
sat 范文九篇


根据题目中的文章片段提出自己的观点 develop a point of view on an issue presented in an excerpt

用逻辑和自己阅读、学习、经验、观察来支持自己的观点 support your point of view using

reasoning and examples from your reading, studies, experience, or observations

遵循英语写作的习惯 follow the conventions of standard written English






一 例证法。

二 引用法。

三 类比法。

四 让步法。

五 假设法。

六 求异法。

毫无疑问,其中最常用的就是例证法,举例子支持自己的观点,尤其是在SAT写作考试中,时间紧,任务重,在官方给出的SAT写作评分标准中明确有一条:, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidenceto support its position. 因此如果考生对自己的要求比较高,希望拿到一个满分或接近满分的成绩,需要掌握很多包括举例在内的其他方法。


首先,我们来关注一下SAT写作的出题形式和解题方法:SAT的写作有两部分组成,第一部分为议论文写作,第二部分为多项选择。 Essay

第一部分为限时25分钟的议论文写作,虽然没有具体字数要求,但参照官方所给出的样卷,需填满一张半大小的 A4纸,字数大约在500左右也可能更多。














1. SAT写作不要用长句。


2. SAT写作技巧中,细节是重中之重。

在SAT写作考试中出现My brother, friend的时候加上名字,出现university的时候要给上名字,给出事例的时候要给出时间地点人物,这几点是最基本的细节问题,没人愿意看我的弟弟去了一个大学,然后再大学里交了很多朋友,后来去了公司里那些朋友成为了他的财富,而我的弟弟Dan去了Upenn读书,在学校里认识了Jeff、Dennis等好朋友,而他后来去Google公司工作的时候发现了他们成为了自己一生宝贵的财富比上面那句好了很多。实在要写流水账也要写出细节和感觉。



SAT写作题目由两部分组成Prompt + Assignment。


Prompt :

A better understanding of other people contributes to the development of moral virtues. We shall be both kinder and fairer in our treatment of others if we understand them better. Understanding ourselves and understanding others are connected, since as human beings we all have things in common。

Assignment :

Do we need other People in order to understand ourselves?


由于SAT是针对高中生升大学的考试,因此写作话题不需要具备单项的专业背景知识,但话题涉及范围却非常广泛,包括文学、艺术、运动、政治、技术、科学、历史及时事。我们需要注意的是SAT的Official Guide中清楚地说明The essay readers are not looking for one correct viewpoint。




第一题:Should heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the courage to say it? 英雄是否应该定义为这样一种人:当我们缺乏勇气表达自己内心想法的时候,他们却勇于说出自己的真实想法?


第二题:Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are? 顺境不足以挑战我们,我们需要逆境来了解自己,是否同意?



Without our past, our future would be a tortuous path leading to nowhere. In order to move up the ladder of success and achievement we must come to terms with our past and integrate it into our future. Even if in the past we made mistakes, this will only make wiser people out of us and guide us to where we are supposed to be.

This past year, I was auditioning for the fall play, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. To my detriment I thought it would be a good idea to watch the movie in order to prepare. For two hours I studied Elizabeth Taylors mannerisms, attitude, and diction, hoping I could mimic her performance. I auditioned for the part of Maggie feeling perfectly confident in my portrayal of Elizabeth Taylor; however, I was unaware that my director saw exactly what I had been thinking. Unfortunately, I didnt get the part, and my director told me that he needed to see Maggie from my perspective, not Elizabeth Taylors.

I learned from this experience, and promised myself I would not try to imitate another actress, in order to create my character. Persevering, I was anxious to audition for the winter play just two months later. The play was Neil Simons Rumors, and would get the opportunity to play Chris, a sarcastic yet witty role, which would be my final performance in high school. In order to develop my character, I planned out her life just as I thought it should be, gave her the voice I thought was right, and the rest of her character unfolded beautifully from there. My director told me after the first show that Rumors was the best work hed ever seen from me, and that he was amazed at how Id developed such a believable character. Thinking back to my first audition I was grateful for that chance I had to learn and to grow, because without that mistake I might have tried to base Chris off of someone Id known or something Id seen instead of becoming my own character. I utilized the memory of the Elizabeth Taylor debacle to improve my approach to acting and gave the best performance of my life so far.



Is the opinion of the majority-in government or in any other circumstances-a poor guide?

The entire idea of democracy centers around majority rule, where laws and standards are put into effect if most of the citizens support it. However, if people concentrate on only the majority in each circumstance, they often forget the voices and rights of the minorities. Simply because a person is in the minority of an opinion does not mean he can be ignored, for in a true democracy all the citizens are guaranteed the same rights. Thus in some circumstances strictly following the opinions of the majority is a poor guide to determining what actions to take.

The days before Americas Civil War, when slavery was prevalent, demonstrate that following majority rule often fails to respect peoples moral rights and liberty. The majority of white people in the early 1800s supported slavery because of the benefits they received from the suppressed blacks. Thus, the government reluctantly allowed slavery to be legal in America, despite the terrible sufferings of the slaves. The degraded slaves underwent uncountable terrifying experiences-they were beaten, separated from their families, and forced to toil laboriously in fields their entire lives. And because the government believed majority ruled,the slaves lived in such conditions until the Emancipation Proclamation was written during the bloody Civil War. Had the government not followed the opinions of the clamoring whites, slavery could have been abolished much sooner, and much suffering could have been avoided. Thus, in this circumstance of freedom vs. suppression, the opinion of the majority served as a poor guide to follow by the U.S. government.

