








现在的我因受到小组合作的影响改变了,我变得团结,变得自信了。无论有怎样的烦心事,只要看到他们那欢笑的面庞,都会立刻驱散我心中的阴霾,不知不觉间,六颗心已紧紧地连接在一起。我深知,这是小组合作的功劳,是它使我体会到了学习的乐趣与友谊的宝贵,它已经成为我初中生活中一颗璀璨的明珠,它将照亮我接下来的人生之路。 "Learning is a process of exploring and discovery. It needs to overcome difficulties and hard work. Therefore, it is a difficult process." The six -year learning method of elementary school has made this idea in the hearts of each of our students. "". Look, in the hot summer, the teacher lectured in the classroom. In fact, there are very few students who are really listening to the class. Every word that the teacher said is like a sleepy worm flying in the ear of each classmate, as if a hypnotic song is in a hypnotic song in the ears, as if a hypnotic song is in the hypnotic song in the ears. The classroom echoed. I held my chin and let go of my chin, let alone, and at a glance, a classmate had already lay on the desk and "walked" with Zhou Gong sweetly. Do you say that such a boring and rigid dogma teaching method can improve our learning efficiency?

Entering the gate of junior high school, I thought that such a learning method would continue, but the powerful learning helper in group cooperation made me shine and refreshing.

In the past, I liked me, and often "closed the door" "closed doors", but the grades were not good, and I didnt care about collective honors. Every time I have a game, I always ignore it and ignore it, but now? I changed, I learned with the group, I learned to communicate with them, learn together, and make progress together. When exploring the problems, everyone expressed their opinions and discussed them all. After solving the answers, we enthusiastically raised their hands, scrambled to speak, and earned precious scores for the group. Get overtake. In this way you chase my learning atmosphere, in the dynamic classroom, knowledge is also included by us.

I did n’t like to talk on the stage before, worried about my ability, and there was a sense of timidity. Watching other students talking on the stage, just like a little teacher, I was willing to be "civilians", and there was no envy, but now? In the group, I changed, and I became brave. Every time I receive the task, I cant wait to discuss, divide labor, draw pictures, and explain with my classmates, and they are conducted in an orderly manner. Whenever I will explain the topic, my heart is full of pride and joy that cannot be expressed in words.

Now I have changed due to the influence of group cooperation, and I have become united and confident. No matter what kind of troubles, as long as they see their laughing face, they will immediately dispel the haze in my heart. Unconsciously, the six hearts have been tightly connected. I know that this is the credit of the group cooperation. It has made me experience the preciousness of the fun and friendship of learning. It has become a bright pearl in my junior high school life. It will illuminate my next life.



























这次合作中的感动,我永远也不会忘记! A holiday in the fourth grade, our family and good friend Cao Ying went to another city to travel. After a day of rest, Cao Ying and I went to the central square together.

It is just that the square is holding a variety of activities, including circle, balloons, air -jumping beds, etc. The entire square is the world of children, it is lively! Suddenly, I saw a golden "hill", which caused my curiosity. I stabbed Cao Yings arm and pointed to that, and said, "Lets take a look!" Cao Ying nodded.

I trot there, the original "hill" was made of hard foam in characteristic. A column of pedals were placed on the hill, and I immediately thought of the word "climbing". At this time, an uncle stood on a step and introduced to the surrounding crowd with a loudspeaker: "... This event is a" climbing ", which is limited to the children to participate. Arrive at Peak is the champion. The first prize is __ brand famous candy and schoolbag, the second place ... "I do n’t know the following content, I do n’t know, I do Where can I listen! Because there is only one word hovering in the ears: "Schoolbag! Schoolbag! Schoolbag ... (Infinite cycle ...)" I thought about getting a new schoolbag every night, this opportunity is here! So I reported their name without thinking. I didnt expect Cao Ying to report. I asked her: "You want a schoolbag too?" She replied with a smile: "Well, so I wont let you!" I suddenly fought and frowned, "I wont lose to you!" She smiled at me, with confidence and hostility in the smile.

After preparing for a few minutes, the game started! I tried my best to quickly climb up and remember the approximate position of the pedal in my heart. After a while, I became familiar with the distance between the two pedals, and climbed up at my hands and feet with speed. After climbing for more than ten seconds, I felt tired of my hands and feet. I slowed down and observed the enemys sentiment: I saw other players climbing very slowly, and some had already panting. Ha ha! The schoolbag is me! When he was happy, a dark shadow quickly climbed up. what! Its Cao Ying! I saw her horsepower, her hands and feet were not anxious or slow, and dripping sweat beads flowing along her forehead to her neck. It is a way to save physical strength! clever! I saw her "combat method". Sure enough, she started to accelerate now. When she passed me, she smiled at "encouraging": "Climb! Or the schoolbag belongs to me!" Suddenly I burned like a fire like a fire: "Dont be proud! I will surpass you!" I was in a hurry Quickly climb up. Just listening to the sound of "pop--", a pedal dropped. I grabbed the air in my right hand. Fortunately, there was a rope to hold my waist, otherwise I would "hate it for thousands of older". At this time, Cao Ying retreated to the west and asked me, "Are you okay?" I was still "shocked": "Well, its okay ..." Cao Ying suddenly climbed to the pedal in this column, and then climbed to me, Raise his head and said to me, "You step on my shoulder and climb up!" I was surprised and frowned at her and asked, "Why?" She shouted to me in a order -like tone: "You are stupid! Do you not want a schoolbag! You may have some problems in the pedal in this column, and my hands and feet are longer than you. I can grasp the farther pedal. Only in this way can you reach the "top of the mountain"! " ... "

I endured my tears, pouting my lips, my hands and feet, and crawled up with their hard work. From time to time, I lowered my head and looked at Cao Ying. I saw her sweaty and tightly frowned, as if very hard.

"Cao Ying, still myself ..." Looking at her difficulty, my tears were almost poured out.

"Climbing up! Other players have to keep up!" She shouted to me, and the general order was the same.

So I could only continue to climb up hard ...

Sure enough, many pedals are crumbling, but I am not afraid. At this moment, I forgot that in order to get the idea of ​​getting a schoolbag, I took the power of Cao Ying with the help of Cao Ying ...

I climbed to the "top of the mountain , we were the first to arrive! I was overjoyed, holding Cao Ying, crying, laughing, and jumping ... We won! Yes, it is "we", not "I"!

When I walked out of the event, I asked Cao Ying worried: "Dont you want a schoolbag?" She just smiled: "Is a schoolbag more important than a friends safety?" I was silent. She patted her shoulder and said half -jokingly, "Look, how dirty, to compensate for a confectioner!" My eyes suddenly blurred again: "Hmm! How much you want!"

This schoolbag I have been using it, it is very old, but I still love it very much. This is the witness of friendship between us!

I will never forget in this cooperation!
























从此以后,我和陈子阳不论遇到什么困难,总是共同地合作解决。我相信,有了合作,我们的生活将更加美好 I wiped my eyes, slowly got up from the bed, stretched my waist, looked up at the window, and the golden sun was filled with the earth. "This is the best morning I have seen in July." I was extremely excited. "What do Dad eat breakfast?"

After a long time, I was silent. I was surprised in my heart: alas, why is the house so quiet? Usually, dad and uncle got up very early. Why did you say nothing today?

Thinking about it, I was panicked and I felt wrong. I quickly woke up the still sleepy Chen Ziyang. He screamed unconsciously: "Oh, why! Didnt you see that I was sleeping?"

"Hey, dont sleep, dont sleep at home!" I was anxious. At this time, Chen Ziyang had no drowsiness and asked, "Where did they go? Why did they go?"

"How do I know?" I said I got up.

Yeah, this has a message. I seemed to find the new continent and jumped to see.

Leave a message is like this:

Leave a message

Dear son:

When you see this letter, I have gone to work with my uncle, my grandmother and your mother I went to Gou Lane. So this morning, you can make breakfast yourself! If you want to eat noodles, cook it yourself, just cook in the pot for a while. If you want to add the confession, rest assured, my uncle and I have cut the meat slices and green onions.

Oh, by the way, we dont come back at noon, remember to say to her grandmother to avoid her worry.

I love your father

July 25, 2013

After reading it, I thought: Ah, this time, I have n’t checked at home!

Looking at the food materials in front of me, it seems that they are laughing at me: "Come, come, eat me, come!" I was angry and helpless.

Just when I raised one by one, a strange and familiar voice remembered: "If you feel helpless, you must remember to cooperate with others to achieve the purpose of win -win."

So, my first idea was to go to Chen Ziyang to complete todays task -filling my stomach.

"Oh!" I hit the two eggs in the bowl, and Chen Ziyang also walked in front of me and said, "Do you think of what Grandma said to us?" Are you too? "He nodded," Ha, we are really a little bit of heart. "So, the two of us made noodles and one plaque.

After some of our efforts, the results came out -a large bowl of hot noodles out of our hands.

Suddenly, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment: as long as it was united and mutual, I could do things.

Since then, no matter what difficulties I have encountered, Chen Ziyang always cooperates together to solve it. I believe that with cooperation, our life will be better



















这个故事证明了:合作可以把成功无限地放大,自私狭隘只会毁掉前途。 After a busy day of the pen, in the bright moonlight, he couldnt bear the loneliness, and finally said: "Shui Brother, are you falling asleep? Can you talk to me without falling asleep? "Guo Hous pen water heard the pens brother calling him, opened his eyes, and said," Hey! Brother Pens brothers, you are just waking up by you as soon as you fall asleep. "The pen and said with a smile:" Its sorry. Then lets chat! "The pen grabbed the" head ", and seemed to think about it," Eh? -Barded, lets talk about it in the learning supplies, I and I and I and I and I You, whose ability is the greatest. "The pen water said slowly:" Well? Okay! Then I said first? "The pen said," Yes! Whoever said is the same, who and who you and I are. "The pen smirked, and then said in a strong voice:" In the learning supplies, without me, you can not write water, and you cant write beautiful words. " Without the pen, only the pen water is not supplemented, and I dont know where to use. "Pen water seemed to say dissatisfied:" Where, where, the pen water is important, and the pen is useless. " The sound of quarrels is getting louder and louder, and the rubber that cant hear even sleep evenly is awakened. The rubber speaks and said, "Oh! Dont quarrel, no one you is, only me- —Makura is the most important only. If the pen is a pen, I accidentally write the wrong word, that is not me to help you clean up the chaotic. "You said that wrong, I am the most important." The pen water also said, "Yes, I am right." ...

noisy, Grandpa in the pen box also woke up, The majestic manner looked around for four weeks. With the loud voice and the hard tone, everyones voice was suppressed: "In fact, who you are important, no one can do in the world in the world. Those students have achieved many brilliant careers, and there is no one in the middle of you! "And the pen, pen water, and rubber all disagreed with each other. Grandpa Pen Box looked at it, and then said, "Then you listen to me a story: Australia has a widely known story. The two are lost. When they meet an old man, the old man gives them fishing rods and some fish because They died; there were two people who were also lost, and they also encountered the elderly to give them fish rods and some fish respectively. Because of cooperation, they survived.

They listened and lowered ashamed. The head blushed like an apple. They all said sorry for them. This noisy environment has become a hearty laughter. After a while, it becomes quiet.

This story proves: cooperation can make success infinitely successfully Zooming, selfishness and narrowness will only destroy the future.














