buy D.sell

42.A.who B.when C.how D.where

43.A.star B.sun C.rain D.wind

44.A.too B.either C.then D.though

45.A.at B.on C.with D.around

46.A.me B.you C.him D.her

47.A.and B.so C.but D.or

48.A.happy B.hungry C.tired D.angry

49.A.sleeping B.growing C.standing D.losing

50.A.house B.town C.city D.world.


51.(6分)(2016•重庆)Paper cut can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival.People put it on windows,doors and walls for the festival.

A thousand years ago,paper cut was used for decoration (装饰).In Tang Dynasty women used paper cut as headdress.In Song Dynasty,it helped make gifts more beautiful.What’s more,people would feel happier when they saw paper cut on windows,doors and walls.Now people use paper cut to express their wishes for welcoming the New Year.

There are different kinds of paper cut in different parts of China.Pictures usually cover nearly all things,from flowers,birds to the famous people.Now,there are factories for paper cut in China.Paper cut has changed from decoration to a kind of art.At the same time,paper cut also appears in cartoons,magazines or TV programs.

51. people like to use paper cut for their festivals.





52.In Song Dynasty,paper cut helped to make gifts more.





53.This passage is mainly about.


B.TV programs

C.paper cut

D.hair cut.

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54.According to this ad,you can use TFK to.

A.play games

B.watch TV

C.draw pictures better

D.do homework better

55. of TFK may help you get the state capitals.

A.Writers Toolbox

B.Flash﹣card Maker

C.Grammar Talent


56.With the help of Writing Suggestions,you can.

A.change one language into another

B.look up some new words

C.write a good article to introduce yourself

D.go over all grammar rules

57.In this ad, tools of TFK are introduced.





58. When talking about picking a right school,a mother and teacher gave some pieces of advice.

In the latest issue (期) of Youth magazine,the mother shared the school advice she gave her daughters with young people across the country.

“I’ve told my daughters many times that I don’t want them to choose a name,”the mother said.“I don’t want them to think,‘Oh,I should go to these top schools.’We live in a country with hundreds of excellent universities.So the first question is:what’s going to work for me?”

“When it was time to prepare for picking schools,nobody around me believed I could get into Xiamen University.But through hard work I finally made it,”she continued.“So,my second piece of advice is:believe in yourself,no matter what other people might say.Once your goal is set,you only need to try your best to make it come true.”

“The last piece of advice is not to be worried even if your dreams don’t come true.As I’ve siad above,there are so many good universities out there.So it’s important for everybody to understand that you can always find a university that gives you a great education.”

58.The mother shared her advice.

A.with her students

B.with her husband

C.in Youth magazine

D.in Xiamen University

59.To explain her second piece of advice,the mother gave.

A.a story of her daughters

B.a story of her own

C.some different reasons

D.some different ideas

60.We can learn from the last paragraph (自然段) that.

A.we can realize our dream through hrad work

B.the name of the university isn’t the most important

C.it’s not necessary to care what other people might say

D.more than one university can give us a good education

61.The best title of the passage may be“”.

A.Colorful University Life

B.Best School Education

C.A Report on University Building

D.Advice on School Picking.

62.(8分)(2016•重庆)Many of you have heard a Cinderella (灰姑娘) story,but you may not know that there are over a hundred different ways to tell the Cinderella story.When writers tell the same story in a different way,it is called their“version”of the story.The story of Cinderella has many different versions.Let’s read two of them and find out how they are different.

The version that most people know is the oldest one written in 1697by Charles Perrault from France.This is the version where the birds help make Cinderellas’s dress and the mice turn into carriage men (马车夫) and help Cinderella go to the dance in a pumpkin (南瓜) carriage.In this version,many of the animals are Cinderella’s friends.They help her meet the Prince.Cinderella marries the Prince and they live happily together ever after.

In another version of this story written in the 1850s by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm from Germany,the birds help Cinderella in the whole story.Cinderella’s father gives her a little tree when he comes back from a party.She plants the little tree and her tears water it until it grows into a tall tree.

The birds now live in the tree and they give Cinderella a dress of gold and shoes of gold.Cinderella goes to the party to meet and dance with the Prince.Later,he finds Cinderella at home doing work for her stepmother (继母).Cinderella marries the Prince and they live happily ever after.

Now you can understand what the word“version”means and how more than one writer can tell a story in a different way.That is why there are may versions of the same story.

62.In the story written in 1697, helped make Cinderella’s dress.

A.her father

B.her stepmother

C.the birds

D.the mice

63.In Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s story,Cinderella’s father.

A.gives her some birds

B.gives her a little tree

C.makes a gold dress for her

D.makes gold shoes for her

64.The Chinese meaning of the word“version”in this passage is probably“”.





65.If we put the passage into three parts,which of the following is the best?

(①=Para.(自然段) 1②=Para.2③=Para.3④=Para.4⑤=Para.5)

A.①; ②③④; ⑤

B.①②; ③; ④⑤

C.①②; ③④; ⑤

D.①; ②; ③④⑤


66.(5分)(2016•重庆)A:Hello,this is Laura.May I speak to Cindy?

B:Hi,Cindy speaking.


B:I am watching a film on the Internet.


B:A popular film called Zootopia (《疯狂动物城》).


B:Yes,it’s about animals’dreams.I am deeply moved by it.

A:Sounds good.I’ll enjoy it when I’m free.

B:I’m sure you’ll like it.(69)

A:Oh,I found an interesting place to go for a picnic.Want to join us tomorrow?

B:Umm,let me have a look first.(70)

A:Sure.Please do remember to give me a reply.

B:OK.Thanks for calling.

A.I hear it’s very popular.

B.Is it about animals?

C.What are you doing now?

D.What film is it?

E.Would you please send its information to me?

F.When do you usually go to the movies?

G.Well,but why do you call me?


71.(8分)(2016•重庆)Recently,Chongqing Three Gorges University has held an activity named“Cell Phone Ninja”(手机忍者).They would like their students not to use cell phones for 21days.It is really a challenge (挑战) for most students.

The activity started on April 12.Each student who volunteered to take part in this activity got a bracelet (手环).If the students did not use their cell phones,there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that.If they used their cell phones,a different photo would appear on the screen of the bracelet.After the last class of each day,the students sent the photos to the school’s public WeChat.

More than 800students wished to take part in this test,and 400were chosen.After seven days,only 103students remained.The test was set for 21days because some scientists believe that 21days is long enough to help form (形成) a habit.

According to the teachers in the university,the activity was not a competition.It depended on students themselves to make the decision.The teachers hoped their students could form better study habits through activities like this one.

71.When did the activity“Cell Phone Ninja”start?

72.Were 400students chosen to take part in this test?

73.Why was the test set for 21days?

74.What was the bracelet used for in this test?.


75.(2分)(2016•重庆)Wang Bing was very glad to receive a letter from his old classmates.(改为同义句)

Wang Bing was very glad to his old classmates.

76.(2分)(2016•重庆)Li Lin listens to English on the radio every day.(改为否定句)

Li Lin to English on the radio every day.

77.(2分)(2016•重庆)Dave was making a model plane in the classroom at that time.(对划线部分提问)

Dave making a model plane at that time?


Your eyes will be much better after you a good.


I am to have a teacher like you!


80.(16分)(2016•重庆)A big company wanted to find someone to work for them.Lots of young college students came to(80) for the job,but only a small part of them were left.And this time,the company didn’t plan to choose the right persons as usual.

Here came the day when they took the final interview.A big box (81) of papers was placed on the way to the interview room,and a few papers were lying around the box.

The first student came.He hurried along the way to take the interview.“Who put this (82) in the middle of the road?”the student said to himself,but he did not try to move the box away.Instead,he passed around the box and continued his way.

The second student came along and did the same thing.Then another came,and another.All of them complained (抱怨) about the box but(83) of them tried to move it.What’s worse,someone even stepped (踩) on the papers and left without having a look at the things on the ground.

Half an hour later,a thin young man with glasses came.He was also (84) those who were left to take the interview.He saw the box and the papers around it.Without thinking twice,he (85) and began to pick up the papers and put them into the box.Then he managed to move the box to the side.To his great (86),he found an invitation under the box.On it were the following words,“Congratulations,young man!You are the(87) person we are looking for!Would you like to join us?”

Sometimes,you see,helping others is helping yourself.










Dear sir,

I’m a junior student from Chongqing Xinhua School.I’d like to become one of your guides.


I would be most thankful if you could give me the chance.

Thank you!


Yuan Xin.#p#副标题#e#



